Tuesday 17 February 2015

The Busy Week Of Chilling

Wednesday 11th: I woke up with 13 minutes to get ready for the bus. Spoke to Harvey about stuff.  And headed to biology, learning about genetics and talking about other things. Then it was break and we looked at the panoramic photo, and saw Jessie's derp face, so I gave her £5 for it. Then I went to get a laptop from Miss Miah and handed in my retake money, before going to Media to edit footage and finish my draft. Which took forever to save properly, which  made me late for pointless conference. Such a shame. In conference they were talking about car accidents and showing us some pretty horrific things, then Emily just went "I have a driving lesson after this". That timing. (She survived guys, do not fear). Then it was lunch and we all sat around chatting, which then led to us teaching Emma inappropriate things. Taught her about anal beads and whipping it out. She was happy she learnt so much. Then I got a lift home with Emma and I watched some tv and did some work, and the other usual things. 

Thursday 12th: I had a very nice lay in, I showered and watched bones, ate some crumpets and lazily got ready for school. I turned up for private study and helped Siobhan revise for a test she has tomorrow and one I had later today. Then it was lunch and we played one long game of UNO, which Amy won. Well done Aims. And we chatted before heading to psychology where I had already decided I was not going to do the test, and was instead going to revise for my mock in less than two weeks. (The test wasn't relevant to the mock). And everyone was struggling and she said they could discuss answers and everything like that so to me it just seemed like more of a waste of time, so I was happy I didn't do it. She on the other hand wasn't too pleased. She finally gave us our tests back though, and I got a B+ :O So proud of myself. However now she might expect my grades to continue at this level. More private study and I went through the test. Then I got the late bus home, and we were discussing mocks and work and stuff. Then I made some p-p-p-pasta and it was good, watched tv and did work and the usual stuff. 

Friday 13th: I got to school in time for Biology and we were learning about the brain and what each part does and talking about damages and what they affect. Leading to a discussion with my teacher about HD which was nice because it was the first time I just shared a lot without breaking down. Then we heard about the 6th form ball menus and that there is no vegetarian option. So I was trying to fight for it, however I am not much of a fancy food eater so I am scared I will waste it, plus I just don't like eating in public situations because I am insecure. So I had a mini panic attack about that later on. Most of break was spent talking about the past two hours. Then it was Media and I found out that my coursework so far is a solid A which takes off some pressure towards the exam, but last year the exam went well, so Media is all goods. We also continued the ball food discussion and Champs was all like I will have your back. Then in mentor when it was brought up again Galley said the same thing. During media Jessie and I started talking in weird voices and just generally irritating each other, which continued into mentor where everything is ok and then we went to the shop and I bought her a monster because tradition. And then I went home, and sorted the house out for the weekend.

Saturday 14th: FINALLY I had work today! I got the bus and turned up with some time ti spare before my shift and everyone was talking about what they were going to do with their "bae" for valentines day. And I just sat there in silence. I worked from 11:45-19:40 and I managed to burn my arm, hit my head, fall flat on the floor, have a guy essentially strip in front of me, served Amy. Then I finally got home had some pretty bad wedges watched tv and went to bed. 

Sunday 15th: Played sims, called my sister, spoke to people, ate food drank drinks and slept. 

Monday 16th: I had work today. (By the way this week is half term if I haven't mentioned that already). Had a pretty good time. There was moments of business and quiet times so it didn't get boring but I got a lot of breakish times. I spent a lot of time cleaning somehow, and I was put on the hidden till, which I loved because no-one knows you are there so I spent my time focused on one order before I would move on. There were some really nice customers today so it was all good. Then I came home ate food and chilled and stuff. 

Tuesday 17th: I had to go into 6th form today to do some Biology coursework. I arrived slightly late, but didn't miss much and the tasks started. The first experiment made me really want to eat some kiwi. It took us almost 3 hours to complete and everyone felt it didn't go so well. So when we did the next experiment everyone was like AAH. But that was ok. I made up my results though. Then we did the evaluative paper which to me was pretty easy, apart from the last question but I just waffled. Then when I finished I looked up and Miss Q was like I love you. Which confused me, but they were both happy because I had gotten high marks in the two experiment papers when a lot of people apparently didn't do so well. So yay! Then I left before they marked the evaluative paper. I walked to the bus stop with Giancarlo and we were talking about how he is pregnant with Emily's child and he was going to let her keep it until Emily couldn't remember their night of passion. Then I got on the bus went home and did the usual at home things. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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