Thursday 19 February 2015

Read Some Tweets.

Random Friday is temporarily moving to Thursday (today). For this post we are going to just continue reading through my old tweets from almost 3 years ago, and laugh at how silly I was. 

First we have this, I don't remember this, but my mum does call me some weird things sometimes.
Amy tweeted Lish saying: Woooooo get you! and this was my response. But I can't find what Lish said. :/
I remember this, we were playing dizzy dinosaurs and I just didn't stop. Good times. 

Amy tweeted about her results in the art exam, my response. I knew she would do fine because she is Amy. Then her, Lish and I got into a conversation about grades and the art exam. Stuff like a C is good, and mine went badly. Mine was terrible in fairness. I really liked it during the first 5 hours, then nope.

Emily tweeted saying that she only just realised Tom Jones was Welsh, after thinking her was American. Oh Emily indeed.

Most of my tweets from here are just me sharing videos from my old youtube channel with my friends. So we shall just skip all of these. But if you want to see any of the videos click here!
Amy talking about her holiday and I was confused because I could have sworn she told me a different date.
I join in with Amy and Lish's conversation about going swimming.

Lish tweeted that she was Buzzin' for Friday and this was why I thought she was. I was buzzing for that. Then Lish got confused by my joke. It turns out she was excited for my birthday party :)
Trying to get Amy to come to my sleep over. She said she couldn't and I tried to guilt trip her apparently. So nice.

Hannah Tweeted that she hadn't started her art work yet, so I was sharing how I hadn't either. Good to know I even procrastinated back then.
Amy tweeted about catching up with a TV show we usually discussed together.
Hal had actually tweeted which she never did. Then she called me Sherlock Holmes, and I said how everyone says that to me so I must be a true Benedict Cumberbatch. Damn now I want to watch Sherlock.
I join Siobhan and Hannah's conversation because I notice a double negative. Such a grammar Nazi. Then the following tweets were just talking about Physics lessons and then briefly History.
Lish did the indirect tweet about someone so they know you are upset, so I thought I would tell her that I am here for her. I still am :)
Amy tweeted about how we watched Sherlock in English. I do miss those lessons. I remember how during exams we watched Sherlock and people from Geography walked in and it was the bit  were Mycroft told Sherlock to put his trousers on. Good times.
Amy tweeted Lish about (Who I assume was Ellen at the time of her surgery) So this was my part of the conversation.
Just telling Amy I am always here for her after she tweeted about how awful her day was.
Aww. I still love Once Upon A Time. I can't wait for it to come back!!!!!! So excited! I actually enjoyed the Frozen section I thought the snow magic was really well done. I don't know why I put a kiss on the tweet though?
Siobhan was/maybe is very obsessed with a band called Big Time Rush and I promised that I would try to get them to tweet her back or something to make her happy. I am such a good friend. 
Like I still do, because I just have to know what other stories they can do! Plus Leo is adorable.
Just telling Siobhan how much I love her ;)  xXx 

The joke I would make. Basically fans of Big Time Rush would call themselves Rushers and I would rush to get away from them because they were so bad blahdeblahblah, you should be able to get that on your own. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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