Tuesday 10 March 2015

Week At The Knees.

Before we get on to what the blog should be about I am just going to explain the title. There is no mention of knees in this post (apart from when I literally just mentioned it) but it's just a random suggestion from a friend as I had no idea what to call the post. So yeah...Onto discussing my week. 

Wednesday 4th: I woke up early for the first time in a while, which I wasn't used to. But I had to get the bus. At the stop was my dad, who had been waiting for half an hour. Poor guy. Then I got and the bus and sat with Emma, Becky and Harvey, and we were talking about paintball and the 6th form ball. We walked to school and I purchased a hot chocolate and it gave me like a quarter of a cup so I complained to Ali, but drank it anyway after filling it with hot water. After this it was time for double biology where I was getting slightly confused about Epistasis and just cuddling the rats. I also found out I got an A in my coursework! Woo. Then it was break where I was just cuddling people, and then I went to private study where I did some biology worked, and bitched about the 6th form ball, and then got kind of upset because someone was being mean about a type of anxiety I have, essentially saying it was stupid. Then Pointless Conference, where we were talking about the media, which continued into group mentor. Then at lunch we were talking about a plan a few of us have about jobs and things. After lunch Jess and I went to media and we were watching Maleficent and we just kept picking holes in the plot. It was pretty fun. Late bus home and then all the chilling stuff. 

Thursday 5th: Today I woke up at 8, which means I had three hours of nothing before I got ready for school. So I watched Bones, and had some chats with my mum, and then when returning to the tv I flicked through the channels and found something amazing. Raven was on. A show I used to watch with my sister a lot. It's a game show type thing for kids. It was great. So I was watching that and spoke to my mum about how much she used to fancy the host guy. Then I got the bus to school and arrived in private study trying to answer a past paper, but mainly talked to people about the 6th form ball. Then it was lunch and we sat around taking pictures and talking about things I don't remember, before it was time for psychology where we just recapped last lesson and were talking about teachers and things. Finishing with more private study where I looked at apprenticeship things, and then the late bus home with the gang and we took a few more pictures sang songs and danced and chatted. At home I had no internet so I watched tv ate food and took a nap and a shower before it returned for me to do my usual internet chilling thing.

Friday 6th: Blah Blah Blah, got ready for 6th form. Walking to school with Harvey we talked about the dreaded place and once there Jessie, Harvey, Ashton and I planned a camping trip. I am bringing a spoon. Because spoons. And then asked people who they thought would die first. Everyone was saying it would be between the vegetarian (me) and the diabetic (Ashton) and we weren't having any of that so mine and Ashton's plan is to kill Jess and Harvey and I will eat all the sugar, and he eats all the meat. Perfect. Then it was time for biology where we were leaning about the peripheral nervous pathway or someshing. Which was pretty fun. Then it was break where I went to see Dawn and people were talking about the 6th form ball and I was trying to sort something out but was going to be late for Media, so Jess and I rushed there instead. In Media we watched Made in Dagenham which I really liked, plus Champs bought us chocolate and popcorn. A-level media studies guys! Then we discussed it and the lesson was over. So Jessie and I went to the shop and got some drinks, and I sat with Jess and Harvey taking pictures of Emma and Emily, and handing in my uncompleted form to Ali and when I realized during lunch she appeared with the form. It was magical. And then I got the bus home (which was on time :O) and ate food, watched tv, played sims, watch youtube, blogged, and then had a down moment. All before sleeping. 

Saturday 7th: So I woke up after a shitty night of barely any sleep, but I felt better after my crumpet. Crumpets make everything better. I watched some tv, and youtube, and then had a bath, and played sims.

Sunday 8th: I spent a lot of today sleeping. It was nice. Then I got up ate some crumpets, watched a bit of tv with my dad, and got ready to go see my nanny. There we talked about crochet the caravan and other things, before mum got too hungry and we went home and she made me food and I played sims, and watched youtubes, and then realized Once Upon A Time was back so watched an episode of that, blogged this and watched youtube and went to sleep.

Monday 9th: I woke up and had some crumpets. Because crumpets are my life right now. Anyway. Then I started crochet and you can read all about that in my blog post from yesterday. And I gave up on that and went to have a relaxing bath. Which led to food time and I ate food and watched some more Once Upon A Time and I have a theory about it, but I don't think it is going to be correct. Would be so interesting if it was though. Then I blogged and stuff, and watched youtube. Then something incredible happened. I did some revision :O I know I know. Whilst revising I was having a photo war with people in the group chat going on, and yeah. 

Tuesday 10th: More crumpets this morning as I had some time, and then I went to school where I had private study with Amy, and I was teaching her some fun biology terms and she was telling me everything was awesome in a note, so I wrote back rape isn't awesome but she thought I said rope, so tried to draw some rope, but it turned into a worm which turned into a snake which turned into a fish. Then I went to biology and we were learning about muscles and stuff, whilst singing classic sings, like Cascada and the vengaboys. Then I went to go talk to Quackers about how I will not be in lesson tomorrow and she was getting annoyed at the 6th form, and then I was talking to Nicole about it before going into the common room with people. Here Amy and I did some singing, we all discussed 50 Shades of Grey and shipping people. Following this was psychology where we did biological therapies which was kinda straightforward, and we tried playing a practical joke on Mitchell, it kind of failed though. Then I came home and watched the last ever episode of Waterloo Road, and they were talking about Grantly which made me sad. Then I watched some youtubes, and blogged. So yeah.

See you in the 'morrow!

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