Tuesday 2 June 2015

The Not Interesting Week.

Wednesday 27th: I basically had this day to do some revision and to chill for a little bit. 
Thursday 28th: Today I went to go see my nanny in Hemsby. When we arrived I hugged my nanny and got immediately to my role of tea making as we drank we all just chatted about anything. After that mum decided she was hungry and sent me to go and get some chips. Here I got upset because I was looking forward to a slushy that I usually get but the place was closed. I returned with the chips and chatted as we ate, finished then chatted some more. I then decided to go up the road with  my dad to go on the 2p machines.  Then we went looking for icecream but settled on Slushies we found at a different place. We got back to the others had little more of a chat and drove home.
Friday 29th: Work scheduled me a shift today, and it was pretty normal, so not much to day about it. When I finished I headed to the bus stop and ran into Jessie, Harvey, Ashton and Eddie which was nice and then Harvey and Ashton and I got on the bus home. The entire time we were telling Harvey how he wasn't going to make it home in time (he only just did because he sprinted to his house as soon as he got off the bus) and me telling Jessie about what Ashton wanted to do to Harvey. At home I chilled because work made me too tired. 
Saturday 30th: More work. Woop.
Sunday 31st: I planned to just meet up with some people today, as I needed to see Lish, but when I woke up it was raining and the sky did not look like it would clear up any time soon so we decided to bail on the idea. Which is annoying because there are few opportunities where I can see Lish. So I spent the day revising and chilling. 
Monday 1st: I had a small lay in today as the teacher I would have had first said he wouldn't be there. I walked in and sat in the study centre for a bit before my media lesson, basically just worked through essay structure for the exam on Friday. Break was pretty uninteresting, just talking to Gemma and Siobhan about work and exams and things. I decided to skip psychology to do revision for the exam I had in the afternoon, got enough done, but still felt the exam went horrifically. But I'm not too bothered. Lunch before the exam was pretty chill. After my exam I headed onto the late bus with Emma, Emily, and Harvey but then we all got back off as Emma's dad offered us a lift, in which we took a small Disney quiz. Then at home I felt like doing nothing. 
Tuesday 2nd: I got more of a lay in today, which was nice, and then I spent some time cuddling the cat before getting ready for school. I didn't need to be in for private study but I decided to go in to force myself to do some revision. On the way to school I met Giancarlo and we talked about his exam and his hair chalk. Break was just messing about with said hair chalk. Then I had two hours of study where I printed off some revision material for my media exam, as well as trying to complete past papers for biology but may have gotten a little distracted by youtube. But I still think I got some work done, more than I would have done at home. After this was lunch where we played cards against humanity which I actually won, because Ashton kept betting his black cards and I managed to snag them away from him. Last was double psychology where we actually were taught something, leaning the entire gender topic. Then it was a small wait for the late bus just talking about random things, and on the late bus Amy and I were mainly discussing how we are finishing soon and how we hope we can stay in touch with everyone. At home I chilled and revised a bit, finished this off and I shall head off to sleep. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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