Tuesday 24 March 2015

Weekly Weirdness.

Wednesday 18th: So I got ready and got the bus with Harvey and we were just casually chatting. Then somehow we managed to get into a conversation about eating placenta. Which we spread to the entire group. Most people said no despite the offer of the placenta being with their favourite food. At this point I was trying to convince Alfie to try some placenta with spaghetti bolognese and he said he was a vegetarian, and I got all excited like "aww same" and then he said he wasn't really and I was like dammit Alfie I thought we had a connection. Then I went to double biology where I discovered that Keith the rat had died from cancer :'( And then we were learning about more genetics stuff. Then it was break where I was just hugging people and then went to private study for an hour. Here I was doing a past paper, and chatting to Maddy about sims. Then it was pointless conference, where it was a very small presentation on what to do now after mocks and showing us people who answer exams in a "simple" way. It finished early so we sat in the common room having a little bitch before the group played CAH for the first time in ages, which went through lunch. We finish the day with media where we were working on things for the upcoming exam, so getting primary textual analysis and practicing the essay structure. Miss bought us chocolate, it was fun. Then I had a lonely late bus journey home, and ate and chilled. 

Thursday 19th: I had a very nice lay in this morning, and still had time to watch Raven and Bones, and have a very nice cuddle with my cat, before getting ready for school. I got there for my hour of private study and I briefly talked to people around doing some psychology work. And then it was lunch and we sat around adoring the Giamily ship and discussing Amy's further late bus betrayal. Then it was the single hour of psychology where we did drawing to improve the input into our long term memory, and then answered some questions. Following this was the final hour of private study. Then it was another lonely late bus journey home, where this kid sitting behind me was annoying me so much it got to the point I wanted to stab him in the face. Repeatedly. But I got home and chilled. 

Friday 20th: So I got ready for school in time for biology where we were getting buzzed up for the solar eclipse, and we made the plan to do a solid 50 minutes of work and then go see if we can see anything. It got to the time and we headed outside, it was too cloudy to see anything. We waited for like 10 minutes before we decided it was too cold and headed back in. Where we had tea, watched the live show of it on BBC iplayer. It did look really cool. Then part way through the next hour and the technician said the sun was out and we could go see it with the special glasses thing, so we went and it was pretty cool. So then it was break where it was mainly just discussions of this and you could see there was just a small chunk of the sun covered. After this was double media, but neither of our teachers were there, so Jessie, Diana and myself were in the classroom discussing the work we had to do. Then it was lunch where the group was talking for a bit before I went home. Where I chilled after what I thought was a busy week. 

Saturday 21st: I had work today, but I only had a short shift from 11:30 to 16:00. but I had to get a bus that got me in the city like half an hour early. So I went to go see Aims and it was very quiet so I had time to talk to her for a bit, and she offered me a drink and I stood there drinking it when her work bud basically took the drink off me and refilled it for me. Then they got a little busier and I decided it was time to go to work. So I got ready and started my shift. I was made to be a runner for this guy but he said that he would run for me so he could just keep an eye on how well I was doing and ensuring I understood the new promotion thing. But he abandoned me so I was pretty much on till on my own. Fry guy was there which made me happy, because we just chat whenever we have a free moment about how awesome each of us are. Then when my shift was over and I returned to Amy.

Sunday 22nd: More work today, and this time I was talking to a year 11 friend of mine about his A-level choices. And then I went on a hair dye search which failed and then a 6th form ball dress search which also failed. Let's just skip to work. I was on drinks for the first part, which essentially means that the manager hates you, because it is a tedious job. But then he placed me on someone else's till after I had a surprise test on dining area stuff, which I was doing well on until it got to toilet cleaning. But I have never cleaned toilets. So yeah I was on till and I didn't have any trouble. Then I stayed behind a little bit and was cashed up. However since it is Sunday the buses were awkward I had to wait like 40 minutes for the next one. So I sat in the crew room, and there were some weird conversation about porn and boobs and beer going on. Then I went home and chilled after the busy weekend. Even though it could have been a lot busier at work. 

Monday 23rd: Today was my scheduled day off, but I had arrangements which meant I couldn't really do any work. But oh well! So first off I went to lunch with the grandparents, but we went to a place that didn't have a lot of veggie options that I was fond of, so I just ate some chips, and then had an ice cream sundae. We chatted about driving, Hal, life after 6th form, and then decided it was time to head home. I was only home for like 5 minutes before I went to go see Clive, and we were just talking about well everything. So I was there for a few hours, returned home, at chilled and then proceeded to have a mid life crisis. 

Tuesday 24th: So I had a little lay in, and then headed to school. First up I had private study where I was doing a retake psychology test. Which was alright I guess. Following this was break where I was just hugging people because I was just in that kind of mood. After this it was biology where we were learning about things we did in psychology last year so I felt like a genius. We had tea and chatted about this party and random films. Also my sister's friend was in the classroom as she wants to become a teacher which is cute. So then it was lunchtime and we sat around talking about ships and playing music and taking some pictures. Then it was psychology where our teacher wasn't around for the first hour, so we chatted and failed to do work, but that was actually because we didn't really understand it. Then our teacher returned and explained it to us, and it took some of us a couple of goes. Some of us kind of gave up with psychology at that point. So I finish the school day on the late bus having conversations with Harvey about being sick to weird out Amy. Then I ate and chilled and blogged and failed to do work I needed to do. Every time I think of work I tend to have a mini breakdown, so I am just going to chill for now and deal with it later because my head seems all frazzled. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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