Tuesday 26 May 2015

Business To Sleepiness.

Wednesday 20th: I somehow missed the bus this morning and had to be taken in by the mother. In double biology we were just revising genetic diagrams. Well for me it was just ensuring I was getting right. Then there was a little gossip before break which I don't really remember so we will just skip to private study where we were in F4 trying to revise but it was mainly talking about the summer and the 6th form ball. Then it was conference where we were told we had to be in the room with everyone but because I was there last week we didn't have to do the activity so we could just revise, but when there they said we could just leave. So Siobhan, Jessie and I sat in the common room revising and chatting. Group mentor was after and it was basically just bitching about things and lunch was just chatting and whatever. Jess and I had media last which was essentially revision. At home I revised and chilled and had the huge situation over hot chocolate which my parents took way too seriously. 
Thursday 21st:  First was the psychology coffee morning which involved cookies, cake and balls (these being failed brownies which Gian made into these little ball cake brownie things. They were delicious). Here people just revised and gossiped. So an ordinary psychology lesson. Break was pretty unmemorable and I think I just went to private study which I spent with Jessie and Ashton in the common room where I gave up revising to draw Flame Princess. We all chatted a bit and then Amy came in after finishing her exam and then didn't feel well so I tried making her feel better before she decided she should actually go to her lesson. More chatter and then it was lunch. Which I actually stayed for even though I usually leave because I was caught up in a conversation with the girls about 6th form ball and then the thing Connor is organising because he apparently said he wouldn't let couples or me and Maddy sleep in the same bed/room so we made this plan for all the girls to make out we were having an orgy. It was hilarious. By the time that was all over it was the end of lunch meaning I had to wait half an hour for a bus so I ended up talking to Alfie and ...Damn forgot his name...I think it's Jared or something? Then I got the bus home played sims for the first time if weeks and revised and chilled. 
Friday 22nd: I went in for private study and I did some revision but then ended up spending most of the time just talking to Siobhan about how things have changed since high school. Then break which I don't really remember. Media was more revision and then I was getting all nostalgic about how it was our 3rd from last lesson. Then Jess and I headed down to the leavers lunch. Basically it was boring. I didn't eat anything (because I never really eat in school) and there was these sheets which I actually contributed to. I got some pretty nice pictures with a few people though. Need more though. Last I had biology which was very chill. Highlight definitely being seeing Lish on the way home (even though we were stuck on the bus for over an hour, and they were being mean about how I find this girl I saw on tv very pretty) At home I chilled because I was very tired and I had a weekend of work ahead. 
Saturday 23rd: Basically a normal day at work, but because of the big weekend it wasn't as hectic as usual. Which was good.
Sunday 24th: Work again, which was pretty much dead the entire time. So much so they started sending people home early so I was out of there an hour and fifteen minutes before I should have been. Therefore I had more time to chill at home. 
Monday 25th: Yet more work, but this wasn't officially my shift as I was working extra as I couldn't make it to the Tuesday shift because of a revision day. I started off cleaning everything because it was so quiet for the amount of people and then I just changed from till to till to cover people's breaks. Saw my mum as she decided to actually leave the house for once. During my break I watched youtube with the guys and then went back for only another hour and a bit of work before just leaving. At home I revised and chilled. 
Tuesday 26th: So I was meant to go to this revision day, but I woke up at the time it started and was still super tired from how busy I have been, and I knew I would get nothing done. So I slept and when I woke up I had a bit of a relax playing sims and watching tv. Before deciding to actually do some revision as I have an exam in less than 7 days. Then chilling and finishing this post and then I shall go to sleepeth. 
See you in the 'morrow!

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