Thursday 14 May 2015


So the other day we were taking about films in the group chat and I started talking about the Animal Crossing, Professor Layton and the Tekken films I have seen I watched when I became a little to obsessed with the fictional world. (If you don't know all of these are games).

I first played Tekken as a small child on my play station, because I was so cool. Hal and I would get in competitions with each other and she'd win because if not she'd get in a strop. (As I got older I realised this was unfair and would throw a tantrum myself) Anyway.. So we owned Tekken 2 and Tekken 4 (for the PS2) we can only purchase the even numbered versions. And we would always fight as the girl characters because we are girls and sexist. So most of the game play has really been stuck to Tekken 4 as it was the recent version we owned, and we would spend ages trying to defeat the tournaments as all the characters as I wanted to watch their cut scenes and know all their back stories. 

Wait I just realised I haven't said what this game is. Essentially it is a fighting game which you can play as a single or multi-player. The latter obviously being fighting against your friends and the single player is when you fight against the computer to either learn all the combo moves to easily defeat a friend or to complete the tournament which gets progressively harder as you reach the boss level. 

Anyway... So most of the time playing was just furiously hitting buttons because who has the time to learn all the cool moves. A good part about the button mash is that eventually you hit at least one or two of these combinations. So it is a pretty simple game to play and that is why I like it, because it is just a cool way to let off a little steam and escape from life stress. I would like to play it now but I don't have the time nor the effort to plug in my play station load the game and then play it when I could be revising. 

There was a brief moment when Hal and I borrowed the 5th version from the library and we played that. I really liked it as there was some new characters and back stories, plus another awesome feature, you could play all of the original games! Which I liked as i never had the opportunity to play 1 and 3. I wish I actually owned the game. Another game I wish I owned was the 6 one, because it contains my favourite character. Alisa Bosconovtich, the Russian Japanese robot who has chainsaws for hands and can take off her head to give to the opposing player and it explodes. She's fucking cool (and the main character in the films mentioned above. 

Overall I guess it is a pretty good game, but there are many fighter games out there and you end up with the but Street Fighter is better or Mortal Combat is better. In fairness the fatalities in MC are pretty fucking cool. But as it is the game of my childhood, Tekken wins it for me. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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