Thursday 26 February 2015

I Am Looking Forward To...

Hello I am going to look on the positive side of things (because mock week hasn't been the best thing ever) and tell you about some things I am looking forward to. 

I am looking forward to spending more time with my sister before she goes back to Derby:Playing sims, and watching Eastenders with her is going to be amazing. 
I am looking forward to paintballing on Sunday for Emma's birthday as I have never been before and I think it will be a great laugh. 
I am looking forward to mine and Maddy's birthday because I hope it will be just as great as last year. 
I am looking forward to earning more money at work, because there is a slight moving out plan developing and money is useful for this. 
I am looking forward to the day of my final exam and I can just scream excitedly about how the stress is all over. 
I am looking forward to the 6th form ball, because it will be a great memory with some people I will probably never see again. 
I am looking forward to Summer as I can start relaxing some more, by playing sims, watching youtubes and reading around. 

And that is just a few things of this year I am looking forward to. There are probably some more things like if the guys ever meet up things like that but I don't know if they are happening so cannot really mention them. But these happy little positive things to look forward to can hopefully get me through my final mock, and some of them even through my actual exams. Just thinking about the light at the end of the tunnel. Not in a reaching heaven way though. 

Stay positive!

See you in the 'morrow!

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