Monday 2 March 2015

PICks of the Month: February

Hello! So February has ended. Man that went by fast. And I guess I have to continue the series I started, where I share my favourites. Enjoy. 

 Tv Show: So for this month I would say my tv pick is Grimm, because literally for two days I watched like 13 episodes in a binge mode. I should have been revising but at the time I didn't care because I was getting too into the story. I wont spoil too much for you if you aren't up to date. If you have no idea what this show is it is basically about this guy who can see things no-one else can and he is known as a Grimm (hence the name) and it started out being based around fairytales by the brothers Grimm and suggesting the stories are real and things like that. But now it's more about this other thing. You should try watching it
Youtuber: Well last month this was Danisnotonfire, and this month it is probably the same, because I have actually completely watched every single one of his videos. But since I don't want to put him twice in a row I will go for another thing I kind of bulk watched. This being The Super Amazing Project. However I don't watch it anymore because for months ago they changed hosts and I have lost interest. But originally it was hosted by Dan and his youtuber buddy Phil, and they would talk about weird news stories play weird games talk about spooky happenings and share twitter responses to their questions. And it was a weird 7 minutes of entertainment. 

Blog Post: I think this time I am going to go with "Read Some Tweets" because I love looking back through my old tweets because it helps me remember memories, or reminds me to never return to how I used to be because I was an idiot. So if you would like to check out this post you can Read it here.
Dream: Well I haven't really been keeping a record of all of my dreams. I remember waking up to some pretty weird ones, and some nice ones. But I don't know which I would prefer. Because even though the weird ones were like wtf, they are easier to remember so would be easier to talk about, but then the nice ones made me happy but I cannot remember them that much, like the one I had the other night. I think I will go with one of the only ones I have recorded. Basically, I was at a weird looking 6th form and I wanted to skip out on the carnival we were holding so Harvey Jess and I went to go hang out. For some reason this was my grandparents house, but in the dream it was Harvey's. So all of a sudden Hayden was there and we were just chilling and then he told me he liked me kissed me and was telling me not to tell anyone and I was scared so did nothing then tried to say I wanted to go to the carnival so we tried calling Jessie when the phone rang and I answered, the phone was a plate in the dream, but to me this was normal, and then somewhere down the line Harvey morphed into a guy I know called Jack. Pretty weird, but the plate phone is just so clear in my mind. 

Song: I chose this song because I was wanting to listen to it a lot over the month, not completely sure why but it is one of my guilty pleasure songs, because to me I shouldn't like The Vamps, but some of there songs are pretty good and I enjoy them and Last Night has been one of those songs that I have just wanted to listen to this month. 

Game: Well considering I wrote a blog post about it this month, I am going to say my favourite game is Crossy Road, because I got my awesome high score, and I have tonnes of characters, and it is just a quick fun waste of time. 
And finally...Picture: So out of all the pictures in my Feb folder I would have to say this one is my favourite simply because even though I look super ugly. I get to look ugly with Maddy. And in a weird way we look so cute, and it reminds me of a great day. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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