See you in the 'morrow!
Basically, about me being mad and a little bit weird. I may offer advice on things, depends on my mood.
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Commenting On Comments!
See you in the 'morrow!
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Business To Sleepiness.
Wednesday 20th: I somehow missed the bus this morning and had to be taken in by the mother. In double biology we were just revising genetic diagrams. Well for me it was just ensuring I was getting right. Then there was a little gossip before break which I don't really remember so we will just skip to private study where we were in F4 trying to revise but it was mainly talking about the summer and the 6th form ball. Then it was conference where we were told we had to be in the room with everyone but because I was there last week we didn't have to do the activity so we could just revise, but when there they said we could just leave. So Siobhan, Jessie and I sat in the common room revising and chatting. Group mentor was after and it was basically just bitching about things and lunch was just chatting and whatever. Jess and I had media last which was essentially revision. At home I revised and chilled and had the huge situation over hot chocolate which my parents took way too seriously.
Thursday 21st: First was the psychology coffee morning which involved cookies, cake and balls (these being failed brownies which Gian made into these little ball cake brownie things. They were delicious). Here people just revised and gossiped. So an ordinary psychology lesson. Break was pretty unmemorable and I think I just went to private study which I spent with Jessie and Ashton in the common room where I gave up revising to draw Flame Princess. We all chatted a bit and then Amy came in after finishing her exam and then didn't feel well so I tried making her feel better before she decided she should actually go to her lesson. More chatter and then it was lunch. Which I actually stayed for even though I usually leave because I was caught up in a conversation with the girls about 6th form ball and then the thing Connor is organising because he apparently said he wouldn't let couples or me and Maddy sleep in the same bed/room so we made this plan for all the girls to make out we were having an orgy. It was hilarious. By the time that was all over it was the end of lunch meaning I had to wait half an hour for a bus so I ended up talking to Alfie and ...Damn forgot his name...I think it's Jared or something? Then I got the bus home played sims for the first time if weeks and revised and chilled.
Friday 22nd: I went in for private study and I did some revision but then ended up spending most of the time just talking to Siobhan about how things have changed since high school. Then break which I don't really remember. Media was more revision and then I was getting all nostalgic about how it was our 3rd from last lesson. Then Jess and I headed down to the leavers lunch. Basically it was boring. I didn't eat anything (because I never really eat in school) and there was these sheets which I actually contributed to. I got some pretty nice pictures with a few people though. Need more though. Last I had biology which was very chill. Highlight definitely being seeing Lish on the way home (even though we were stuck on the bus for over an hour, and they were being mean about how I find this girl I saw on tv very pretty) At home I chilled because I was very tired and I had a weekend of work ahead.
Saturday 23rd: Basically a normal day at work, but because of the big weekend it wasn't as hectic as usual. Which was good.
Sunday 24th: Work again, which was pretty much dead the entire time. So much so they started sending people home early so I was out of there an hour and fifteen minutes before I should have been. Therefore I had more time to chill at home.
Monday 25th: Yet more work, but this wasn't officially my shift as I was working extra as I couldn't make it to the Tuesday shift because of a revision day. I started off cleaning everything because it was so quiet for the amount of people and then I just changed from till to till to cover people's breaks. Saw my mum as she decided to actually leave the house for once. During my break I watched youtube with the guys and then went back for only another hour and a bit of work before just leaving. At home I revised and chilled.
Tuesday 26th: So I was meant to go to this revision day, but I woke up at the time it started and was still super tired from how busy I have been, and I knew I would get nothing done. So I slept and when I woke up I had a bit of a relax playing sims and watching tv. Before deciding to actually do some revision as I have an exam in less than 7 days. Then chilling and finishing this post and then I shall go to sleepeth.
See you in the 'morrow!
Thursday 21st: First was the psychology coffee morning which involved cookies, cake and balls (these being failed brownies which Gian made into these little ball cake brownie things. They were delicious). Here people just revised and gossiped. So an ordinary psychology lesson. Break was pretty unmemorable and I think I just went to private study which I spent with Jessie and Ashton in the common room where I gave up revising to draw Flame Princess. We all chatted a bit and then Amy came in after finishing her exam and then didn't feel well so I tried making her feel better before she decided she should actually go to her lesson. More chatter and then it was lunch. Which I actually stayed for even though I usually leave because I was caught up in a conversation with the girls about 6th form ball and then the thing Connor is organising because he apparently said he wouldn't let couples or me and Maddy sleep in the same bed/room so we made this plan for all the girls to make out we were having an orgy. It was hilarious. By the time that was all over it was the end of lunch meaning I had to wait half an hour for a bus so I ended up talking to Alfie and ...Damn forgot his name...I think it's Jared or something? Then I got the bus home played sims for the first time if weeks and revised and chilled.
Friday 22nd: I went in for private study and I did some revision but then ended up spending most of the time just talking to Siobhan about how things have changed since high school. Then break which I don't really remember. Media was more revision and then I was getting all nostalgic about how it was our 3rd from last lesson. Then Jess and I headed down to the leavers lunch. Basically it was boring. I didn't eat anything (because I never really eat in school) and there was these sheets which I actually contributed to. I got some pretty nice pictures with a few people though. Need more though. Last I had biology which was very chill. Highlight definitely being seeing Lish on the way home (even though we were stuck on the bus for over an hour, and they were being mean about how I find this girl I saw on tv very pretty) At home I chilled because I was very tired and I had a weekend of work ahead.
Saturday 23rd: Basically a normal day at work, but because of the big weekend it wasn't as hectic as usual. Which was good.
Sunday 24th: Work again, which was pretty much dead the entire time. So much so they started sending people home early so I was out of there an hour and fifteen minutes before I should have been. Therefore I had more time to chill at home.
Monday 25th: Yet more work, but this wasn't officially my shift as I was working extra as I couldn't make it to the Tuesday shift because of a revision day. I started off cleaning everything because it was so quiet for the amount of people and then I just changed from till to till to cover people's breaks. Saw my mum as she decided to actually leave the house for once. During my break I watched youtube with the guys and then went back for only another hour and a bit of work before just leaving. At home I revised and chilled.
Tuesday 26th: So I was meant to go to this revision day, but I woke up at the time it started and was still super tired from how busy I have been, and I knew I would get nothing done. So I slept and when I woke up I had a bit of a relax playing sims and watching tv. Before deciding to actually do some revision as I have an exam in less than 7 days. Then chilling and finishing this post and then I shall go to sleepeth.
See you in the 'morrow!
Monday, 25 May 2015
I Just Don't Know.
I'm at the point where I just dont know anymore. Now this could just be because I am insanely tired from how little time I have had to just relax or it could just be a mid life crisis. But I am just feeling like I do not know how I am feeling, or where I am going or what I am doing. And it's basically a huge feeling of shitness.
So sorry, but I am not really in the mood to just sit here and type out a wordy post because the worst part about that is going back through it and editing in the blue bits. God why did I choose to do that in the first place. I think I just need a good lot of sleep and for exam stress to be out of the way. So just expect a lack of posts but I will try when I can because I do like the escape. It's just when you are tired you don't particularly have the effort to do this to the extent I wish to do this.
Therefore I might see you in the 'morrow!
So sorry, but I am not really in the mood to just sit here and type out a wordy post because the worst part about that is going back through it and editing in the blue bits. God why did I choose to do that in the first place. I think I just need a good lot of sleep and for exam stress to be out of the way. So just expect a lack of posts but I will try when I can because I do like the escape. It's just when you are tired you don't particularly have the effort to do this to the extent I wish to do this.
Therefore I might see you in the 'morrow!
Friday, 22 May 2015
The Sims Tag!
It has been a long time since I have completed a tag. And Maddy completed this a while ago and I liked it and thought I should save it for a time when I can't be bothered to properly write a blog. So here.
1: How long have you been playing The Sims? Well I had the Sims2 game for the nintendo since I was a youngen (don't really remember if I'm honest) But a good 7 years? But the actual PC games I got the entirety of the first game for like £10 something like 4 years ago.
2: Who/what got you into The Sims? I just was always really interested in the game, because I like the whole creating your own character. Plus my friends would have often talked about it a lot and I really wanted the PC games but they were too expensive.
1: How long have you been playing The Sims? Well I had the Sims2 game for the nintendo since I was a youngen (don't really remember if I'm honest) But a good 7 years? But the actual PC games I got the entirety of the first game for like £10 something like 4 years ago.
2: Who/what got you into The Sims? I just was always really interested in the game, because I like the whole creating your own character. Plus my friends would have often talked about it a lot and I really wanted the PC games but they were too expensive.
3: What is your favourite ever expansion pack? Well out of the ones I have played, I really enjoyed Hot Date from The Original Sims, because I liked creating the dating places they'd go to such as restaurants and parks. It was great. I also liked University life from TS3. Oh but supernatural was great also. (but I haven't played with every single expansion pack ever). I do quite like Get To Work for TS4 but when it installed it pretty much fucked up the career parts of my game play, and for a game all about careers it kind of sucks.
4: What is your least favourite expansion pack ever? I felt like TS3 Ambitions was a little pointless and I didn't really understand what I was specifically getting from that part of the gameplay.Again I haven't played with all of them though.
4: What is your least favourite expansion pack ever? I felt like TS3 Ambitions was a little pointless and I didn't really understand what I was specifically getting from that part of the gameplay.Again I haven't played with all of them though.
5: Which Sims games have you owned? All of TS1 (Borrowed some of TS3: Generations, University Life, Ambitions, Supernatural, Seasons) and TS4: Base Game and Get To Work. Also for nintendo DS I had Sims2 and Sims2 Castaway and Sims2 pets. For Wii I had Sims3 and briefly from the library I borrowed Sims2 Pets for the playstation.
6: If you could add a new feature to the game, what would it be? Following a sim to a teaching career or a nursery type thing as that way I can relate it more to myself when I play.
7: What is your favourite stuff pack? Haven't really got one apart from the Festive so I guess that.
8: Who is your favourite Simsguru? Don't really pay much attention to them (sorry...I love your work :D ) But from what I have seen I would say Graham.
9: Approximately how much money have you spent on The Sims? Technically. TECHNICALLY. I haven't spent a penny. But my dad has spent about £50ish and then Maddy spent £30 and Maddy spent a little more in the TS3 games I borrowed.
10: Who is your favourite YouTube simmer? Official Simmer? No Idea. But Dan and Phil all the way! How can you not love Dil Howlter.
11: How many hours have you played on the sims 4? Origin informs me it has been like 224 hours, but there was moments when it didn't account for some hours as I had no connectivity. So lets go more with 230.
6: If you could add a new feature to the game, what would it be? Following a sim to a teaching career or a nursery type thing as that way I can relate it more to myself when I play.
7: What is your favourite stuff pack? Haven't really got one apart from the Festive so I guess that.
8: Who is your favourite Simsguru? Don't really pay much attention to them (sorry...I love your work :D ) But from what I have seen I would say Graham.
9: Approximately how much money have you spent on The Sims? Technically. TECHNICALLY. I haven't spent a penny. But my dad has spent about £50ish and then Maddy spent £30 and Maddy spent a little more in the TS3 games I borrowed.
10: Who is your favourite YouTube simmer? Official Simmer? No Idea. But Dan and Phil all the way! How can you not love Dil Howlter.
11: How many hours have you played on the sims 4? Origin informs me it has been like 224 hours, but there was moments when it didn't account for some hours as I had no connectivity. So lets go more with 230.
See you in the 'morrow!
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Sometimes Shit Goes Down.
Hey, sorry I didn't post this yesterday, it was one of those open the tabs begin to finish the post fall asleep moments. So here it is today. Wednesday 13th: I woke up to a disturbed routine as Hariette was watching critical and judging how I eat crumpets. Then I got ready and walked to school and I headed to biology where we have finally finished the course! There was a lot of talk about what UMS marks we would need to get certain grades which I am not sure how I feel after seeing mine. Break was a lot of hugging and random chatting. Private study was mainly writing essays as answers to my questionnaire about the 6th form as I had a lot of improvements to suggest. So we were in a discussion about that. Then it was pointless conference where we had budgeting tasks which were kind of useful but most of them included student finance and it's like I'm not going to uni. After this Jess and I had mentor and I shared my news and we were talking about how this might be our last mentor. On the way back Jess and I talked about how we have known each other for 5 years and she only thought it was 3, shows how much she cares. Lunch was just talking about middle names and other random things.Then headed to double media which was working on prep for the television side of the exam, and also being told our final grades for the coursework. I got an A and then it turns out in the exam I only need 35/90 to get a B overall which is so easy. I'd need 65 to get an A which is a slight challenge but I think I could just do it. If I put the effort in. Took the late bus home. Where I watched TV, ate food, revised and talked to Hal. Before blog drafting and sleeping.
Thursday 14th: I got to have a very relaxing lay in this morning. I could have slept for longer but I spent time saying bye to Hal as she was returning to Derby. Then I chilled watching tv and eating crumpets. As I changed my timetable I only had to go in for period 5&6 so I walked in. Psychology was next which was just revision chatting and listening to a bunch of songs. Highlight was everyone lifting their chairs to Time Of My Life. Then it was private study with Harvey and it was pretty much chatting and revising. I came home to an really needy cat and just chilled and revised.
Friday 15th: So I went to school in time for Biology and we just revised and chatted and then it was break where we were on the new benches they had outside. OOOh. Followed by double media which was exam prep. Lunch was a brief bit of chatter Then went and got lollipops, chilled at the park before I headed home. Revising and Chilling.
Saturday 16th: Normal Day at Work.
Sunday 17th: Less Normal Day at Work. Had to go work briefly in a different branch which was strange then stayed behind an extra hour.
Monday 18th: Normally today would have been my day off. But exams had other ideas. So I stayed at home until p3 where I decided to go in and did some revision. Mainly on ECT and guess that the 12 marker involved. ECT! Loving it. So yeah lunch was a little bit of panic and Emma giving me a quiz trying to help me even though she barely had any idea what was going on and then I had my first exam. After that I went straight home and chilled because who wants to revise immediately after an exam. Then shit went down and I went to sleep.
Tuesday 19th: The morning was spent feeling kind of crappy but I did some revision in private study which is what I continued to do over break and then headed to double biology where we heard some pretty weird stories about the year 11's and their rebelliousness. At lunch I told people this and there was some psychology drama that made Emma unhappy and when Emma is unhappy shit is going down. But we calmed and I sat eating chips with people. Psychology the drama continued but in a different way. Basically relationship drama. So there was attempts to revise but this failed. Then it was the late bus home where we went on a new adventure, then I went with Harvey to the post office to see the present he got Jess for her birthday :') then went home and revised.
See you in the 'morrow!
Monday, 18 May 2015
Friday, 15 May 2015
Facebook Time Machine.
HI guys. So I am not really sure what to blog about today, as everything recently has been about revision I feel like if I keep talking about that it would get a bit repetitive. Therefore I thought about continuing the quest to look back through my old social media. We will pick up where we left off last with my Facebook posts. If you would like to read the others I suggest finding them as I cannot be bothered to link them. There are also some twitter ones if you wish to check those out.
I had an obsession with The IT Crowd and just had to quote it at every opportunity. How could you not? For all those who have not seen this great show go watch every single episode before reading the rest of this post. Go on. I'll wait.
I do love pasta. I sing a song when I make it to Nightmare Before Christmas's making Christmas. MAKING PASTA MAKING PASTA FALALA!
I don't really know either.
Let's all take a minute to hate on me for using a double negative. Thank god I have learnt the error of my ways. Also I have forgotten last years, well to me it was 5 years ago. Awks...
Now I am Family Guy/lyrics of an actual song quoting. If you have not seen every episode of FG I suggest you go watch it now. Go on. I'll wait.
I just had no effort to put tomorrow apparently. My mum is still strangely obsessed with dreadlocks.
These moments are always an achievement. Mainly because I never learn the controls.
That parenting. That level of conversation. Just that.
And this too.
I remember this, I was freaking out because after searching the house it was nowhere to be found and I didn't want to have to pay for a new one so had awkward moments explaining to the bus driver that I would get a new one and then it was just in my coat pocket the entire time.
Aww the days when I used to get excited about my birthday. Don't get me wrong I still do. Just not to this extent.
Hal really liked this picture for that one reason.
Basically I was in a group with Charlotte Williams and the Triplets and we made a really good presentation and wanted to win the trip because we would appreciate the entire trip and people just assumed we wouldn't appreciate football. Like I can watch football I just choose not to because I feel it doesn't need to be that long and they do not need to be paid that much.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I used to fish for comments. THE SHAME! If only I could time travel. Also I am not talking to myself it's just the person who I was talking to deleted their old account so now it is just blank.
The classic response to this type of question. Plus I like how I have the effort to write out the various types of clothing but I can't write thanks correctly.
These are basically just the pictures from the before mentioned party. Man I look chubs in the face.
Everyone's reaction to school at one point or another.
We were talking to my cousin Hollie who wanted to be invited to the sleepover I was having. She taught me some bad habits at that party. None that I kept to of course. Mainly smoking. After dropping the cigarette on the trampoline I don't think I can be a pro smoker.
I should write a book with this kind of stuff.
Strawberries are the best. No denying it. Actually no pineapples are the best. But either way I was not going to share my strawberries.
That was a fun manic mile. We blindfolded Kezia who was at the front of the conga line we had going on, so I had to direct her.
Turns out I did have MSN.
She didn't make me this cake in the end. I liked the one I got though.
I don't remember the secret. Sorry guys.
I sent him a picture of myself when I was younger and at first he didn't get it. I don't know why but we decided to mainly communicate on each others wall than through private messages.
Well I guess that is enough for today.
See you in the 'morrow!
I had an obsession with The IT Crowd and just had to quote it at every opportunity. How could you not? For all those who have not seen this great show go watch every single episode before reading the rest of this post. Go on. I'll wait.
I do love pasta. I sing a song when I make it to Nightmare Before Christmas's making Christmas. MAKING PASTA MAKING PASTA FALALA!
I don't really know either.
Let's all take a minute to hate on me for using a double negative. Thank god I have learnt the error of my ways. Also I have forgotten last years, well to me it was 5 years ago. Awks...
Now I am Family Guy/lyrics of an actual song quoting. If you have not seen every episode of FG I suggest you go watch it now. Go on. I'll wait.
I just had no effort to put tomorrow apparently. My mum is still strangely obsessed with dreadlocks.
These moments are always an achievement. Mainly because I never learn the controls.
That parenting. That level of conversation. Just that.
And this too.
I remember this, I was freaking out because after searching the house it was nowhere to be found and I didn't want to have to pay for a new one so had awkward moments explaining to the bus driver that I would get a new one and then it was just in my coat pocket the entire time.
Aww the days when I used to get excited about my birthday. Don't get me wrong I still do. Just not to this extent.
Hal really liked this picture for that one reason.
Basically I was in a group with Charlotte Williams and the Triplets and we made a really good presentation and wanted to win the trip because we would appreciate the entire trip and people just assumed we wouldn't appreciate football. Like I can watch football I just choose not to because I feel it doesn't need to be that long and they do not need to be paid that much.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I used to fish for comments. THE SHAME! If only I could time travel. Also I am not talking to myself it's just the person who I was talking to deleted their old account so now it is just blank.
The classic response to this type of question. Plus I like how I have the effort to write out the various types of clothing but I can't write thanks correctly.
These are basically just the pictures from the before mentioned party. Man I look chubs in the face.
Everyone's reaction to school at one point or another.
We were talking to my cousin Hollie who wanted to be invited to the sleepover I was having. She taught me some bad habits at that party. None that I kept to of course. Mainly smoking. After dropping the cigarette on the trampoline I don't think I can be a pro smoker.
I should write a book with this kind of stuff.
Strawberries are the best. No denying it. Actually no pineapples are the best. But either way I was not going to share my strawberries.
That was a fun manic mile. We blindfolded Kezia who was at the front of the conga line we had going on, so I had to direct her.
Turns out I did have MSN.
She didn't make me this cake in the end. I liked the one I got though.
I don't remember the secret. Sorry guys.
I sent him a picture of myself when I was younger and at first he didn't get it. I don't know why but we decided to mainly communicate on each others wall than through private messages.
Well I guess that is enough for today.
See you in the 'morrow!
Thursday, 14 May 2015
So the other day we were taking about films in the group chat and I started talking about the Animal Crossing, Professor Layton and the Tekken films I have seen I watched when I became a little to obsessed with the fictional world. (If you don't know all of these are games).
I first played Tekken as a small child on my play station, because I was so cool. Hal and I would get in competitions with each other and she'd win because if not she'd get in a strop. (As I got older I realised this was unfair and would throw a tantrum myself) Anyway.. So we owned Tekken 2 and Tekken 4 (for the PS2) we can only purchase the even numbered versions. And we would always fight as the girl characters because we are girls and sexist. So most of the game play has really been stuck to Tekken 4 as it was the recent version we owned, and we would spend ages trying to defeat the tournaments as all the characters as I wanted to watch their cut scenes and know all their back stories.
Wait I just realised I haven't said what this game is. Essentially it is a fighting game which you can play as a single or multi-player. The latter obviously being fighting against your friends and the single player is when you fight against the computer to either learn all the combo moves to easily defeat a friend or to complete the tournament which gets progressively harder as you reach the boss level.
Anyway... So most of the time playing was just furiously hitting buttons because who has the time to learn all the cool moves. A good part about the button mash is that eventually you hit at least one or two of these combinations. So it is a pretty simple game to play and that is why I like it, because it is just a cool way to let off a little steam and escape from life stress. I would like to play it now but I don't have the time nor the effort to plug in my play station load the game and then play it when I could be revising.
There was a brief moment when Hal and I borrowed the 5th version from the library and we played that. I really liked it as there was some new characters and back stories, plus another awesome feature, you could play all of the original games! Which I liked as i never had the opportunity to play 1 and 3. I wish I actually owned the game. Another game I wish I owned was the 6 one, because it contains my favourite character. Alisa Bosconovtich, the Russian Japanese robot who has chainsaws for hands and can take off her head to give to the opposing player and it explodes. She's fucking cool (and the main character in the films mentioned above.
Overall I guess it is a pretty good game, but there are many fighter games out there and you end up with the but Street Fighter is better or Mortal Combat is better. In fairness the fatalities in MC are pretty fucking cool. But as it is the game of my childhood, Tekken wins it for me.
See you in the 'morrow!
I first played Tekken as a small child on my play station, because I was so cool. Hal and I would get in competitions with each other and she'd win because if not she'd get in a strop. (As I got older I realised this was unfair and would throw a tantrum myself) Anyway.. So we owned Tekken 2 and Tekken 4 (for the PS2) we can only purchase the even numbered versions. And we would always fight as the girl characters because we are girls and sexist. So most of the game play has really been stuck to Tekken 4 as it was the recent version we owned, and we would spend ages trying to defeat the tournaments as all the characters as I wanted to watch their cut scenes and know all their back stories.
Wait I just realised I haven't said what this game is. Essentially it is a fighting game which you can play as a single or multi-player. The latter obviously being fighting against your friends and the single player is when you fight against the computer to either learn all the combo moves to easily defeat a friend or to complete the tournament which gets progressively harder as you reach the boss level.
Anyway... So most of the time playing was just furiously hitting buttons because who has the time to learn all the cool moves. A good part about the button mash is that eventually you hit at least one or two of these combinations. So it is a pretty simple game to play and that is why I like it, because it is just a cool way to let off a little steam and escape from life stress. I would like to play it now but I don't have the time nor the effort to plug in my play station load the game and then play it when I could be revising.
There was a brief moment when Hal and I borrowed the 5th version from the library and we played that. I really liked it as there was some new characters and back stories, plus another awesome feature, you could play all of the original games! Which I liked as i never had the opportunity to play 1 and 3. I wish I actually owned the game. Another game I wish I owned was the 6 one, because it contains my favourite character. Alisa Bosconovtich, the Russian Japanese robot who has chainsaws for hands and can take off her head to give to the opposing player and it explodes. She's fucking cool (and the main character in the films mentioned above.
Overall I guess it is a pretty good game, but there are many fighter games out there and you end up with the but Street Fighter is better or Mortal Combat is better. In fairness the fatalities in MC are pretty fucking cool. But as it is the game of my childhood, Tekken wins it for me.
See you in the 'morrow!
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
Revise. Work. Tired. Sleep.
Wednesday 6th: I went to school in time for double biology (on the way bumping into Jess and Harvey so I could borrow a pen). At the beginning of the lesson as I usually do I go and see the pet rat, he hasn't been doing well since his brother passed and today he seemed pretty scrawny but still breathing. And miss was talking about how if she didn't know whether to put him down or let nature take it's course. So then we did some work and when she left to photocopy some things and I checked on the rat. Nature took its course. Biology was a downer from there. Break time was pretty much just telling people about this. So private study was just revising and then pointless conference was more politics bullshit. Lunch was sitting around taking pictures and chatting, and then Media was exam prep. I chatted to people for a bit before getting the bus home to chill.
Thursday 7th: Today was different (and not just because it was election day) Instead of going to 6th form I went for a practical interview. Bonus meant I got a lay in. So I got there and sat with the other candidate for a bit, awkwardly, while waiting for the third person who never showed. Guess that makes my chances better. Then we were asked a couple of questions shown around the place and I spent around 4 hours in some different rooms just helping out. It was adorable and amazing, and I hope I get the apprenticeship, but if I lose out to the other girl I don't mind, she seemed better than me. I chatted to her as we left, and then went home, to relax on sims, and recall the events to my mum and then Hal when she called.
Friday 8th: I had to return to school today, starting with two hours of study, but I spent some of this talking to a teacher about 6th form life and the election results. He wasn't happy. then yeah I was revising and laughing at the innuendos in Jessie's graphics work. Break we were kicked out of the common room (pissed off) so we chatted in the study center about elections and ships. Then I had double media with Jess which was more exam stuff. Lunch was describing people's lives using CAH cards, and then playing a little CAH before we got kicked out of the common room AGAIN! (pissed off even more). Lastly I had biology where we revised excretion and chatted about drunk stories. Then I got the bus home with Emma talking about many things, as we do. At home I chilled.
Saturday 9th: Work. Tired. Sleep.
Sunday 10th: Work. Tired. Sleep.
Monday 11th: I went in just in time for media where we were discussing exam stuff again, reading magazines and talking about films. Then it was break where I sat on the tables in the common room discussing exam stuff. Next was psychology where we gossiped and revised, and then I waited for my sister and my mum as I was done for the day. We drove to this pub and met with my grandparents who I haven't seen since before my birthday so they presented me with a cake and some presents. Which was nice. So we had a meal chatted, Hal and I briefly went to Sainsbury's to buy stuff and then we went home to play sims, and I got some news. And slept.
Tuesday 12th: Now today I woke up with an on off headache so decided to stay off from school to revise at my own pace, but then mum and Hal were going to Hemsby to see my other nanny, who I haven't seen since before my birthday also, and I really wanted to go see her, so I went. We had a nice time chatting and went out for a meal. I was so full on the way back, then Hal and I went to the amusements and I won some skull things and then we went home again and I watched youtube and revised and slept (well not yet as I am finishing this but sleep is what I shall do next).
See you in the 'morrow!
Thursday 7th: Today was different (and not just because it was election day) Instead of going to 6th form I went for a practical interview. Bonus meant I got a lay in. So I got there and sat with the other candidate for a bit, awkwardly, while waiting for the third person who never showed. Guess that makes my chances better. Then we were asked a couple of questions shown around the place and I spent around 4 hours in some different rooms just helping out. It was adorable and amazing, and I hope I get the apprenticeship, but if I lose out to the other girl I don't mind, she seemed better than me. I chatted to her as we left, and then went home, to relax on sims, and recall the events to my mum and then Hal when she called.
Friday 8th: I had to return to school today, starting with two hours of study, but I spent some of this talking to a teacher about 6th form life and the election results. He wasn't happy. then yeah I was revising and laughing at the innuendos in Jessie's graphics work. Break we were kicked out of the common room (pissed off) so we chatted in the study center about elections and ships. Then I had double media with Jess which was more exam stuff. Lunch was describing people's lives using CAH cards, and then playing a little CAH before we got kicked out of the common room AGAIN! (pissed off even more). Lastly I had biology where we revised excretion and chatted about drunk stories. Then I got the bus home with Emma talking about many things, as we do. At home I chilled.
Saturday 9th: Work. Tired. Sleep.
Sunday 10th: Work. Tired. Sleep.
Monday 11th: I went in just in time for media where we were discussing exam stuff again, reading magazines and talking about films. Then it was break where I sat on the tables in the common room discussing exam stuff. Next was psychology where we gossiped and revised, and then I waited for my sister and my mum as I was done for the day. We drove to this pub and met with my grandparents who I haven't seen since before my birthday so they presented me with a cake and some presents. Which was nice. So we had a meal chatted, Hal and I briefly went to Sainsbury's to buy stuff and then we went home to play sims, and I got some news. And slept.
Tuesday 12th: Now today I woke up with an on off headache so decided to stay off from school to revise at my own pace, but then mum and Hal were going to Hemsby to see my other nanny, who I haven't seen since before my birthday also, and I really wanted to go see her, so I went. We had a nice time chatting and went out for a meal. I was so full on the way back, then Hal and I went to the amusements and I won some skull things and then we went home again and I watched youtube and revised and slept (well not yet as I am finishing this but sleep is what I shall do next).
See you in the 'morrow!
Monday, 11 May 2015
Uncertainty...Or Is It?
So I had today's post all planned out in my head. But now things have kind of changed, which means I don't really have a blog post. However, I decided that I was just going to write the blog as planned (as some things I still wish to include) and then correct the other part.
Basically this post is about how there is this big uncertainty in my life, and usually I hate that. I hate casual plans that are like when can meet whenever, and it's like no I'd like a time so I know when to do this that and those. But yeah I like to have a plan. Therefore the problem is, I don't have a plan. So many things are uncertain from this point and it is freaking me out.
My grades can go any which way. It truly depends on the question. Luckily I think I will get a high grade in Media purely because of the high coursework mark, and I think I have the essays to a reasonably good standard. Biology I feel I need to work a lot for and it would be very dependent on the topics which come up. But a lot of practice is going into that. Psychology again it depends on the question. But when there are like 3 out of a possible 20 questions you get pretty panicky about how well you could do. Plus I hate evaluating because I can think of two points and that's it. I need like 16 marks! On the bright side it's not like I need the grades for Uni.
I have no idea on what career I am doing...Is what I was originally going to say! Because today I got a very happy phone call from my apprenticeship saying that they really liked me and would like to give me a position but the final "official" decision has to come from Head office so she called to give me a heads up. So I am very happy because this is something I really want to so :D Also if I work super hard at it and they like me, they are more than likely going to offer me a full time position. Which means that is that sorted.
Basically some of my life is filled with uncertainty, some I haven't mentioned (mainly because too tired) and I am not comfortable with it. But I guess the only way to live is through exploration and just going in at the deep end. I'm not even sure what I am saying anymore because I am so tired. I'll just sleep.
See you in the 'morrow!
Basically this post is about how there is this big uncertainty in my life, and usually I hate that. I hate casual plans that are like when can meet whenever, and it's like no I'd like a time so I know when to do this that and those. But yeah I like to have a plan. Therefore the problem is, I don't have a plan. So many things are uncertain from this point and it is freaking me out.
My grades can go any which way. It truly depends on the question. Luckily I think I will get a high grade in Media purely because of the high coursework mark, and I think I have the essays to a reasonably good standard. Biology I feel I need to work a lot for and it would be very dependent on the topics which come up. But a lot of practice is going into that. Psychology again it depends on the question. But when there are like 3 out of a possible 20 questions you get pretty panicky about how well you could do. Plus I hate evaluating because I can think of two points and that's it. I need like 16 marks! On the bright side it's not like I need the grades for Uni.
I have no idea on what career I am doing...Is what I was originally going to say! Because today I got a very happy phone call from my apprenticeship saying that they really liked me and would like to give me a position but the final "official" decision has to come from Head office so she called to give me a heads up. So I am very happy because this is something I really want to so :D Also if I work super hard at it and they like me, they are more than likely going to offer me a full time position. Which means that is that sorted.
Basically some of my life is filled with uncertainty, some I haven't mentioned (mainly because too tired) and I am not comfortable with it. But I guess the only way to live is through exploration and just going in at the deep end. I'm not even sure what I am saying anymore because I am so tired. I'll just sleep.
See you in the 'morrow!
Friday, 8 May 2015
Tired. So Tired.
Wednesday 29th: I woke up late this morning so wasn't able to walk in with Harvey. But I was still on time for double biology first. This was learning about genomes and gossiping about relationships. Which led to miss stroking my arm to demonstrate a couple she saw in the cloakroom. Then it was break where we just sat in the study center talking about sims and thing. This led to private study where Maddy was watching my recent video and commenting and laughing and we chatted while I did some media work. Next up pointless conference where there was talk of bike rides school stuff and then my favourite topic. Politics. We did a survey about which party we are likely to vote for. I was 60% green party which I predicted. The other 40% was half and half labour and lib-dem. Following this was group mentor which was more politics talk. Then it was lunch where everything just continued and I was showing people holiday photos from years ago. Last was double media where we worked on exam technique, then a lonely late bus ride home, and just chilling.
Thursday 30th: A very long lay in today, and watching some tv, having a long hug with my Sebbles. I decided to then go in and finish my psychology mock, which wasn't so bad. This went into some of lunch but then I spent the rest of the time talking to people about fruit and other things. Then I had psychology and we were just doing revision and there were weird conversations about names, Harry Potter and accents. After this I had private study with Harvey. I did some media work and psychology revision. Then there was a weird conversation about periods. On the late bus home with Amy and Harvey and Theo we talked about exams, sock puppets, and how Harvey should ask Jessie out on a date. At home I chilled watching tv and youtube.
Friday 1st: So I got up early and decided to have a chill morning eating crumpets and get the bus that gets me in just on time. First I had double biology and we were just doing revision on some biodiversity stuff as well as finding out the gossip from our teacher. Then twas break which wasn't anything special, then it was double media which was more exam prep, reading magazines, Jessie and I were attacking each other with the free cologne samples. Lunch was brief, but there was the reveal of exam people hijacking our common room. All the obnoxiously coloured chairs were stacked in the corner but I have claimed one as my chair still. Even though it is upside down.
Saturday 2nd: WORK! Gotta love work. Pretty normal day.
Sunday 3rd: Original plan was to go out, but mum wasn't feeling well, so I chilled.
Monday 4th: MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!!! Normally today would have been my day off, but it was a bank holiday so work decided to give me an 8 hour shift (ended up being more like 9) and that was what I did, there was some funny moments with the manager cashing the float up incorrectly about 3 times. But a pretty normal day at work, then I got home and was so tired.
Tuesday 5th: So I went to 6th form and had two hours of study where I was too tired to revise so spent a lot of time talking to Amy about the common room. Then break blahdeblah and then it was two hours of biology where we did more revision on abiotic factors and got cups of tea. Love our bio teacher. Lunch was mainly taking photos and telling Jessie and Harvey they belong together. Finally I had double psychology which was more revision and then the late bus home where we were discussing how cute Jessie and Harvey are and then I went home and grabbed some money as mum needed bread and milk, then I went to Harvey's as he wanted to get money. Main points about his house: Very Bright, Big Fish, "Toilet" Game. Then we went to Co-op where they were selling a box of 16 Ferrero Rocher for £2.50 HAD TO BUY THOSE! Went home ate more than is respected and then I genuinely fell asleep. At like 8:15.
Hence why this post is late. And for the past couple of days I have just been falling asleep incredibly early, so I apologise. But no offence blogging is not my main priority right now, so there may be times in the future when there is gaps but doesn't mean I love you any less. Just means I am too busy/tired. Maybe I will reschedule and create a new plan. Maybe.
See you in the 'morrow!
Thursday 30th: A very long lay in today, and watching some tv, having a long hug with my Sebbles. I decided to then go in and finish my psychology mock, which wasn't so bad. This went into some of lunch but then I spent the rest of the time talking to people about fruit and other things. Then I had psychology and we were just doing revision and there were weird conversations about names, Harry Potter and accents. After this I had private study with Harvey. I did some media work and psychology revision. Then there was a weird conversation about periods. On the late bus home with Amy and Harvey and Theo we talked about exams, sock puppets, and how Harvey should ask Jessie out on a date. At home I chilled watching tv and youtube.
Friday 1st: So I got up early and decided to have a chill morning eating crumpets and get the bus that gets me in just on time. First I had double biology and we were just doing revision on some biodiversity stuff as well as finding out the gossip from our teacher. Then twas break which wasn't anything special, then it was double media which was more exam prep, reading magazines, Jessie and I were attacking each other with the free cologne samples. Lunch was brief, but there was the reveal of exam people hijacking our common room. All the obnoxiously coloured chairs were stacked in the corner but I have claimed one as my chair still. Even though it is upside down.
Saturday 2nd: WORK! Gotta love work. Pretty normal day.
Sunday 3rd: Original plan was to go out, but mum wasn't feeling well, so I chilled.
Monday 4th: MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!!! Normally today would have been my day off, but it was a bank holiday so work decided to give me an 8 hour shift (ended up being more like 9) and that was what I did, there was some funny moments with the manager cashing the float up incorrectly about 3 times. But a pretty normal day at work, then I got home and was so tired.
Tuesday 5th: So I went to 6th form and had two hours of study where I was too tired to revise so spent a lot of time talking to Amy about the common room. Then break blahdeblah and then it was two hours of biology where we did more revision on abiotic factors and got cups of tea. Love our bio teacher. Lunch was mainly taking photos and telling Jessie and Harvey they belong together. Finally I had double psychology which was more revision and then the late bus home where we were discussing how cute Jessie and Harvey are and then I went home and grabbed some money as mum needed bread and milk, then I went to Harvey's as he wanted to get money. Main points about his house: Very Bright, Big Fish, "Toilet" Game. Then we went to Co-op where they were selling a box of 16 Ferrero Rocher for £2.50 HAD TO BUY THOSE! Went home ate more than is respected and then I genuinely fell asleep. At like 8:15.
Hence why this post is late. And for the past couple of days I have just been falling asleep incredibly early, so I apologise. But no offence blogging is not my main priority right now, so there may be times in the future when there is gaps but doesn't mean I love you any less. Just means I am too busy/tired. Maybe I will reschedule and create a new plan. Maybe.
See you in the 'morrow!
Monday, 4 May 2015
PICks Of The Month: April
Hello, so it has come to my attention that I have not talked about my PICks of the Month and it is 4 days into May (not really I just thought that would be a fun way to start). But anyway now is probably as good a time as any to mention some fun times in April.
Tv Show: Um.. I guess we shall go with a show that has rekindled itself to me. I have started watching the series again, even though as a child I watched it many times. But As Told By Ginger is still great many years later! I mention it briefly in my magnificent 7 of childrens cartoons, because you guessed it, it's a cartoon. Summary time, it's essentially about Gingers life in what would be England's early high school, one of the bitchiest times of everyone's life and how her and the outkast friends are trying to get in with the cool kids. It's good go watch it.
Youtuber: This month I have watched a lot of DailyGrace. And I mean a lot. (more than 100 videos) and I still haven't caught up. Because she posted 5 days a week and started 4/5 years ago. So I had heard of her before but just assumed she was like a beauty guru or vlogger like Zoella but after seeing her on Teens React I found her funny and decided to watch more of her videos. She's pretty cool.
Blog Post: Well Maddy really enjoyed watching this video and I guess it was pretty interesting so I guess Babbling 'Bout Boobs is my favourite blog post of this month. I just had a weird talk with myself about these things that make no complete sense. Maddy and I also discussed the possibility of this being a saga as we had other things to say about boobs.
Dream: My dreams haven't really been that memorable, plus there hasn't really been that many this month. So I will go with the only one I really remember. I was at work, which was a weird combination of where I work and where Amy works,serving this girl who I used to go to school with. Why her I have no idea, the mind is weird like that. And she wanted to order these things that took time so I explained this and then a new person (who I haven't personally met) and she wanted an ice cream for her daughter so I made that and she was just chatting to me when the previous girls order was ready and I was like ummm.. but then I panicked and the girl left and I was like ok I should move on but then I heard the people I work with bitching about me saying I was a bad employee and should be fired so I ran to this weird attic type place which you can only get to by a ladder and it had a bed in there and that is all I remember.
Song: Hmmm... Well this is a song from really early in the month. Basically when I went to visit Halinore her and her friend started singing this song "On the outside looking in" by Jordan Pruitt? I would just have it in my head for days. It was a pretty catchy song from my childhood. A lot of childhood based things in this post.
Game: Well SIMS 4 GET TO WORK! Obvs. I have played this so much, but not really on the actual get to work stuff as much because after the annoyance I have gotten irritated, but since I got the game this month and have played it it is the obvious choice. It is currently updating as we speak. Well we aren't really speaking are we?
And finally...Picture: You've seen this picture before but I like it because it was taken on my birthday, when I finally became an adult and it was a good lunchtime chilling with the friends decorating cakes.
So that is that for this month. Hope you enjoyed these. See you in the 'morrow!

Blog Post: Well Maddy really enjoyed watching this video and I guess it was pretty interesting so I guess Babbling 'Bout Boobs is my favourite blog post of this month. I just had a weird talk with myself about these things that make no complete sense. Maddy and I also discussed the possibility of this being a saga as we had other things to say about boobs.
Dream: My dreams haven't really been that memorable, plus there hasn't really been that many this month. So I will go with the only one I really remember. I was at work, which was a weird combination of where I work and where Amy works,serving this girl who I used to go to school with. Why her I have no idea, the mind is weird like that. And she wanted to order these things that took time so I explained this and then a new person (who I haven't personally met) and she wanted an ice cream for her daughter so I made that and she was just chatting to me when the previous girls order was ready and I was like ummm.. but then I panicked and the girl left and I was like ok I should move on but then I heard the people I work with bitching about me saying I was a bad employee and should be fired so I ran to this weird attic type place which you can only get to by a ladder and it had a bed in there and that is all I remember.
Song: Hmmm... Well this is a song from really early in the month. Basically when I went to visit Halinore her and her friend started singing this song "On the outside looking in" by Jordan Pruitt? I would just have it in my head for days. It was a pretty catchy song from my childhood. A lot of childhood based things in this post.
Game: Well SIMS 4 GET TO WORK! Obvs. I have played this so much, but not really on the actual get to work stuff as much because after the annoyance I have gotten irritated, but since I got the game this month and have played it it is the obvious choice. It is currently updating as we speak. Well we aren't really speaking are we?
And finally...Picture: You've seen this picture before but I like it because it was taken on my birthday, when I finally became an adult and it was a good lunchtime chilling with the friends decorating cakes.
So that is that for this month. Hope you enjoyed these. See you in the 'morrow!
Friday, 1 May 2015
Time's Running Out.
18 DAYS!!! There are only 18 days left until my first exam. NOOOO. I am not prepared. I am not ready. Some exams I wouldn't mid it just being over and done with but the ones I am not prepared for are happening first. AAAAAAAAK. Not only that but there is officially 1 month and 17 days until my last exam. Which means that after that day it is over. 6th form will have ended. And I will be lost as I am no longer tied to the school I have been to for the past 7 years of my life.
So much has happened there. I met the majority of my friends. There have been some pretty insane memories, and I am more comfortable with who I am now than I was before I started high school. What was the point of this paragraph?
But basically, the end is nigh and I am scared. Because it means that I have to make the effort to see those people I want to see, and you should know my feelings on effort. Worst of all you have the people moving away because of Uni, like what am I going to do without Emma? I've known her most my life and had the comfort of knowing she only lives a short walk away but now she is going to Oxford! :O
I'm not sure where I am going with all this, but yeah I'm panicking as it is almost over and I feel there is not enough time to finish everything and get decent grades at the end of it. Sorry this is a short post but I am busy and tired and I'm sure you don't want to read a lot right now.
See you in the 'morrow!
So much has happened there. I met the majority of my friends. There have been some pretty insane memories, and I am more comfortable with who I am now than I was before I started high school. What was the point of this paragraph?
But basically, the end is nigh and I am scared. Because it means that I have to make the effort to see those people I want to see, and you should know my feelings on effort. Worst of all you have the people moving away because of Uni, like what am I going to do without Emma? I've known her most my life and had the comfort of knowing she only lives a short walk away but now she is going to Oxford! :O
I'm not sure where I am going with all this, but yeah I'm panicking as it is almost over and I feel there is not enough time to finish everything and get decent grades at the end of it. Sorry this is a short post but I am busy and tired and I'm sure you don't want to read a lot right now.
See you in the 'morrow!
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