Tuesday 3 February 2015

Chilling and Stressing

Wednesday 28th: I woke up early, which I wasn't that pleased about, but I got ready and got together a bunch of props I needed for filming today. Then I got on the bus with Harvey and was talking about some random things, like we usually do. There was some fun moments sitting in the common room, like the chair roll game and Harvey's weird sitting positions, but then I had to go to biology, where I found out one of the rats has cancer, and I felt sad. We also did work on genetic inheritance if you were wondering.Then it was break which I never really remember, so we are going to move onto to private study, where I tried trimming down my media essay some more because I am over the word count. Hopefully when that happens I can get full marks (according to my teachers). Next up we have pointless conference. Yay. This week we have most of the same stuff that happened last week! YAY! Then followed by a traumatising video from the holocaust of people just flinging the jews dead bodies into these pits as if they were rag dolls. 6th form really knows how to put you in a good mood :/ After this was a group mentor chat about the EU, and my only point was it would be hypocritical if we left, because I literally know nothing about the EU. Then Jass and I went to do media filming and had some fun with this. Then I went home and continued with my revision plan, which included trying to revise for the psychology assessment for tomorrow. 

Thursday 29th: I got to have a very nice lay in today, and when I woke up I watched big brother. UGH PEREZ! His return to the main house has turned Nadia into such a little bitch. UGH. Then Bones which showed me how good I am at predicting what is going to happen. I finally had to get ready after that and head to school. Once there I sat with Giancarlo trying to revise some more, but we got too distracted listening to fall out boy and talking about bush sex with Hayden. Don't ask. At Lunch we played CAH as usual, then it was time for a psychology assessment, which in my opinion wasn't great, but could have gone a lot worse. After this was more private study where I tried to revise for the biology test I have tomorrow and then talking about how much I am just going to fail at life, and then this conversation some how ended with me being curious about what human flesh tasted like. Then the late bus home where I was complaining about getting home, then talking to Amy about grades and such. Once home I distracted myself from the failure of revision with sims and youtubes before deciding I wasn't going to give up on my plan and decide to do some revision. 

Friday 30th: As per usual I start to update this daily and give up. So back to trying to remember everything that happens. I woke up just in time to get to my biology lesson, where we did some revision for a test and she seemed impressed with the notes I made in the hour. Then we sat the test and I thought it went ok. Turns out it didn't. But then it was break which wasn't that interesting (I can't tell because I cannot remember it) and then Jessie and I went to Media where we chatted to sir about superheros and coursework and other stuff, then chatted to miss about coursework and prop guy. Part way through this double period I received a phone call from the school. I wasn't able to answer it in time, due to me being in a lesson and all, but went to go check the voice mail encase it was important. It was from Dawnvader being all like I don't know where you are but you have an attendance meeting with Mrs Kelleway. I was really tempted to go down to her office at lunch and be like you should know I was attending my media lesson. So Ally came to find me to say the same thing and that I could have the meeting during mentor. I walked in we spoke briefly she heard it has reached 91% and said I could go. Such fun. Then I went home and did the usual at home things. 

Saturday 31st: I didn't have work today so I just chilled at home, doing some work, playing some sims, and watching big brother. 

Sunday 1st: Today I planned to do media filming with Jass. I got ready and was at her house just before eleven, and she had only just woken up. So we chilled for a bit drinking tea and watching MLP. Went to ASDA to buy things to make lunch for the group. We then ate lunch watched some youtubes and ended up on a weird site. Then we returned to filming and managed to finish everything and had time to squeeze in a little GTA before I went home. And you guessed I did the usual at home thing.

Monday 2nd: No school for me today so I decided to sort out my room, watch tv, play sims, and do some work. I know very exciting. 

Tuesday 3rd: I woke up got ready and went to school, feeling very tired. I met up with Amy and we went to private study together and I very lazily did some revision and sort out homework for a teacher I later found out was not even in today. So I went to break complaining about this and just collapsing because I was tired. Then I went to biology where I found out how bad I did in the test. We started the next module playing top trumps with plant hormones, and then watching a video of a parachuting dog (nothing to do with the module) But she made us tea which made me feel  a little better. At lunch I decided to go home with Emma, since my psychology teacher wasn't in, and I knew I would be more productive at home than in the class. So we walked talking about Em's birthday among other things. Then at home I relaxed for an hour before cracking on with work. Which stressed me out because I didn't get it. Then I blogged. Yay. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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