Monday 16 March 2015

Mock Results: Plan Of Action

Hi! So a big part of last week was the fact that we got our mock results. Which should really be a massive deal because they contribute nothing towards your final grades. But everyone freaks out because if they do badly they feel they do not have enough time to improve on it. But yeah.

So I was feeling ok, and was confident I had no A's B's or U's. And I was correct with this. I saw the grades CCE which is what I expected really. So I didn't have a really down moment like last year. However, as I did badly in psychology last year and kind of ever since I was expecting that to be the E grade. But no that was in biology. I was so confused with emotions as I was happy I am finally doing well in psychology, but devastated that biology went so badly. But Hal tried to reassure me saying she got a U when she sat that exam. I'm not sure I can face seeing my biology teachers though, as during class I do so well, and they expect a lot from me. I just need to work my butt off. I am also slightly disappointed with Media, but no so much as C is still good and last year I got a D in my mock and came out with a B so it looks positive. Plus media is mainly coursework and currently I have an A in that so yeah. 

However after finding out some of my grades/marks and it turns out for Psychology I was two marks off a B, which is way better than I was expecting, and she even told me I could get an A with the right questions. Then with Biology I was again only a couple of marks away from a D, so I was just so close, which may be annoying but it means that getting higher grades is doable. 

Therefore I need to make a plan. Look at my weakness and work on them, find my strengths and ensure I continue with that and just improve on the bits in the middle. So far my Media teachers have said that I just need to keep clearly linking back to the question after every point I make. Which is also what psychology told me when I make evaluation points. So for this I just need to practice writing the answers and go for it. I have some past questions and there is time to still make up the difference, so it shouldn't be so difficult. 

Biology however, might be more tricky and time consuming, as I feel I just need to answer as many past paper questions as I can so I know what mark schemes look for and how questions are phrased and know the content better as well. But I did a past paper today which seemed a lot easier, but still wasn't the best. The good thing is that I can see my areas of weakness and work on them. So a lot of revision time I feel needs to be spent on biology, to ensure that this years exams go well, as well as the exam that I am retaking. So that was I can walk away with I grade I am truly proud of.  

Then I think psychology is my next bet as it is purely exam based so there is no other percentage to fall back on (because with Media and Biology I have A grade coursework). Here I just need to make model answers and look at past papers for unit 2 (which I am resitting) and unit 4 as I haven't seen one of those yet. So far with the resitting stuff I have gotten section A to a C but the other sections are dragging my overall grade down so I need to learn those more. And Media I just need to practice. 

So I think I have a plan of action. I just need to stay motivated. Let us pray for that.

See you in the 'morrow!

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