Monday 2 February 2015

PICks of the Month: January

So I was reading Lish's blog, like I do everytime she posts, and it has gotten to the point where I feel I shall start a series she has been doing for a while. You know the classic youtuber thing when they talk about their "favourites" of the month that has just past. If you would like to see Lish's recent one you can click here! 

However, I am not much of a beauty person so I can't really talk about my favourite make up thing, or my favourite clothing item. So I am just going to make up my own categories that will occur every month. I might call these my pick of the month though because I don't like the word favourite a lot, because then I feel like it is a major contest.  I really want to have each of them come with a picture, then it is like PICk of the month. I don't really know what I am saying here.So these are my January: Pick of the Month. 

Tv Show: Well this month I have been obsessed with Celebrity Big Brother, so we will have to go with that won't we. I just love the bitchiness and some of the people. But Perez needs to fucking leave. 
Youtuber: I would say this month I have been watching an awful lot of Danisnotonfire, as I decided to start going back through his old videos one afternoon. Still not finished watching them all. 

Blog Post: I would say my best post of this month (in my opinion) these are from my blog by the way, would have to be "I'm Having Twins!" (Read it here) because when I was writing about it it just reminded me of the fun me and my sister had playing it. (The pic only shows half of the children by the way)
Dream: Maddy has been talking a lot about dreams so I thought this would be fun. I don't recall many of my dreams, but the one that stands out the most is the one I had in the last week or so, and I was getting ready for my own wedding. And I remember getting freaked out because my bridesmaids were being all ugh and I was just running around trying to sort out other people's shit. I remember my hair being really nice, and it was all I obsessed about that when I woke up. Mainly because it managed to look nice when up and my hair never looks nice when it is up. 

Song: I have really been liking Fall Out Boy's What A Catch Donnie, right now. There is just something about that song that gets me everytime, and I just can't help but sing it.

Game: There are a lot of games that have stood out to me this month, but it has to be Cards Against Humanity all the way, simply because it is fun for groups of people, and to me having fun with others is more important, than fun on your own. 
And finally...Picture: (This is any picture in my January folder on fb) And it has to go to this one, because Giancarlo just looks so happy, and you cannot help but smile when seeing it. 

So those were my PICks of the month. What were yours? I know no-one will answer but it's still nice to ask. Plus if anyone has any category choices they think I should include suggest them. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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