Tuesday 21 July 2015

Not For The Week Hearted.

Wednesday 15th: Today was a very good day. First off I went to the place of my apprenticeship for an induction type thing. Yeah I had to wait around for like half an hour for the manager to turn up and then read a bunch safeguarding information. There were 20 pages! But it was important information. After that I spent time meeting the people I will be working with and I had a lovely time. Then I left like half an hour late and walked home with this girl I knew from school who just so happens to work there also. 
Thursday 16th: Today I just had a day to myself preparing for an exciting thing on my blog. Also just chillaxing. Not much to tell. 
Friday 17th: Went to work (as in part time job work) and it was pretty standard. Apart from the fact I stayed behind an extra 46 minutes and during that time I had shake mix thrown down my back by my manager. 
Saturday 18th: Work again. Had to go in an hour earlier :'( But it actually wasn't that bad a day. 
Sunday 19th: Had the day off and spent it watching tv with my dad. Mainly the old episodes of Doctor Who. It was nice. Then Hal returned home and we watched more tv together, before I knew it it was time to sleep. 
Monday 20th: I woke up early as I had to be at the apprenticeship place again. I was in more of a specific room today and it was just utterly adorable. On my way home I popped into McDonald's and got myself a strawberry lemonade because they are delicious and I got Hal a mcflurry even though it melted by the time I got home. We then watched some TV and showed each other youtube videos. Sleep.
Tuesday 21st: Again I went to the apprenticeship place, and was in a different room, but it was still utterly adorable. It was a little ruined by the fact that it was too hot to function. 
See you in the 'morrow!

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