Monday 22 June 2015

Exam Chat.

So I haven't really spoken about my exams since I sat them. In all honesty I haven't really blogged much since. But I thought I would take this opportunity to talk about how I felt each one went and come results day we can see how right/wrong I was. 

My first exam was a resit for the failure of psychology unit two. I had revised a lot more for it and felt confident walking in. Luckily all went well, and I am feeling good about this one. 

Next I had another resit for biology unit two but I wasn't as bothered by this one as I had a good overall grade from last year. Plus I didn't want to spend all my time revising for this one but then fail the two I hadn't gotten a grade for. So it went badly but I was not bothered by this. 

Then started the A2 exams, first was Media, which I was very confident for as we had worked a lot on it in class. The only thing I wasn't feeling great about was the inclusion of facts but I think it I put enough in. A great thing about this exam was that I only need 35/90 to get a B grade overall and I am super confident that I got that. 

The Monday after that was biology unit three which started off well as I was excited to see a chloroplast question through the very thin paper. But it started to go downhill from there. Luckily it isn't worth as much as unit four so I decided I shall work harder for that. There was one question which just reminded me of the deathly hallows and that  was all I could focus on. 

On the following day I had psychology unit three exam. Basically the bullshit exam. Already it was difficult enough as you had to learn like 30odd things in great detail but they only test you on three of them, and then they tripped us all up by asking about research. And I have this thing I like to call research dyslexia where I can't match names to what they did and which theory it  was for. So I was fucked and I cried for 2/3 of that exam before I decided it wasn't worth it and wrote a paragraph to the person marking it saying sorry for wasting their time. 

Exactly a week after was the final psychology exam which I had pretty much given up on. However I think it went ok, but that is all I will say on it, because it is highly likely I am completely wrong. 

Again the following day I had another exam. My final ever exam. Which wasn't bad so it was a nice exam to end it all with. Like the other biology exam I felt like it started going downhill but that was only towards the end and I don't think it turned into as much of a disaster. 

So overall, I don't think I have gotten good grades. Which rather upsets me, but I guess it is my fault for having the kind of wing it attitude towards 6th form. On the plus side, I do not need my exam results for anything as I have an apprenticeship set-up which only requires Maths and English GCSE's which I got very high grades in. So yay! 

Sorry I haven't been posting much but things should start coming back on track, however I might alter the schedule depending on how busy I get (with work and such) plus my life isn't that interesting so that might need to change. Just don't give up hope. Love you guys in a friend kind of way :)

See you in the 'morrow!

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