Tuesday 10 February 2015

More Weekly Updates.

Wednesday 4th: I woke up surprisingly early today, and weirdly I wasn't that bothered. So I had some crumpets, had a quick shower and got ready for school and waited for the bus. And waited. And waited. It didn't show. Therefore Harvey and I got the next one. On the walk to school I slipped on the ice, and fell on my butt basically. Harvey laughing at me. Then I went to biology and Miss was all like, omg you are late, you are never late. Because I am never late to her lessons. But today I was because of the stupid bus. So we learnt about genetics and stuff like that, and then had a little bitch about the panoramic photograph before we went to that. It took like half an hour and I was forced to stand on the front row. Then we went back to biology for a little bit, and then it was break, which I never remember (what a surprise) so it was private study time and I did a little revision, before pointless conference! Where they spoke to us about the learning gateway and revision. Then it finished early, which was the only good thing, so I spent a lot of lunch sharing my fun facts I learnt from biology, like how Penises are actually just a clitoris, and showing people the Shia Leobuff video (which we then went on to tell Miss Miah about during media. Where I was very annoyed about how I spent an hour of my time editing I went to go click on the save button and it was like nope there seems to be a problem and closed the fucking program. Great. I really wanted to tableflip at that point. Then I walked to the bus stop, talking to Connor and Hayden about some weird things. Like really weird. Then I got home watched a little tv and watched big brother. SO HAPPY :D And watched youtubes blog and did work. 

Thursday 5th: I decided to get the later bus, so I could have a crumpet. Then I got ready for school and got the bus. Today was less slippery which I was happy about, and Gemma and I were talking about this on our way in, as well as how some people just shouldn't overtake others in cars. I just don't like it. So I got to school and was the first one to arrive at the psychology classroom, and it had seemed to have taken forever for the class to arrive, which made me kind of nervous. But they all got there in the end, I had a hot chocolate, and we did some work on advertisement and persuasiveness. Then she gave us a project where we have to make our own advertisement following the different techniques. My favourite part of the lesson was when a teacher came in to ask if ours had any good role playing games, which we joked about and then like 15 minutes later Giancarlo and I were looking for craft stuff in her cupboard and found a things and Giancarlo was like: "why does she have a saddle?" so I responded with "it's for her role play games" and we both had a little giggle which ended with me having a laughing fit. Turns out it wasn't a saddle. Moving on, then I went to Private study instead of break to finish off a poster type thing for the project, and then I moved on to some Media editing. But I forgot the unlock key for the software, so I just watched the clips with Jessie and deleted the ones I didn't need off the computer to make it easier for myself in the edit, then I was finished, so I went home and watched Bones, and did some work, played some sims, and then fell asleep until like 8:30 where I woke up and watched youtubes and drafted some blog posts. 

Friday 6th: I went into school for Private Study, and worked on my media coursework and got the first draft essentially complete, then I did some revision for my psychology retake and chatted to Siobhanio. Then it was break which we shall just skip over, and start talking about Media where I was trying to find music to go over the start of my scene. Then our teacher wasn't in for the second hour so Jess, Siobhan, Harvey, and I played CAH in the common room, then Jessie and I went to mentor and found out our mentor was not there, chatted briefly to our old mentor, and then returned to CAH madness. I don't remember a lot apart from saying that I usually reserve my vagina for Ashton. I was referring to the card and the card only. Then it was biology and whilst doing very little work we got distracted with general chit chat. Most of which our teacher started. Then I got the bus home with Emma, talking about multiple things. Once home I watched big brother and then showered,  went to bed because I felt like shit. I barely slept through the night. 

Saturday 7th: I woke up feeling crappy, but tried to prepare myself to go to work, because I actually wanted to go to work, but when the time came and I tried and fell back down again. Damn illness. So I called work said I couldn't make it and took a nap.

Sunday 9th: Ill day, basically relaxed by playing sims, watching youtubes, and trying to do a little bit of work but pretty much failing. 

Monday 10th: Sunday night was hell and I couldn't sleep. It was basically a repeat of Friday night. So I slept through my alarms and woke up at 10:40 meaning I had missed my first two lessons at 6th form. I went downstairs, still feeling crappy and mum was like, I thought you were at school, I told Ali you were at school. So I crawled back upstairs to inform Ali of the situation and that I wouldn't be in for my other two hours of lessons. So I tried to do some work, like revise for psychology retakes and stuff like that. Whilst chilling at the same time. 

Tuesday 11th: All the chilling and relaxing worked as I felt better enough to go back to 6th form. I think the little lay in helped a lot. Then I headed to 6th form on the bus with Emily, and we were chatting about different things, which I don't really remember, and break which I remember part of. I walked into the common room and stole Gian's seat  and we were chatting to people about stuff. Then to private study where I sat an assessment for my psychology retake. I thought it went pretty well, but anything is an improvement on my U grade. Then did some biology homework before going to lunch to play CAH where we mixed things up a little and played in pairs. It was fun. Then it was psychology and we talked about stalking adverts, and never got back our assessments despite mentioning it like 3 times. Then the late bus home discussing jobs among other things, relaxing for a bit, completing the bio hw, checking my report and blogging, youtubes, and other things. So yeah. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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