Friday 22 May 2015

The Sims Tag!

It has been a long time since I have completed a tag. And Maddy completed this a while ago and I liked it and thought I should save it for a time when I can't be bothered to properly write a blog. So here. 

1: How long have you been playing The Sims? Well I had the Sims2 game for the nintendo since I was a youngen (don't really remember if I'm honest) But a good 7 years? But the actual PC games I got the entirety of the first game for like £10 something like 4 years ago.
2: Who/what got you into The Sims? I just was always really interested in the game, because I like the whole creating your own character. Plus my friends would have often talked about it a lot and I really wanted the PC games but they were too expensive. 

3: What is your favourite ever expansion pack? Well out of the ones I have played, I really enjoyed Hot Date from The Original Sims, because I liked creating the dating places they'd go to such as restaurants and parks. It was great. I also liked University life from TS3. Oh but supernatural was great also. (but I haven't played with every single expansion pack ever). I do quite like Get To Work for TS4 but when it installed it pretty much fucked up the career parts of my game play, and for a game all about careers it kind of sucks. 
4: What is your least favourite expansion pack ever? I felt like TS3 Ambitions was a little pointless and I didn't really understand what I was specifically getting from that part of the gameplay.Again I haven't played with all of them though. 
5: Which Sims games have you owned? All of TS1 (Borrowed some of TS3: Generations, University Life, Ambitions, Supernatural, Seasons) and TS4: Base Game and Get To Work. Also for nintendo DS I had Sims2 and Sims2 Castaway and Sims2 pets. For Wii I had Sims3 and briefly from the library I borrowed Sims2 Pets for the playstation. 
6: If you could add a new feature to the game, what would it be? Following a sim to a teaching career or a nursery type thing as that way I can relate it more to myself when I play. 
7: What is your favourite stuff pack? Haven't really got one apart from the Festive so I guess that. 
8: Who is your favourite Simsguru? Don't really pay much attention to them (sorry...I love your work :D ) But from what I have seen I would say Graham.
9: Approximately how much money have you spent on The Sims? Technically. TECHNICALLY. I haven't spent a penny. But my dad has spent about £50ish and then Maddy spent £30 and Maddy spent a little more in the TS3 games I borrowed. 
10: Who is your favourite YouTube simmer? Official Simmer? No Idea. But Dan and Phil all the way! How can you not love Dil Howlter. 
11: How many hours have you played on the sims 4? Origin informs me it has been like 224 hours, but there was moments when it didn't account for some hours as I had no connectivity. So lets go more with 230. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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