Monday 23 February 2015

Impending Doom.

Hello. So for my friends at 6th form reading this, today marks the first day of mocks. However, for me (who is writing this on Sunday) it is the last day to cram in revision. And I am stressing. Like really bad. It is pretty much at the stage of I want to give up cry in a corner and consider giving up on life entirely because I just don't like being told I am going to fail. 

I mean I probably should have started revision sooner, so if I fail I hope it can kick me into shape to be more motivated to do revision for the real exams and hopefully I can actually do well then. But that is the future I guess. However I only have 84 days until my first exam. FREAK OUT TIME!

So sorry this is a short post but I am in the middle of stressing the hell out, and I need to do some major revision for the week of impending doom, but I will probably end up crying. I guess I could just update this tomorrow after my first mock, but I am scared this will confuse me as well as others. But anyway what the hay I bet no-one really cares. 


See you in the 'morrow!

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