Monday 6 July 2015


Hi. So just before I get started on this post I just wanted to say sorry for the fact that there was only post last week. Simply because I was spending some time with me sister. But that means I need to make this up to you with hopefully some excellent jam packed posts that suit your reading pleasure. If you are a commoner on my blog you would know that today is scheduled to be a kind of Elli's Thoughts posts, which is basically just my feelings about what has happened what is happening and what will happen. Basically the thoughts on all the tenses. My theme, yes I have a theme, is expectations. Because we all have them and they are what allow us to be excited and disappointed. So I thought I could fill this post with a bunch of ideas about how my expectations were about the goings on over however long I feel. 
First off, we shall go for the leavers ball. Initially I expected it to be shit. Mainly because I didn't have that good a time at Prom so I just went off that basis. Also we had to have this fancy meal, which I think I mentioned before that I was freaked out about that because I hate eating in front of people, and I hate waste, but I don't want to feel pressured into eating something I do not want to eat. Then I also thought I was going to cry because it was the last time I was going to see some people and it would just be an emotional time. However,I had a great time, I danced and laughed and it was pretty fun. I feel a little bad because some of my good friends couldn't be there to join in the fun, but it wasn't my fault I guess. The food I was right about, so my expectations were met with the disappointment, however I thought I'd like that lemon syllabub, but alas it was too lemony for my liking. I also did not cry which I was not expecting, but I guess I saw it more as a fun night to remember, and to not think about the whole it's so sad point. Overall, it wasn't what I expected, but in this case it was kind of a good thing. 
Moving on to another interesting part of the week which was a trip to Sheringham (by the way I will also be talking about these events in tomorrow's update post). This is a weird one to talk about because my expectations in some areas weren't really met but it got made up for and things got better. Basically I knew the first day was going to go the way it did, basically chilling with games/movies, and eating food, then trying to sleep but we were all too bwah. The second day was what threw me. Basically from the get go going to the beach was like a must do thing. Because what's the point of going to Sheringham if not? And we got ready to go but then all of a sudden (mainly because it was raining) I was told it was either, Arcade or Shopping, and we'll go to the beach after food. And I was like what? I got very upset because I knew it would end up being you know what let's not go to the beach, so I pretty much took it into my own hands and marched off to the beach, because I wanted to ensure I got that time in. Plus who cares if it was raining? I was going to get wet in the sea anyway. So I had a fun time, but then when we got back and tried to get hold of the others I got pissed off again. Mainly because my whole idea group hanging out was basically torn to shreds as they had returned with food when the five who went to the beach were just left out. Plus Maddy left without properly saying goodbye to some of us and that upset Jess for sure. So it took a downhill turn as I felt people then blamed me for the divide as the beach group sat upstairs while they ate, and it was like there was a divide anyway I just chose the option best for me. After some people left, the situation got a bit better, as the group reformed and then we all went down to the beach in the way I expected. It was great. So in that respect it met my expectations, I'm just upset with some people who didn't really want to be a part of that and I will happily say that to them. The following day was as expected. 
So now we move on to the expectations of visiting my sister. I knew that we weren't there for fun as it was to help her move flats, so that wasn't a problem. However I was not expecting to spend as much money as I did. In fairness the mug I purchased. Adorable. So that was kind of a bad breaking the expectations. But I got stuff I like... Then we move on to Hal's new flat. It really wasn't what I was expecting, there wasn't even a sofa. But it was still nice and cute for what it is, and she has ideas on how to improve it. Plus I guess the main issue was that it was a bit empty. But that will soon be fixed. Other than that everything was pretty standard. 
So I guess this post is essentially saying that even if things don't meet your expectations, they aren't a bad thing, but maybe by lowering your standards you can't really get disappointed by much. Be a pessimist! 
See you in the 'morrow!

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