Friday 12 June 2015

Big Brother 2015

Hello there guys! This is probably going to be a long post as I have a lot to talk about. As you have guessed this post is going to be about the TV show Big Brother, because I do love it. And basically I am just going to be talking about some of the things I have liked/disliked. Mainly disliked.Let's start off with contestant thoughts:
Aaron: at first I was indifferent towards him, but then he started acting like a dick, mainly towards one other housemate who I happened to like, so I would get slowly furious at him, because he kept being quite sexual towards this housemate, mainly when drunk. One night he went too far by repeatedly flashing the housemate, rubbing up against him and getting into his bed whilst naked, so Big Brother removed him. In all fairness his pathetic cry was hilarious. 

Adjoa: Her name always confused me, and her voice irritated me because she would just talk really slowly, which was a little patronising. But she was a nice housemate. She was the second to be evicted which I kind of predicted as she was one of those you didn't really notice.
Amy/Sally: These were twins so classed as one housemate. I didn't mind them. They didn't really do anything in my opinion but in comparison to others I would have rathered they stayed. The only thing they really did was put on make-up and have a couple of arguments with people. 
Chloe: At first I thought she would annoy me, as she has one of those accents, but she is really sweet and I wouldn't mind if she one. Obviously I would rather some others to win though. The only thing that really gets me is when she got into an argument with another housemate and she kept calling him boy and I was like ugh just irritating, even though she had every right to fight back at him. 
Cristian: To me he is just the puppy of the house. Mainly because his face is just like a little lost puppy dog. I feel like he doesn't really do much apart from being the "pretty one" I typed it like that because to me he is not pretty. If he didn't win I would not be sad about it. 
Danny: I don't really care to be honest. He has formed a dad like role in the house, and sticks up for other housemates who need it. So for that I kind of like him, but he doesn't really do much. 
Eileen: I'm not entirely sure how I felt about her. She was a little out there which normally I love but sometimes I felt she tried to hard, which kind of put me off. My mum really liked her though. I did feel bad for her when she was nominated by someone she considered to be her best friend, like that was low. However she continued to be his friend and I was like no, don't do that and then she was evicted because of it. 
Harriet: At first I didn't want to like her because she said she would vote for Ukip if she voted, but she was actually ok. She would stand up for herself, take no bullshit, and was nice at times. However she let herself down as she pretty much egged Aaron on with the whole naked charade. 
Jack:  He is one of the three I want to win. However, he is slightly irritating me as all he does is moan about well everything. He was one of the favourites at one point as was offered a £27 million car or something, but refused it which my dad says is bullshit. 
Jade: She annoyed me at first. But she's Irish so I want to love her. She spends a lot of time with a housemate I like and it makes me like him a little less. There is this weird thing she does with her voice which irritates me (and annoys the shit out of my mum) she like talks like a baby. 
Joel: He is adorable. One of the youngest housemates, yet he reminds me and Hal of our Grandad. I don't want to admit this but he is an aspiring politician which normally I would hate, but Joel is a really nice guy. Watching him the other day slut drop was hilarious. Sidenote he was the housemate in the naked incident. Hence my frustration.
Kieran: He too had one of those annoying voices but he didn't really do anything, just became a fatherly figure. I was a little shocked when he was evicted because I thought some people were more deserving (like Danny) but I guess they were both as boring as each other. 
Nick: Another one of my favourites. He is like this posh boy who is just really funny. But he has this problem of just spending all his time with one housemate and ignoring everyone else for hours which isn't very entertaining.
Sarah: At first she was ok, and I was starting to like her, as she was nice but spoke her mind when she needed to, and she did a lot of work for the house. But then she fucked it all up by saying that the naked incident was Joel's fault because he gave mixed signals about his sexualty because he dressed up in Eileen's clothing. Which is way out of order because it is essentially saying that girls who dress like sluts deserve to be raped. So I was glad she got evicted when she did. (By the way Joel is straight, and made it very clear he wanted Aaron to stop flashing and grinding him).
Simon: From the start I hated him, because he said showbiz like 20 times in 2 minutes. and not just saying but going the whole shabang to the point you wanted to stab him every time. Luckily there was a twist on the first night and his timebomb said eviction.

Holy shit that was just introductions :/

A main thing that has annoyed me about this season was one of their timebomb twists. Basically the housemates all nominated and put up Joel, Cristian, Nick, Jade and Eileen. But they twisted it around so that all of the other housemates were up for eviction (Jack, Danny, Kieran, Chloe, Sarah, Twins, Harriet) and then Jack used this immunity pass he got on the first night to not go up. Here they decided they were going to evict four of these housemates. FOUR. Like I don't mind the fun quadruple eviction, but if you are going to have it, place ALL of the housemates up so it is fair. Because I believe Jade and Cristian might have gone instead which I would have liked. But I guess I can't control that. Along with this twist they added some new housemates
Harry: She works as a sexperson (can't remember the exact job title) and she decides to walk around the house naked. That is my main fault with her, because when she wears normal clothes she just comes across as a great housemate. However recently she has been a bit depressive which is upsetting. 
Marc: TWAT. But again he's Irish so I want to love him. But he is just a major cock. He portrays himself as a lad, and has banter which goes too far and becomes way too offensive. Calling housemates cumbuckets and saying that one of them is going for an STD check. He makes it his mission to annoy everyone and it pisses me off. However he can have his moments of decency but they are rare. 
Sam: At first I kind of liked her as she seemed fun and bubbly but she would contradict herself. Like she doesn't like Marc's banter but she spends all her time with him and then says she does, and then says that because her and Marc have been getting close she wants to back off because she doesn't want to be seen in that way, but then gets into bed with him with only her underwear on and snogging him. Like what the fuck. 
Then The worst happened. They brought Showbiz back. Who became a total bitch backstabber who nominated Eileen even though she was so happy to have him back which he knew, and then be nice to Chloe and then tell her he doesn't like her to the point she starts crying. Then threatens to leave and fake cries for attention. UGh. Hope he leaves next. 
So not much has really gone on apart from a couple of arguments and the tasks. The next twist occurred tonight where there was a fake eviction between the nominated housemates Marc, Simon and Sam. Where one of them would go into the secret room to do some spying and joining them is housemates from the past. In my mind I hoped it would be people like Nikki, Josie and a different Mark. But I guess...I was right about Nikki! The other returned housemates are Brian who is like an idiot housemate from years and years ago who won, and Helen who did not deserve to win the last Big Brother, because she was given a stupid pass to the final and therefore got away with bullying. It also looks like Marc is joining them which I kind of predicted. But so far I think they will be interesting and I am kind of looking forward to it. 
Wow this was long. Well done if you read all of this. See you in the 'morrow!

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