Wednesday 10 June 2015

Everything Was Chill, Apart From Exams.

Wednesday 3rd: I got up went to school in time for double biology, where we were basically just revising oxidative phosphorylation. Then our teacher had to be somewhere so I headed to the common room. Here was pretty much everyone and we got into a conversation about what feature of the other sex we find attractive. Saying things like elbow and ears. It ended up with making jokes about the decolletage. There was also a brief moment when I was just poking Alfie's cheek. Then twas break time and we all just talked in the common room while I was trying to balance Alfie's cap on my head. So much "Sweg". What concerns me more than the fact I just said that is the fact my computer thinks it is a real word. Ugh. As we no longer have to go to private study and conference (YAY) some of us decided to play cards against humanity. At lunch we kind of stopped, and we took many photos on people's phones and then ate chips. Jessie and I had media last where we were basically preparing for the exam. But as it was our last lesson our teacher bought us ice creams :') I'm going to miss them so much. After this Jessie joined me on the late bus. I think they enjoyed it. We stopped at mine briefly and then headed over to Harvey's as it was his birthday. Ashton was already there and we got into another game of cards against humanity, after making tea and basically a Kool Aid recipe for type 2 diabetes. Ashton then had to leave so we decided to play singstar. Which was hilarious and then ate some pizza, sang some more, rocked out on guitar hero, had some cake, and chilled on minecraft. It was my first ever time and I kind of enjoyed it. Then we realised that it was pretty much 10 and decided we should probably head home. So I called my sister for a little bit and then slept. 
Thursday 4th: I had an uber long lay in today, watching tv and chilling. I headed to school for lunchtime and chatted briefly. Then I only had an hour of psychology where we went through a powerpoint for aggression. which wasn't that helpful. Afterwards I walked to the bus stop and headed home. It was a very productive day at school. When home I revised for my media exam, chilled a little and then slept. 
Friday 5th: I had to be up earlier than usual for I had a morning exam. I saw Gemma first and we just discussed the exams we had, when Jessie arrived and we headed to a quick revision session with our media teacher for like half an hour. Then the time came. I think it was the best exam I have had so far. When we were finished we just chatted to people, and normally I would have had media at the time, but I didn't have to go anymore because we were finished.
Saturday 6th: Work today was pretty ordinary, but they asked me to stay behind a couple of hours later.
Sunday 7th: More work, more fun.
Monday 8th: I had another exam today, but this was in the afternoon, so I made sure I was fully rested and then headed in for p3 so that I could cram in a little revision before the exam. I spent lunch chilling though because I didn't want to completely stress myself out. I think the exam went ok, but could have gone a lot better. I went home immediately after and chilled because the exam tired me out. But I crammed in a little revision before sleeping. 
Tuesday 9th: Yet another exam, again in the afternoon. So I pretty much had the same game plan as yesterday, but more having a group discussion in the common room. Mainly lots of cuddles. Then it was time. We shall not talk about the rest. I got a lift home with Emma and then decided that I am pretty much going to give up with psychology and chilled. A lot. I also went to sleep pretty earlier for some unknown reason. 
See you in the 'morrow!

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