Tuesday 12 May 2015

Revise. Work. Tired. Sleep.

Wednesday 6th: I went to school in time for double biology (on the way bumping into Jess and Harvey so I could borrow a pen). At the beginning of the lesson as I usually do I go and see the pet rat, he hasn't been doing well since his brother passed and today he seemed pretty scrawny but still breathing. And miss was talking about how if she didn't know whether to put him down or let nature take it's course. So then we did some work and when she left to photocopy some things and I checked on the rat. Nature took its course. Biology was a downer from there. Break time was pretty much just telling people about this. So private study was just revising and then pointless conference was more politics bullshit. Lunch was sitting around taking pictures and chatting, and then Media was exam prep. I chatted to people for a bit before getting the bus home to chill. 
Thursday 7th: Today was different (and not just because it was election day) Instead of going to 6th form I went for a practical interview. Bonus meant I got a lay in. So I got there and sat with the other candidate for a bit, awkwardly, while waiting for the third person who never showed. Guess that makes my chances better. Then we were asked a couple of questions shown around the place and I spent around 4 hours in some different rooms just helping out. It was adorable and amazing, and I hope I get the apprenticeship, but if I lose out to the other girl I don't mind, she seemed better than me. I chatted to her as we left, and then went home, to relax on sims, and recall the events to my mum and then Hal when she called. 
Friday 8th: I had to return to school today, starting with two hours of study, but I spent some of this talking to a teacher about 6th form life and the election results. He wasn't happy. then yeah I was revising and laughing at the innuendos in Jessie's graphics work. Break we were kicked out of the common room (pissed off) so we chatted in the study center about elections and ships. Then I had double media with Jess which was more exam stuff. Lunch was describing people's lives using CAH cards, and then playing a little CAH before we got kicked out of the common room AGAIN! (pissed off even more). Lastly I had biology where we revised excretion and chatted about drunk stories. Then I got the bus home with Emma talking about many things, as we do. At home I chilled. 
Saturday 9th: Work. Tired. Sleep.
Sunday 10th: Work. Tired. Sleep.
Monday 11th: I went in just in time for media where we were discussing exam stuff again, reading magazines and talking about films. Then it was break where I sat on the tables in the common room discussing exam stuff. Next was psychology where we gossiped and revised, and then I waited for my sister and my mum as I was done for the day. We drove to this pub and met with my grandparents who I haven't seen since before my birthday so they presented me with a cake and some presents. Which was nice. So we had a meal chatted, Hal and I briefly went to Sainsbury's to buy stuff and then we went home to play sims, and I got some news. And slept. 
Tuesday 12th: Now today I woke up with an on off headache so decided to stay off from school to revise at my own pace, but then mum and Hal were going to Hemsby to see my other nanny, who I haven't seen since before my birthday also, and I really wanted to go see her, so I went. We had a nice time chatting and went out for a meal. I was so full on the way back, then Hal and I went to the amusements and I won some skull things and then we went home again and I watched youtube and revised and slept (well not yet as I am finishing this but sleep is what I shall do next).

See you in the 'morrow!

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