Friday 3 July 2015

PICks Of The Month: June

Hiya, so as I have been away the past week, I had planned all the posts for the following week. But I forgot that a new month has begun so I need the PICks. But I don't want to shift anything, so I thought I would just do a quickie now. Mainly because I have been too busy this month for all this stuff. But here you go. Better than nothing. 
Tv Show: Wow I have no idea about this one. I haven't really been watching a lot of TV aside from Big Brother. I guess 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown because it's pretty funny. Basically it's just a funnier bad version of Channel 4's Countdown. 
Youtuber: Umm... Well I have never actually mentioned him yet so I believe he deserves his place here as I have started watching Pewds' new series Catherine, so his name just came to mind. Plus I do watch his videos and find them entertaining. So this month shall go to the number one youtuber (purely because he has the most subscribers) PewDiePie. He is mainly a gamer but has started to develop into more of a hybrid, which is interesting but takes away from what made him popular I guess. I still love him though. He's FABULOUS!

Blog Post: There has been a sufficient lack of post this month so it makes my job a little easier. I might just say my Big Brother chat as it was pretty hefty so you couldn't be bored by it. Well you could, but you couldn't complain it lacked in content. If you want to read this click here. 
Dream: It was a recentish dream, but basically I remember being in this house which was a mixture of Jessie's home and my grandparents. Basically we were waiting to be taken home in the dark, but there were zombies around, and I just remember being panicky of everything and I think I was talking to the triplets about this. Twas a small and weird dream.
Song: Hmm... Well it played at our 6th form ball and reminded me of a fun time. DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT.  I was very happy when I heard it playing. 
Game: I have played this game a lot this month, therefore it is here. I have written a blog post about the game which you can read here. It is highly addictive and the aim is to just get to number one. I've made it to five though. 
And finally...Picture: There was a lot of good pictures this month, mainly due to the 6th Form Ball. So as that was a big event I filtered the photo's down to one from that night, and I shall go with this one. Because I enjoyed the fact we were all trying to take selfies on different phones so didn't know where to look. 
As this is a short post you get a fun little bonus. Mainly because I like these pictures and feel they need to be shared. ENJOY THE BONUSES FROM THE HAIL WHALE. I don't know why I just said that last sentence. 
So that is that for this month. Hope you enjoyed these. See you in the 'morrow!

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