Friday 8 May 2015

Tired. So Tired.

Wednesday 29th: I woke up late this morning so wasn't able to walk in with Harvey. But I was still on time for double biology first. This was learning about genomes and gossiping about relationships. Which led to miss stroking my arm to demonstrate a couple she saw in the cloakroom. Then it was break where we just sat in the study center talking about sims and thing. This led to private study where Maddy was watching my recent video and commenting and laughing and we chatted while I did some media work. Next up pointless conference where there was talk of bike rides school stuff and then my favourite topic. Politics. We did a survey about which party we are likely to vote for. I was 60% green party which I predicted. The other 40% was half and half labour and lib-dem. Following this was group mentor which was more politics talk. Then it was lunch where everything just continued and I was showing people holiday photos from years ago. Last was double media where we worked on exam technique, then a lonely late bus ride home, and just chilling. 
Thursday 30th: A very long lay in today, and watching some tv, having a long hug with my Sebbles. I decided to then go in and finish my psychology mock, which wasn't so bad. This went into some of lunch but then I spent the rest of the time talking to people about fruit and other things. Then I had psychology and we were just doing revision and there were weird conversations about names, Harry Potter and accents. After this I had private study with Harvey. I did some media work and psychology revision. Then there was a weird conversation about periods. On the late bus home with Amy and Harvey and Theo we talked about exams, sock puppets, and how Harvey should ask Jessie out on a date. At home I chilled watching tv and youtube. 
Friday 1st: So I got up early and decided to have a chill morning eating crumpets and get the bus that gets me in just on time. First I had double biology and we were just doing revision on some biodiversity stuff as well as finding out the gossip from our teacher. Then twas break which wasn't anything special, then it was double media which was more exam prep, reading magazines, Jessie and I were attacking each other with the free cologne samples. Lunch was brief, but there was the reveal of exam people hijacking our common room. All the obnoxiously coloured chairs were stacked in the corner but I have claimed one as my chair still. Even though it is upside down. 
Saturday 2nd: WORK! Gotta love work. Pretty normal day. 
Sunday 3rd: Original plan was to go out, but mum wasn't feeling well, so I chilled. 
Monday 4th: MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!!! Normally today would have been my day off, but it was a bank holiday so work decided to give me an 8 hour shift (ended up being more like 9) and that was what I did, there was some funny moments with the manager cashing the float up incorrectly about 3 times. But a pretty normal day at work, then I got home and was so tired.
Tuesday 5th: So I went to 6th form and had two hours of study where I was too tired to revise so spent a lot of time talking to Amy about the common room. Then break blahdeblah and then it was two hours of biology where we did more revision on abiotic factors and got cups of tea. Love our bio teacher. Lunch was mainly taking photos and telling Jessie and Harvey they belong together. Finally I had double psychology which was more revision and then the late bus home where we were discussing how cute Jessie and Harvey are and then I went home and grabbed some money as mum needed bread and milk, then I went to Harvey's as he wanted to get money. Main points about his house: Very Bright, Big Fish, "Toilet" Game. Then we went to Co-op where they were selling a box of 16 Ferrero Rocher for £2.50 HAD TO BUY THOSE! Went home ate more than is respected and then I genuinely fell asleep. At like 8:15. 

Hence why this post is late. And for the past couple of days I have just been falling asleep incredibly early, so I apologise. But no offence blogging is not my main priority right now, so there may be times in the future when there is gaps but doesn't mean I love you any less. Just means I am too busy/tired. Maybe I will reschedule and create a new plan. Maybe. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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