Monday 20 July 2015

New Schedule?

Once again I am too tired to type out a full blown post so I am just going to do a short little thing. Basically I have been thinking about the structure of my blog recently as I am moving on to full time employment pretty much and will not have as much time as I used to. This means I may have to update the tagline at the top of this page. Which I cannot remember how to do. Anywho...So because of this I will be posting less, and I thought I would like to do 3 times a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so that way I can get breaks in between. So far I think it will go thusly.
Monday: Vlogs. Now this will either be just me talking to the camera doing challenges editing random footage from random things or playing games. It will probably continue the alternating pattern between games and talking unless I find myself leaning towards one more than the other. But that is just dependent on my mood I guess. 
Wednesday: Weekly Update: So the same as my current Tuesday schedule just a day later. 
Friday: Random. Yeah I am keeping it random but it will incorporate Elli's Thoughts as sometimes I struggle with these two days as they are similar in a sense. So this can be my thoughts on things, reviews, rants, the twitter and facebook files, maybe even more videos, maybe some advice. Just stuff I guess. 

So that's pretty much all I have to say on the matter, besides the fact that I will not start it this week (as you can tell from the lack of a video). However that doesn't necessarily mean it will start next week, even though it is more likely. But at least you have a heads up. 
See you in the 'morrow!

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