Friday 15 May 2015

Facebook Time Machine.

HI guys. So I am not really sure what to blog about today, as everything recently has been about revision I feel like if I keep talking about that it would get a bit repetitive. Therefore I thought about continuing the quest to look back through my old social media. We will pick up where we left off last with my Facebook posts. If you would like to read the others I suggest finding them as I cannot be bothered to link them. There are also some twitter ones if you wish to check those out. 

I had an obsession with The IT Crowd and just had to quote it at every opportunity. How could you not? For all those who have not seen this great show go watch every single episode before reading the rest of this post. Go on. I'll wait. 
I do love pasta. I sing a song when I make it to Nightmare Before Christmas's making Christmas. MAKING PASTA MAKING PASTA FALALA!
I don't really know either.
Let's all take a minute to hate on me for using a double negative. Thank god I have learnt the error of my ways. Also I have forgotten last years, well to me it was 5 years ago. Awks...
Now I am Family Guy/lyrics of an actual song quoting. If you have not seen every episode of FG I suggest you go watch it now. Go on. I'll wait. 
I just had no effort to put tomorrow apparently. My mum is still strangely obsessed with dreadlocks. 
These moments are always an achievement. Mainly because I never learn the controls. 
That parenting. That level of conversation. Just that. 
And this too. 
I remember this, I was freaking out because after searching the house it was nowhere to be found and I didn't want to have to pay for a new one so had awkward moments explaining to the bus driver that I would get a new one and then it was just in my coat pocket the entire time. 
Aww the days when I used to get excited about my birthday. Don't get me wrong I still do. Just not to this extent. 
Hal really liked this picture for that one reason. 
Basically I was in a group with Charlotte Williams and the Triplets and we made a really good presentation and wanted to win the trip because we would appreciate the entire trip and people just assumed we wouldn't appreciate football. Like I can watch football I just choose not to because I feel it doesn't need to be that long and they do not need to be paid that much. 
NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I used to fish for comments. THE SHAME! If only I could time travel. Also I am not talking to myself it's just the person who I was talking to deleted their old account so now it is just blank. 
The classic response to this type of question. Plus I like how I have the effort to write out the various types of clothing but I can't write thanks correctly. 
These are basically just the pictures from the before mentioned party. Man I look chubs in the face. 
Everyone's reaction to school at one point or another. 
We were talking to my cousin Hollie who wanted to be invited to the sleepover I was having. She taught me some bad habits at that party. None that I kept to of course. Mainly smoking. After dropping the cigarette on the trampoline I don't think I can be a pro smoker. 
I should write a book with this kind of stuff.
Strawberries are the best. No denying it. Actually no pineapples are the best. But either way I was not going to share my strawberries. 
That was a fun manic mile. We blindfolded Kezia who was at the front of the conga line we had going on, so I had to direct her. 
Turns out I did have MSN. 
She didn't make me this cake in the end. I liked the one I got though.
I don't remember the secret. Sorry guys. 
I sent him a picture of myself when I was younger and at first he didn't get it. I don't know why but we decided to mainly communicate on each others wall than through private messages.

Well I guess that is enough for today. 
See you in the 'morrow!

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