Tuesday 24 February 2015

Revision vs Work vs Relaxation

Wednesday 18th: My first free day of half term, and I decided to have a little revision session. I'd say it went ok, but I just don't think any amount of revision is going to help me because I don't seem to be able to remember the information for long enough.

Thursday 19th: I had work again today, it was pretty busy and I had a lot of fun in places. But I made a couple of mistakes like dropping someones food. But I ensured I was really nice to all of my customers to make up for it, because I feel as long as you are nice to people they might not mind as much. When I was being cashed up I had some fun conversations with my managers about A-levels. Then I got my stuff and headed for the bus, but I was a minute late and saw it pull away from the stop -_-  and thus had to wait half an hour for the next one, which my dad was on. So I chatted to him about work, watched Bones when I got home and I was too tired to revise so went to sleep. 

Friday 20th: Had to go into work again today, and it was slightly better than yesterday, but the bus made me arrive like 15 minutes late. I kept with my whole just be polite and the customers might not mind you getting things a little wrong or it taking a while. Because everyone wanted things that took the longest to make. But yeah it was very quiet towards the end of my shift so my manager said I could leave early, but we spent ages trying to find the book I had to sign (turns out he placed the float on top of it) so I only clocked out two minutes early. Then I went to get the bus and ate food and had a mini breakdown over revision failure things like that. I'm not coping well at the moment. 

Saturday 21st: No work today so time to revise. Apart from the fact I have little motivation anymore because everything I do just seems to go wrong. So I distracted myself for a bit with sims and youtube before trying to re-attempt the revision mess.

Sunday 22nd: Last day to revise! So most of this day was spent, trying my best to revise for Biology and crying because I feel like a failure, and the stress getting to me, so distracting myself for hours watching youtube which leads to me getting more stressed. So yeah that was my day. 

Monday 23rd: Mock day 1. I woke up and went to the bus stop and the bus was late, 15 minutes for me, but it turns out that my dad's bus never turned up either so he and I went to get a lift from mother, and we saw the bus turn up. Oh well. Then I turned up and had a quick last minute revision about ultra-filtration (wasn't even in the mock). Then talked to everyone before we headed into the room for like an hour and half half as I sat in a mock which was ok, but terrible at the same time. So only the results will tell. Then I came out chatted to Hayden for a bit, ate an apple and talked to people, then went to get the bus, then I got to bus to go see Claire. And we just chatted about everything while drinking tea for a couple of hours. It was nice seeing her again, and we agrees to have the Tea Talks more often. Then I went home played sims and had a chilled evening. Because I just wanted to avoid stress. 

Tuesday 24th: As I didn't have a mock today I did not need to be in 6th form, so I slept in, and then tried to do revision, got stressed out, helped mum with house stuff, ate food and watched waterloo road, try to do more revision, got stressed out, so played sims, then tried to do revision again, got stressed out, spoke on the phone to my sister, tried to revise again, got stressed out, and watched youtube and cried a little and I will go to sleep and hate the world. 

See you in the 'morrow! 

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