Monday 11 May 2015

Uncertainty...Or Is It?

So I had today's post all planned out in my head. But now things have kind of changed, which means I don't really have a blog post. However, I decided that I was just going to write the blog as planned (as some things I still wish to include) and then correct the other part. 

Basically this post is about how there is this big uncertainty in my life, and usually I hate that. I hate casual plans that are like when can meet whenever, and it's like no I'd like a time so I know when to do this that and those. But yeah I like to have a plan. Therefore the problem is, I don't have a plan. So many things are uncertain from this point and it is freaking me out. 

My grades can go any which way. It truly depends on the question. Luckily I think I will get a high grade in Media purely because of the high coursework mark, and I think I have the essays to a reasonably good standard. Biology I feel I need to work a lot for and it would be very dependent on the topics which come up. But a lot of practice is going into that. Psychology again it depends on the question. But when there are like 3 out of a possible 20 questions you get pretty panicky about how well you could do. Plus I hate evaluating because I can think of two points and that's it. I need like 16 marks! On the bright side it's not like I need the grades for Uni. 

I  have no idea on what career I am doing...Is what I was originally going to say! Because today I got a very happy phone call from my apprenticeship saying that they really liked me and would like to give me a position but the final "official" decision has to come from Head office so she called to give me a heads up. So I am very happy because this is something I really want to so :D Also if I work super hard at it and they like me, they are more than likely going to offer me a full time position. Which means that is that sorted. 

Basically some of my life is filled with uncertainty, some I haven't mentioned (mainly because too tired) and I am not comfortable with it. But I guess the only way to live is through exploration and just going in at the deep end. I'm not even sure what I am saying anymore because I am so tired. I'll just sleep.

See you in the 'morrow!

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