Friday 17 July 2015

Big Brother 2015 Finale Opinions.

Hiya. So I have just spent a day at work so am pretty tired at this point. Therefore I might just keep this a short post. Hope you don't mind. Last night was the last installment of Big Brother. If you would like to read about some of my previous thoughts on the show you can click here and then read this to kind of catch up on what is happening. 

Basically from where we last left off, Jade, Simon, Mark, Harry, and Sam were evicted (they left in that order). And there were just a bunch of old housemates going in and out. But all this left Chloe, Cristian, Danny, Jack, Joel and Nick in the final. Now from the start I have wanted Nick or Joel to win, so this is how I wanted the final to go down. 
6th: Jack
5th: Cristian
4th: Danny
3rd: Chloe
Joint Winners (because the nation would have realised they were both equally adorable and both deserved to share the place together like how they would share baths): Nick&Joel (maybe leaning more towards Joel, why? Because he slut drops to ABBA).
They were all wrong. 
Basically Cristian came 6th, which did not bother me. But Nick came 5th. 5th! It's outrageous. Reasons why he should have placed higher. He is awkwardly adorable. Jack isn't. He's posh. Jack isn't. He's funny. Jack isn't. He is a hugemungous fan of the show. Jack isn't. He's just Nick, and Jack just isn't. SO HOW DID HE PLACE LOWER? Luckily Jack was out next though. My god if he placed higher than Joel I would have lost my shit. In fairness Jack didn't need to win as he already got his hands on £23,900 from a previous task. Danny coming 3rd didn't really bother me, because I didn't want him to win so it was a decent place. But the entire time I thought the curse of 3rd place would strike again as usually when I want someone to win they end up in 3rd. Gareth and Jedward are examples. However I guess other people I have wanted to win have ended up in 5th. For example my Michelle from the last celebrity series. And people I like have started coming 2nd. Like Ashleigh. There are new curses developing. They never come 4th though. 
As you may have guessed the slut drop dancing queen did not win. Which upset me for sure. Because from his introductory video I wanted him to win. He liked scooters. But losing out to Chloe I guess wasn't so bad in comparison to the others. She's nice. 
So yeah I am a little bummed, but I am not outraged like I was for the past couple of years. Helen Wood being my main example. She is a disgusting piece of work. 
Well that is that I guess. The series is over. However Celebrity Big Brother starts next month. So look forward to my rants about that. 
See you in the 'morrow! (even though I do not blog on weekends so by 'morrow! I mean Monday, and even then I will not see you and you won't see me, so I don't know why I even say that, bye!).

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