Tuesday 14 July 2015

A Weeky Week.

Wednesday 8th: Not really an exciting day, but I liked it.
Thursday 9th: As the dragons have started appearing in Norwich my sister has been dying to do the trail. So I said I would go with her. Hence today. First we watched Big Brother though, because priorities. Then headed out just before lunchtime and started the picture adventure. But this was quickly interrupted by a delicious Zak's meal. It was an alright time but the map to find some of dragons, and by the time we did like half of them (there are 80odd in fairness) we got tired and headed home. However during this trail we stopped off in B&M, HobbyCraft, The Television and Movie Store, and Disney. It was a cute little day even though once again my bank account doesn't quite agree. I then got home and chilled on my own for a bit, before Hal joined me and we played some Sims. Then more alone chilling and sleeping.
Friday 10th: Hal left me in the morning and after watching some Big Brother and getting ready to go out, it felt like she was never really there. Which is weird. I did miss her, but it felt more like she left the day before than a couple of hours previously.
Saturday 11th: Work as usual. But the heat made me feel very tired and ughs. 
Sunday 12th: I was meant to work today but I had the worst headache, and I felt really dizzy. I decided to give myself a few minutes before giving up but I just new that work caused it so being there would not help. So I called in sick and went back to sleep. And I slept and slept. Waking up like halfway through the day and watched tv, and still felt dizzy. The night was the worst though. When I layed down I had this really bad pain in my stomach but when I sat or stood up the pain went but I felt really sick. So I just awkwardly spread myself out on the bathroom floor. Then decided to brave it and just go to sleep.
Monday 13th: Today had multiple things going on. First I spent the morning chilling and waiting for a phone call from my apprenticeship. Then talked to my mum about it all. Then I decided to get ready to go out because I figured the call would never happen. After getting ready I went to go see Claire, who I haven't seen in ages (actually that is a lie because her, Lish and Amy surprised me at work on Saturday and some of us had a little natter then) but still we had some natterness, but I was still a little tired and ill from yesterday and we had ran out of things to talk about. But it was still nice seeing her. Then it was time for me to head out to a psychology meetup, which I was half looking forward to. I met Emily and Emma on the bus we just talked about a few things, as well as calling Maddy to see if she would be there. She wouldn't :/ When in the city we ran into Gian and walked to Bella Italia. Where some of the group were standing so we decided to head inside (it was kind of raining) one by one others arrived (like Siobhan for example) and I complained to her about the pricing of some of the items. So we decided to share a pizza. I was very complainy. Mainly because the drink tasted nothing like the drink it was meant to be and was too overpriced for it to be acceptable. It was a nice time though chatting to people and remembering memories. Our teacher also "forgot" about the event and turned up like an hour and a half late. After the meal the teachers went home but the rest of us headed to the pub to have more chats and drinks. Slowly people were leaving about basically it ended up being  Emily, Emma, Gian and I until like 11 when we went to get the bus home. I then watched some youtube and slept. Some fun parts of the night: Mitch telling us about Hannah's list of fantasy sex places, Giancarlo offering Emily his hoody when she got cold, Emma saying inappropriate things but had no idea about them, and just reliving some "bants".
Tuesday 14th: I pretty much chilled all day. Nothing exciting. Oh I made a vlog. 
So  yeah. See you in the 'morrow!

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