So as not much is going on in my little life right now I thought why not go back to a time where things were a little more interesting. However knowing me they probably weren't. But I am just hinting towards what I am blogging about today which you probably have already guessed from the title. The Old Twitter Me. The most fun about these posts is finding where I left off. Let's go!
I do love this show a lot, however I feel like all they do now is Countdown, like that is still funny but I miss the old show sometimes.
Carley tweeted about the song Babycakes, which was like my favourite as a child. Only now I have discovered the dirty meanings behind some of the lyrics though...
I don't remember what this photo was but it was probably something from when we used to take loads in year 9/10. We do have a lot of good memories together, weird I can't remember this one :/
This was hilarious. We were at Gian's house for his birthday and then all of a sudden his clock started moving really fast and Eddie and I were so freaked out we hid behind the chairs and Gian's dad walked in like what the fuck. Good times...
In this small gap I tweet about a video from Gian's birthday. Called The Dancing Connor. If you would like to watch this video click here.
Ah so excited, little did I know it will drain the life out of me. However some good things came from it. And now it's all over... So strange... :'(
Amy tweeted about why her friends put up with her and this was my response because I'm adorable. It led to a small twitter convo which I cannot be bothered to share.
There is something about her ventriloquism act that is just so funny to me.
Carley and I just get into a conversation about our favourite Skins character.
Why, Why shall it be interesting?
I was about to type out how I don't remember this, but I do, basically some of the guys at school decided to eat really hot chillis and I filmed their reactions but my fucking phone!
This is about a low point in my life which I'm not really going to talk about. But I mainly use twitter to vent anger so expect a lot of tweets like this.
I then just retweet something about making orange juice when life gives you lemons to fuck up life's day.
Lish tweeted about wanting to go see Monster's University so I offered my services.
Basically just answers. No point in those.
(I have lost the image for this but it basically said "Spent the whole day watching Sailor Moon. Day well spent :)" sorry about that). Ah I love Sailor Moon, going to catch up on this!
(I seemed to have lost this picture also it read something like "but then you get better hiding places in a game of hide and seek" I wonder why these pics are missing, but oh well!) Lish tweeted about being short, my response (which is always my response) then there is a small conversation about smallness (do you get the pun I made XD )
Talking to Hannah about English. I say talking more like complaining.
My Sister organised a battle of the bands, let's just say there were more acts than audience members. Still was a great time though. I stole someone's hat.
Lish tweets about someone being a bitch towards her, and I have this joke that everything Lish tweets about is about me so I apologised. I wasn't the bitch by the way. We had a small conversation about this.
The show was called New Girl, there were new episodes. New New. It's weird. I actually stopped watching this show, which I find weird. Maybe I shoud l catch up with that too.
You can't see it in this tweet but George changed his name (as it was his birthday) and I called him out for being a "teensie bit sad".
I don't think this was directed at me, but I didn't give much context.
Informing Carley she made a mistake by leaving the party early.
I love my cow poncho. Should wear it more often. Basically Lish was complaining she was too hot.
Well it can't have been that great, I don't remember it. However I agree the history assessment was not great.
I can't be bothered to do anymore, plus I am actually pretty busy, and tired, so we shall leave it there for now. Hope you enjoyed.
See you in the 'morrow!
Basically, about me being mad and a little bit weird. I may offer advice on things, depends on my mood.
Friday, 26 June 2015
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Inside Out Review?
Hi guys & girls & shims. Today is a shock, because I am actually posting a video, on an actually Wednesday :O But it's shit so you probably shouldn't watch it. It's a kinda sorta review of the film Inside Out, but it is mainly just waffle, and weirdness. So the choice is yours, I am not bothered.
See you in the 'morrow!
See you in the 'morrow!
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Wednesday 17th: The day of my last exam, so the day the change really began. I got to school and tried to cram in some last minute revision whilst telling everybody I was just going to fail. If you go in knowing you'll fail you can't be disappointed. The 2 hours wasn't so bad and I came out to have little chats then sat in the common room waiting for Harvey, as we were going to see Jessie when he had finished. In the common room I quizzed Emma as she had an exam last, chatted to Aims and Connor, and then Harvey showed up and we met with Jess. With Giancarlo briefly joining us for the walk there before leaving. We chilled at the park for a bit, then played a long game of Cards Against Humanity where we lost to a mug who acted as the random draw. In fairness they made the most sense. Then we decided it was time to go and waited at a different park for the bus, and I just felt super third wheely. Bus home was normal, and at home I just chilled, because everything was done.
Thursday 18th: First day of freedom. So I tried to play sims. But I wanted to fix my game (you remember the weird glitch I have from get to work where it doesn't tell me anything).Therefore I had to wait forever to uninstall and reinstall. So I called my sister, and we organised me going to see her to help her move into her new place. Then a whole lot of shit went down which I am not going to talk about. And sleep.
Friday 19th: I had a rather chill morning talking to mum about big brother.
Saturday 20th: Now the one thing that hasn't changed. Going to work on weekends! It was a rather average day at work.
Sunday 21st: Work was different today. More change (hence the title) I was placed on Lobby for the entire shift, which I have never done before. It was weird at first but I loved it. I didn't love cleaning a toilet and wiping down a mirror like 17 times but it was less hectic than what I usually do. Then I went home and chilled.
Monday 22nd: I decided that I wanted to buy myself a tablet, so went to the city to find one. The morning before this was basically spent talking to mum about said tablet. So I went to Argos to get a tablet. Only cost me £60, but then I got roped in to 3 year guarantee things and a tablet cover. In fairness it is polkadot! Then Maddy was raving about how she has finally finished and I thought it was time I saw her new flat. So I headed over there. It's pretty cute. We talked about games and tv shows and youtube, whilst eating ice lollies. Then twas time to leave as we were being swapped out with Amy. Bus home was pretty average. At home I played on my new tablet. For hours. Got to number one on the app version of
Tuesday 23rd: I slept in a lot today. Watched Big Brother, made some food, watched humans, played sims, and then Hal convinced me to watch Inside Out. It is so cute. GO WATCH IT! Now! I am finishing this blog now so you have no excuse. Go!
See you in the 'morrow!
Thursday 18th: First day of freedom. So I tried to play sims. But I wanted to fix my game (you remember the weird glitch I have from get to work where it doesn't tell me anything).Therefore I had to wait forever to uninstall and reinstall. So I called my sister, and we organised me going to see her to help her move into her new place. Then a whole lot of shit went down which I am not going to talk about. And sleep.
Friday 19th: I had a rather chill morning talking to mum about big brother.
Saturday 20th: Now the one thing that hasn't changed. Going to work on weekends! It was a rather average day at work.
Sunday 21st: Work was different today. More change (hence the title) I was placed on Lobby for the entire shift, which I have never done before. It was weird at first but I loved it. I didn't love cleaning a toilet and wiping down a mirror like 17 times but it was less hectic than what I usually do. Then I went home and chilled.
Monday 22nd: I decided that I wanted to buy myself a tablet, so went to the city to find one. The morning before this was basically spent talking to mum about said tablet. So I went to Argos to get a tablet. Only cost me £60, but then I got roped in to 3 year guarantee things and a tablet cover. In fairness it is polkadot! Then Maddy was raving about how she has finally finished and I thought it was time I saw her new flat. So I headed over there. It's pretty cute. We talked about games and tv shows and youtube, whilst eating ice lollies. Then twas time to leave as we were being swapped out with Amy. Bus home was pretty average. At home I played on my new tablet. For hours. Got to number one on the app version of
Tuesday 23rd: I slept in a lot today. Watched Big Brother, made some food, watched humans, played sims, and then Hal convinced me to watch Inside Out. It is so cute. GO WATCH IT! Now! I am finishing this blog now so you have no excuse. Go!
See you in the 'morrow!
Monday, 22 June 2015
Exam Chat.
So I haven't really spoken about my exams since I sat them. In all honesty I haven't really blogged much since. But I thought I would take this opportunity to talk about how I felt each one went and come results day we can see how right/wrong I was.
My first exam was a resit for the failure of psychology unit two. I had revised a lot more for it and felt confident walking in. Luckily all went well, and I am feeling good about this one.
Next I had another resit for biology unit two but I wasn't as bothered by this one as I had a good overall grade from last year. Plus I didn't want to spend all my time revising for this one but then fail the two I hadn't gotten a grade for. So it went badly but I was not bothered by this.
Then started the A2 exams, first was Media, which I was very confident for as we had worked a lot on it in class. The only thing I wasn't feeling great about was the inclusion of facts but I think it I put enough in. A great thing about this exam was that I only need 35/90 to get a B grade overall and I am super confident that I got that.
The Monday after that was biology unit three which started off well as I was excited to see a chloroplast question through the very thin paper. But it started to go downhill from there. Luckily it isn't worth as much as unit four so I decided I shall work harder for that. There was one question which just reminded me of the deathly hallows and that was all I could focus on.
On the following day I had psychology unit three exam. Basically the bullshit exam. Already it was difficult enough as you had to learn like 30odd things in great detail but they only test you on three of them, and then they tripped us all up by asking about research. And I have this thing I like to call research dyslexia where I can't match names to what they did and which theory it was for. So I was fucked and I cried for 2/3 of that exam before I decided it wasn't worth it and wrote a paragraph to the person marking it saying sorry for wasting their time.
Exactly a week after was the final psychology exam which I had pretty much given up on. However I think it went ok, but that is all I will say on it, because it is highly likely I am completely wrong.
Again the following day I had another exam. My final ever exam. Which wasn't bad so it was a nice exam to end it all with. Like the other biology exam I felt like it started going downhill but that was only towards the end and I don't think it turned into as much of a disaster.
So overall, I don't think I have gotten good grades. Which rather upsets me, but I guess it is my fault for having the kind of wing it attitude towards 6th form. On the plus side, I do not need my exam results for anything as I have an apprenticeship set-up which only requires Maths and English GCSE's which I got very high grades in. So yay!
Sorry I haven't been posting much but things should start coming back on track, however I might alter the schedule depending on how busy I get (with work and such) plus my life isn't that interesting so that might need to change. Just don't give up hope. Love you guys in a friend kind of way :)
See you in the 'morrow!
My first exam was a resit for the failure of psychology unit two. I had revised a lot more for it and felt confident walking in. Luckily all went well, and I am feeling good about this one.
Next I had another resit for biology unit two but I wasn't as bothered by this one as I had a good overall grade from last year. Plus I didn't want to spend all my time revising for this one but then fail the two I hadn't gotten a grade for. So it went badly but I was not bothered by this.
Then started the A2 exams, first was Media, which I was very confident for as we had worked a lot on it in class. The only thing I wasn't feeling great about was the inclusion of facts but I think it I put enough in. A great thing about this exam was that I only need 35/90 to get a B grade overall and I am super confident that I got that.
The Monday after that was biology unit three which started off well as I was excited to see a chloroplast question through the very thin paper. But it started to go downhill from there. Luckily it isn't worth as much as unit four so I decided I shall work harder for that. There was one question which just reminded me of the deathly hallows and that was all I could focus on.
On the following day I had psychology unit three exam. Basically the bullshit exam. Already it was difficult enough as you had to learn like 30odd things in great detail but they only test you on three of them, and then they tripped us all up by asking about research. And I have this thing I like to call research dyslexia where I can't match names to what they did and which theory it was for. So I was fucked and I cried for 2/3 of that exam before I decided it wasn't worth it and wrote a paragraph to the person marking it saying sorry for wasting their time.
Exactly a week after was the final psychology exam which I had pretty much given up on. However I think it went ok, but that is all I will say on it, because it is highly likely I am completely wrong.
Again the following day I had another exam. My final ever exam. Which wasn't bad so it was a nice exam to end it all with. Like the other biology exam I felt like it started going downhill but that was only towards the end and I don't think it turned into as much of a disaster.
So overall, I don't think I have gotten good grades. Which rather upsets me, but I guess it is my fault for having the kind of wing it attitude towards 6th form. On the plus side, I do not need my exam results for anything as I have an apprenticeship set-up which only requires Maths and English GCSE's which I got very high grades in. So yay!
Sorry I haven't been posting much but things should start coming back on track, however I might alter the schedule depending on how busy I get (with work and such) plus my life isn't that interesting so that might need to change. Just don't give up hope. Love you guys in a friend kind of way :)
See you in the 'morrow!
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
It's All Ending.
Wednesday 10th: I woke up insanely early today (well early for me, my dad had this face of shock when he saw me) so I ate some crumpets and watched big brother. Then I headed to school, talking to Harvey about how shit year 13 will be. We arrived in the common room to say hi to peeps, and Maddy was just saying how her day wasn't going that well already. Don't worry Maddy I still love you <3 And then the bell went and I headed to biology where she brought up exams and I was like nope lets just revise. So it started off fine talking about gene technology and things like that. But alongside this came talk of pelvis bones, the alcoholism gene, which led to talk of the gay gene, which led to facts about the sexuality of animals. Did you know 90% of Giraffes are gay? You do now. Also we had a 15 minute talk about bonobo apes (which are the closest species to us genetically) and how they are very passive because they just fiddle with each know areas...if they want to take some food or whatever, which makes the fact they have a large clitoris very useful. Also they are all pretty much bisexual and the females will sleep with either sexes apart from their sons, and the males will sleep with anything apart from their mothers. Which now leads them into thinking there might be a gene that cause paedophilia. I know. Weird. She also said they were one of few species that can give oral sex. Gotta love the bonobo ape. Then we went back to revision. After this I went to print off some past papers, and having little chats with people and then decided to head home. Where I caught up with a TV show wrote some blog drafts and then revised.
Thursday 11th: Today was my usual morning routine and then having to get the bus with my dad, which wasn't so usual. We sat apart from each other though. When I arrived at school I said a quick hey to Ashton and Harvey before heading to double psychology. Basically just revision on schizophrenia and media. After this I spent lunch being judged for colouring a rainbow. I could have gone home at this point but I decided to stay for a bit to do a little revision and watch some youtubes. Because why not. During this time Giancarlo had managed to roll up his trouser leg so far that he couldn't pull it back down, it took four of us five minutes to try. It was hilarious. Then I decided to head home, but missed the bus so in the moments waiting I decided to type out the beginning of this Thursday bit. Then Emily wanted me to mention her name so I did, because I love her lots and lots and lots and she is my favourite. And Maddy says hi. Then I went to get the bus home and chilled and revised and chilled and slept.
Friday 12th: Today I only had to go in for an hour of biology. My last hour of biology. But this wasn't until p5 so I decided to have a lay in chill at home. The last lesson was strange, basically people brought chocolate and biscuits and things and Miss made us tea and hot chocolate, while we did some pretty poor revision. Then the bell rang but none of us left for like 20 minutes. Basically our other biology teacher came in and we all just had a long chat. It was nice, and it made me a little emotional, I am going to miss them all. During this I was frantically texting Emma as we usually get the bus together and she told me that instead I could get a lift with her so I found her in the study centre and then we left pretty much. Talking about her driving lessons mainly. At home I revised for my biology exam, then slept.
Saturday 13th: Had work today (like most weekends) pretty normal, but some people were mean when I fell over. Then on my way home I got the family some chips and we ate them whilst watching storage hunters. I went upstairs to try and revise but was just too tired from work so that didn't happen. Sleep!
Sunday 14th: Early start at work today, and it was strange as for a large portion of the time I was the most experienced person (which is never the case) I felt so cool. People continued being mean about the falling over of yesterday, and the day was pretty chill. My time at home was pretty similar to yesterday. I am annoyed at myself for not revising but I was so tired I knew if I tried nothing would be retained so I wasn't going to tire myself out anymore.
Monday 15th: I had a nice lay in today, but longer than I was expecting. My original plan was to go into 6th form and revise but I knew that I would just get distracted by people, so instead I decided to stay at home. First I caught up with Tv and Youtube so that I had nothing to distract me for the rest of the day and got revising for my biology exam. I then did a little psychology but I have pretty much given up with that. Then I decided that I couldn't do anymore so went to sleep.
Tuesday 16th: Woke up, went to school for my exam, ignored everyone as they kind of stress me out, sat the exam, ignored everyone because the discussion of answers stress me out, went home, napped, chilled, revised, slept.
See you in the 'morrow!
Thursday 11th: Today was my usual morning routine and then having to get the bus with my dad, which wasn't so usual. We sat apart from each other though. When I arrived at school I said a quick hey to Ashton and Harvey before heading to double psychology. Basically just revision on schizophrenia and media. After this I spent lunch being judged for colouring a rainbow. I could have gone home at this point but I decided to stay for a bit to do a little revision and watch some youtubes. Because why not. During this time Giancarlo had managed to roll up his trouser leg so far that he couldn't pull it back down, it took four of us five minutes to try. It was hilarious. Then I decided to head home, but missed the bus so in the moments waiting I decided to type out the beginning of this Thursday bit. Then Emily wanted me to mention her name so I did, because I love her lots and lots and lots and she is my favourite. And Maddy says hi. Then I went to get the bus home and chilled and revised and chilled and slept.
Friday 12th: Today I only had to go in for an hour of biology. My last hour of biology. But this wasn't until p5 so I decided to have a lay in chill at home. The last lesson was strange, basically people brought chocolate and biscuits and things and Miss made us tea and hot chocolate, while we did some pretty poor revision. Then the bell rang but none of us left for like 20 minutes. Basically our other biology teacher came in and we all just had a long chat. It was nice, and it made me a little emotional, I am going to miss them all. During this I was frantically texting Emma as we usually get the bus together and she told me that instead I could get a lift with her so I found her in the study centre and then we left pretty much. Talking about her driving lessons mainly. At home I revised for my biology exam, then slept.
Saturday 13th: Had work today (like most weekends) pretty normal, but some people were mean when I fell over. Then on my way home I got the family some chips and we ate them whilst watching storage hunters. I went upstairs to try and revise but was just too tired from work so that didn't happen. Sleep!
Sunday 14th: Early start at work today, and it was strange as for a large portion of the time I was the most experienced person (which is never the case) I felt so cool. People continued being mean about the falling over of yesterday, and the day was pretty chill. My time at home was pretty similar to yesterday. I am annoyed at myself for not revising but I was so tired I knew if I tried nothing would be retained so I wasn't going to tire myself out anymore.
Monday 15th: I had a nice lay in today, but longer than I was expecting. My original plan was to go into 6th form and revise but I knew that I would just get distracted by people, so instead I decided to stay at home. First I caught up with Tv and Youtube so that I had nothing to distract me for the rest of the day and got revising for my biology exam. I then did a little psychology but I have pretty much given up with that. Then I decided that I couldn't do anymore so went to sleep.
Tuesday 16th: Woke up, went to school for my exam, ignored everyone as they kind of stress me out, sat the exam, ignored everyone because the discussion of answers stress me out, went home, napped, chilled, revised, slept.
See you in the 'morrow!
Friday, 12 June 2015
Big Brother 2015
Hello there guys! This is probably going to be a long post as I have a lot to talk about. As you have guessed this post is going to be about the TV show Big Brother, because I do love it. And basically I am just going to be talking about some of the things I have liked/disliked. Mainly disliked.Let's start off with contestant thoughts:
Aaron: at first I was indifferent towards him, but then he started acting like a dick, mainly towards one other housemate who I happened to like, so I would get slowly furious at him, because he kept being quite sexual towards this housemate, mainly when drunk. One night he went too far by repeatedly flashing the housemate, rubbing up against him and getting into his bed whilst naked, so Big Brother removed him. In all fairness his pathetic cry was hilarious.
Adjoa: Her name always confused me, and her voice irritated me because she would just talk really slowly, which was a little patronising. But she was a nice housemate. She was the second to be evicted which I kind of predicted as she was one of those you didn't really notice.
Amy/Sally: These were twins so classed as one housemate. I didn't mind them. They didn't really do anything in my opinion but in comparison to others I would have rathered they stayed. The only thing they really did was put on make-up and have a couple of arguments with people.
Chloe: At first I thought she would annoy me, as she has one of those accents, but she is really sweet and I wouldn't mind if she one. Obviously I would rather some others to win though. The only thing that really gets me is when she got into an argument with another housemate and she kept calling him boy and I was like ugh just irritating, even though she had every right to fight back at him.
Cristian: To me he is just the puppy of the house. Mainly because his face is just like a little lost puppy dog. I feel like he doesn't really do much apart from being the "pretty one" I typed it like that because to me he is not pretty. If he didn't win I would not be sad about it.
Danny: I don't really care to be honest. He has formed a dad like role in the house, and sticks up for other housemates who need it. So for that I kind of like him, but he doesn't really do much.
Eileen: I'm not entirely sure how I felt about her. She was a little out there which normally I love but sometimes I felt she tried to hard, which kind of put me off. My mum really liked her though. I did feel bad for her when she was nominated by someone she considered to be her best friend, like that was low. However she continued to be his friend and I was like no, don't do that and then she was evicted because of it.
Harriet: At first I didn't want to like her because she said she would vote for Ukip if she voted, but she was actually ok. She would stand up for herself, take no bullshit, and was nice at times. However she let herself down as she pretty much egged Aaron on with the whole naked charade.
Jack: He is one of the three I want to win. However, he is slightly irritating me as all he does is moan about well everything. He was one of the favourites at one point as was offered a £27 million car or something, but refused it which my dad says is bullshit.
Jade: She annoyed me at first. But she's Irish so I want to love her. She spends a lot of time with a housemate I like and it makes me like him a little less. There is this weird thing she does with her voice which irritates me (and annoys the shit out of my mum) she like talks like a baby.
Joel: He is adorable. One of the youngest housemates, yet he reminds me and Hal of our Grandad. I don't want to admit this but he is an aspiring politician which normally I would hate, but Joel is a really nice guy. Watching him the other day slut drop was hilarious. Sidenote he was the housemate in the naked incident. Hence my frustration.
Kieran: He too had one of those annoying voices but he didn't really do anything, just became a fatherly figure. I was a little shocked when he was evicted because I thought some people were more deserving (like Danny) but I guess they were both as boring as each other.
Nick: Another one of my favourites. He is like this posh boy who is just really funny. But he has this problem of just spending all his time with one housemate and ignoring everyone else for hours which isn't very entertaining.
Sarah: At first she was ok, and I was starting to like her, as she was nice but spoke her mind when she needed to, and she did a lot of work for the house. But then she fucked it all up by saying that the naked incident was Joel's fault because he gave mixed signals about his sexualty because he dressed up in Eileen's clothing. Which is way out of order because it is essentially saying that girls who dress like sluts deserve to be raped. So I was glad she got evicted when she did. (By the way Joel is straight, and made it very clear he wanted Aaron to stop flashing and grinding him).
Simon: From the start I hated him, because he said showbiz like 20 times in 2 minutes. and not just saying but going the whole shabang to the point you wanted to stab him every time. Luckily there was a twist on the first night and his timebomb said eviction.
Holy shit that was just introductions :/
A main thing that has annoyed me about this season was one of their timebomb twists. Basically the housemates all nominated and put up Joel, Cristian, Nick, Jade and Eileen. But they twisted it around so that all of the other housemates were up for eviction (Jack, Danny, Kieran, Chloe, Sarah, Twins, Harriet) and then Jack used this immunity pass he got on the first night to not go up. Here they decided they were going to evict four of these housemates. FOUR. Like I don't mind the fun quadruple eviction, but if you are going to have it, place ALL of the housemates up so it is fair. Because I believe Jade and Cristian might have gone instead which I would have liked. But I guess I can't control that. Along with this twist they added some new housemates.
Harry: She works as a sexperson (can't remember the exact job title) and she decides to walk around the house naked. That is my main fault with her, because when she wears normal clothes she just comes across as a great housemate. However recently she has been a bit depressive which is upsetting.
Marc: TWAT. But again he's Irish so I want to love him. But he is just a major cock. He portrays himself as a lad, and has banter which goes too far and becomes way too offensive. Calling housemates cumbuckets and saying that one of them is going for an STD check. He makes it his mission to annoy everyone and it pisses me off. However he can have his moments of decency but they are rare.
Sam: At first I kind of liked her as she seemed fun and bubbly but she would contradict herself. Like she doesn't like Marc's banter but she spends all her time with him and then says she does, and then says that because her and Marc have been getting close she wants to back off because she doesn't want to be seen in that way, but then gets into bed with him with only her underwear on and snogging him. Like what the fuck.
Then The worst happened. They brought Showbiz back. Who became a total bitch backstabber who nominated Eileen even though she was so happy to have him back which he knew, and then be nice to Chloe and then tell her he doesn't like her to the point she starts crying. Then threatens to leave and fake cries for attention. UGh. Hope he leaves next.
So not much has really gone on apart from a couple of arguments and the tasks. The next twist occurred tonight where there was a fake eviction between the nominated housemates Marc, Simon and Sam. Where one of them would go into the secret room to do some spying and joining them is housemates from the past. In my mind I hoped it would be people like Nikki, Josie and a different Mark. But I guess...I was right about Nikki! The other returned housemates are Brian who is like an idiot housemate from years and years ago who won, and Helen who did not deserve to win the last Big Brother, because she was given a stupid pass to the final and therefore got away with bullying. It also looks like Marc is joining them which I kind of predicted. But so far I think they will be interesting and I am kind of looking forward to it.
Wow this was long. Well done if you read all of this. See you in the 'morrow!
Adjoa: Her name always confused me, and her voice irritated me because she would just talk really slowly, which was a little patronising. But she was a nice housemate. She was the second to be evicted which I kind of predicted as she was one of those you didn't really notice.
Amy/Sally: These were twins so classed as one housemate. I didn't mind them. They didn't really do anything in my opinion but in comparison to others I would have rathered they stayed. The only thing they really did was put on make-up and have a couple of arguments with people.
Chloe: At first I thought she would annoy me, as she has one of those accents, but she is really sweet and I wouldn't mind if she one. Obviously I would rather some others to win though. The only thing that really gets me is when she got into an argument with another housemate and she kept calling him boy and I was like ugh just irritating, even though she had every right to fight back at him.
Cristian: To me he is just the puppy of the house. Mainly because his face is just like a little lost puppy dog. I feel like he doesn't really do much apart from being the "pretty one" I typed it like that because to me he is not pretty. If he didn't win I would not be sad about it.
Danny: I don't really care to be honest. He has formed a dad like role in the house, and sticks up for other housemates who need it. So for that I kind of like him, but he doesn't really do much.
Eileen: I'm not entirely sure how I felt about her. She was a little out there which normally I love but sometimes I felt she tried to hard, which kind of put me off. My mum really liked her though. I did feel bad for her when she was nominated by someone she considered to be her best friend, like that was low. However she continued to be his friend and I was like no, don't do that and then she was evicted because of it.
Harriet: At first I didn't want to like her because she said she would vote for Ukip if she voted, but she was actually ok. She would stand up for herself, take no bullshit, and was nice at times. However she let herself down as she pretty much egged Aaron on with the whole naked charade.
Jack: He is one of the three I want to win. However, he is slightly irritating me as all he does is moan about well everything. He was one of the favourites at one point as was offered a £27 million car or something, but refused it which my dad says is bullshit.
Jade: She annoyed me at first. But she's Irish so I want to love her. She spends a lot of time with a housemate I like and it makes me like him a little less. There is this weird thing she does with her voice which irritates me (and annoys the shit out of my mum) she like talks like a baby.
Joel: He is adorable. One of the youngest housemates, yet he reminds me and Hal of our Grandad. I don't want to admit this but he is an aspiring politician which normally I would hate, but Joel is a really nice guy. Watching him the other day slut drop was hilarious. Sidenote he was the housemate in the naked incident. Hence my frustration.
Kieran: He too had one of those annoying voices but he didn't really do anything, just became a fatherly figure. I was a little shocked when he was evicted because I thought some people were more deserving (like Danny) but I guess they were both as boring as each other.
Nick: Another one of my favourites. He is like this posh boy who is just really funny. But he has this problem of just spending all his time with one housemate and ignoring everyone else for hours which isn't very entertaining.
Sarah: At first she was ok, and I was starting to like her, as she was nice but spoke her mind when she needed to, and she did a lot of work for the house. But then she fucked it all up by saying that the naked incident was Joel's fault because he gave mixed signals about his sexualty because he dressed up in Eileen's clothing. Which is way out of order because it is essentially saying that girls who dress like sluts deserve to be raped. So I was glad she got evicted when she did. (By the way Joel is straight, and made it very clear he wanted Aaron to stop flashing and grinding him).
Simon: From the start I hated him, because he said showbiz like 20 times in 2 minutes. and not just saying but going the whole shabang to the point you wanted to stab him every time. Luckily there was a twist on the first night and his timebomb said eviction.
Holy shit that was just introductions :/
A main thing that has annoyed me about this season was one of their timebomb twists. Basically the housemates all nominated and put up Joel, Cristian, Nick, Jade and Eileen. But they twisted it around so that all of the other housemates were up for eviction (Jack, Danny, Kieran, Chloe, Sarah, Twins, Harriet) and then Jack used this immunity pass he got on the first night to not go up. Here they decided they were going to evict four of these housemates. FOUR. Like I don't mind the fun quadruple eviction, but if you are going to have it, place ALL of the housemates up so it is fair. Because I believe Jade and Cristian might have gone instead which I would have liked. But I guess I can't control that. Along with this twist they added some new housemates.
Marc: TWAT. But again he's Irish so I want to love him. But he is just a major cock. He portrays himself as a lad, and has banter which goes too far and becomes way too offensive. Calling housemates cumbuckets and saying that one of them is going for an STD check. He makes it his mission to annoy everyone and it pisses me off. However he can have his moments of decency but they are rare.
Sam: At first I kind of liked her as she seemed fun and bubbly but she would contradict herself. Like she doesn't like Marc's banter but she spends all her time with him and then says she does, and then says that because her and Marc have been getting close she wants to back off because she doesn't want to be seen in that way, but then gets into bed with him with only her underwear on and snogging him. Like what the fuck.
Then The worst happened. They brought Showbiz back. Who became a total bitch backstabber who nominated Eileen even though she was so happy to have him back which he knew, and then be nice to Chloe and then tell her he doesn't like her to the point she starts crying. Then threatens to leave and fake cries for attention. UGh. Hope he leaves next.
So not much has really gone on apart from a couple of arguments and the tasks. The next twist occurred tonight where there was a fake eviction between the nominated housemates Marc, Simon and Sam. Where one of them would go into the secret room to do some spying and joining them is housemates from the past. In my mind I hoped it would be people like Nikki, Josie and a different Mark. But I guess...I was right about Nikki! The other returned housemates are Brian who is like an idiot housemate from years and years ago who won, and Helen who did not deserve to win the last Big Brother, because she was given a stupid pass to the final and therefore got away with bullying. It also looks like Marc is joining them which I kind of predicted. But so far I think they will be interesting and I am kind of looking forward to it.
Wow this was long. Well done if you read all of this. See you in the 'morrow!
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Everything Was Chill, Apart From Exams.
Wednesday 3rd: I got up went to school in time for double biology, where we were basically just revising oxidative phosphorylation. Then our teacher had to be somewhere so I headed to the common room. Here was pretty much everyone and we got into a conversation about what feature of the other sex we find attractive. Saying things like elbow and ears. It ended up with making jokes about the decolletage. There was also a brief moment when I was just poking Alfie's cheek. Then twas break time and we all just talked in the common room while I was trying to balance Alfie's cap on my head. So much "Sweg". What concerns me more than the fact I just said that is the fact my computer thinks it is a real word. Ugh. As we no longer have to go to private study and conference (YAY) some of us decided to play cards against humanity. At lunch we kind of stopped, and we took many photos on people's phones and then ate chips. Jessie and I had media last where we were basically preparing for the exam. But as it was our last lesson our teacher bought us ice creams :') I'm going to miss them so much. After this Jessie joined me on the late bus. I think they enjoyed it. We stopped at mine briefly and then headed over to Harvey's as it was his birthday. Ashton was already there and we got into another game of cards against humanity, after making tea and basically a Kool Aid recipe for type 2 diabetes. Ashton then had to leave so we decided to play singstar. Which was hilarious and then ate some pizza, sang some more, rocked out on guitar hero, had some cake, and chilled on minecraft. It was my first ever time and I kind of enjoyed it. Then we realised that it was pretty much 10 and decided we should probably head home. So I called my sister for a little bit and then slept.
Thursday 4th: I had an uber long lay in today, watching tv and chilling. I headed to school for lunchtime and chatted briefly. Then I only had an hour of psychology where we went through a powerpoint for aggression. which wasn't that helpful. Afterwards I walked to the bus stop and headed home. It was a very productive day at school. When home I revised for my media exam, chilled a little and then slept.
Friday 5th: I had to be up earlier than usual for I had a morning exam. I saw Gemma first and we just discussed the exams we had, when Jessie arrived and we headed to a quick revision session with our media teacher for like half an hour. Then the time came. I think it was the best exam I have had so far. When we were finished we just chatted to people, and normally I would have had media at the time, but I didn't have to go anymore because we were finished.
Saturday 6th: Work today was pretty ordinary, but they asked me to stay behind a couple of hours later.
Sunday 7th: More work, more fun.
Monday 8th: I had another exam today, but this was in the afternoon, so I made sure I was fully rested and then headed in for p3 so that I could cram in a little revision before the exam. I spent lunch chilling though because I didn't want to completely stress myself out. I think the exam went ok, but could have gone a lot better. I went home immediately after and chilled because the exam tired me out. But I crammed in a little revision before sleeping.
Tuesday 9th: Yet another exam, again in the afternoon. So I pretty much had the same game plan as yesterday, but more having a group discussion in the common room. Mainly lots of cuddles. Then it was time. We shall not talk about the rest. I got a lift home with Emma and then decided that I am pretty much going to give up with psychology and chilled. A lot. I also went to sleep pretty earlier for some unknown reason.
See you in the 'morrow!
Thursday 4th: I had an uber long lay in today, watching tv and chilling. I headed to school for lunchtime and chatted briefly. Then I only had an hour of psychology where we went through a powerpoint for aggression. which wasn't that helpful. Afterwards I walked to the bus stop and headed home. It was a very productive day at school. When home I revised for my media exam, chilled a little and then slept.
Friday 5th: I had to be up earlier than usual for I had a morning exam. I saw Gemma first and we just discussed the exams we had, when Jessie arrived and we headed to a quick revision session with our media teacher for like half an hour. Then the time came. I think it was the best exam I have had so far. When we were finished we just chatted to people, and normally I would have had media at the time, but I didn't have to go anymore because we were finished.
Saturday 6th: Work today was pretty ordinary, but they asked me to stay behind a couple of hours later.
Sunday 7th: More work, more fun.
Monday 8th: I had another exam today, but this was in the afternoon, so I made sure I was fully rested and then headed in for p3 so that I could cram in a little revision before the exam. I spent lunch chilling though because I didn't want to completely stress myself out. I think the exam went ok, but could have gone a lot better. I went home immediately after and chilled because the exam tired me out. But I crammed in a little revision before sleeping.
Tuesday 9th: Yet another exam, again in the afternoon. So I pretty much had the same game plan as yesterday, but more having a group discussion in the common room. Mainly lots of cuddles. Then it was time. We shall not talk about the rest. I got a lift home with Emma and then decided that I am pretty much going to give up with psychology and chilled. A lot. I also went to sleep pretty earlier for some unknown reason.
See you in the 'morrow!
Friday, 5 June 2015
Negativity Makes Me Tired.
Hiya. I just want to apologise for the lack of effort I have been putting into my blog posts recently. But it is exam season and I am busy revising, and if I am not revising I am at work, or just chilling because you need to chill, and sitting down to make a blog post just doesn't fit into that. It's not that I don't want to make a blog post, my main issue is the time frame. Which also leads into another apology as to why some of my post seem a little depressive, but it's simply because of the big change occurring. I am changing away from a routine of going to school, which has been the same thing for the past 6 years (you know because before was a different school). And it is going to get difficult to see my friends as much because we don't have the security of seeing each other 5 days a week, and we will all have our separate things going on, like Jobs, Apprenticeships and Uni, which could be close or in most cases kind of far away. So trying to find a time to bring everyone together is going to suck. I don't want to fall out of contact really with anyone, but if they stop making an effort with me, say after 3 months, then I will accept that we are going in different directions.
That's the thing that is worrying me the most. The fact that I have no idea what it's going to be like next year. Who will I stay in touch with? Will I make new friends? Will I be more stressed, less stressed? It's different to knowing you'll have school, because things pretty much stay the same, but now I am getting an apprenticeship. I will be there every day. I won't get a half term. Everything is just shifting, and it's just uncertainty. I think the one thing I know is that the blog posts will have to decrease. I will keep it for sure, because it's a nice memory factfile, but I think everyday will be difficult as I would get too tired. Like I am now. This is all just a load of waffle so I don't really know where to go from here.
Basically, I haven't been doing great posts recently because I've been tired, and just down, because I am uncertain about the future. If you know me, you would know I like to have things planned and know what is going on, which is why I am upset because I don't truly know what will go on. So it all just sucks. But I guess that is growing up. See you in the 'morrow!
That's the thing that is worrying me the most. The fact that I have no idea what it's going to be like next year. Who will I stay in touch with? Will I make new friends? Will I be more stressed, less stressed? It's different to knowing you'll have school, because things pretty much stay the same, but now I am getting an apprenticeship. I will be there every day. I won't get a half term. Everything is just shifting, and it's just uncertainty. I think the one thing I know is that the blog posts will have to decrease. I will keep it for sure, because it's a nice memory factfile, but I think everyday will be difficult as I would get too tired. Like I am now. This is all just a load of waffle so I don't really know where to go from here.
Basically, I haven't been doing great posts recently because I've been tired, and just down, because I am uncertain about the future. If you know me, you would know I like to have things planned and know what is going on, which is why I am upset because I don't truly know what will go on. So it all just sucks. But I guess that is growing up. See you in the 'morrow!
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Sorry Guys
Hey guys!
I'm really sorry, but seeing as it is exams week and this is pretty important stuff, I think it's best that I use this time to revise. I'm sorry but I said this would happen around 3-4 posts ago, so again, sorry to ruin your blogging needs, however this is important shit, and I gotta have my priorities straight, so I have to do this!
Next week will probably be similar to this, however the week after I can comment and discuss it all! So all I'm asking for is patience, because I will post some really awesome content for ya! I'm thinking that if me and Elli agree to it, we might do some challenges like we did last summer, though we haven't discussed it. I think it'd be pretty cool but I won't promise anything guys!
I will quickly say though that this week has been pretty quiet, although I did go camping like previously mentioned which was hilarious, but I'll talk about this on the fabled fortnight from now!
I'm only doing this because I'm really scared about my results. Like genuinely petrified. I really screwed up last year, where if I had done well I might be at the place I'd prefer to be, but I did this to myself and I won't do it again, so I really hope you understand, as I'm sure you do!
Have a good week as always,
Peace out lads!
See you in the 'morrow!
I'm really sorry, but seeing as it is exams week and this is pretty important stuff, I think it's best that I use this time to revise. I'm sorry but I said this would happen around 3-4 posts ago, so again, sorry to ruin your blogging needs, however this is important shit, and I gotta have my priorities straight, so I have to do this!
Next week will probably be similar to this, however the week after I can comment and discuss it all! So all I'm asking for is patience, because I will post some really awesome content for ya! I'm thinking that if me and Elli agree to it, we might do some challenges like we did last summer, though we haven't discussed it. I think it'd be pretty cool but I won't promise anything guys!
I will quickly say though that this week has been pretty quiet, although I did go camping like previously mentioned which was hilarious, but I'll talk about this on the fabled fortnight from now!
I'm only doing this because I'm really scared about my results. Like genuinely petrified. I really screwed up last year, where if I had done well I might be at the place I'd prefer to be, but I did this to myself and I won't do it again, so I really hope you understand, as I'm sure you do!
Have a good week as always,
Peace out lads!
See you in the 'morrow!
Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Sorry this is a short post, but there isn't really much to say about this game besides what I have already said so use the time you would have spent reading, playing!
See you in the 'morrow!
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