Tuesday 3 March 2015

Mocks, Food and Fun.

Wednesday 25th: So today I had the dreaded psychology mock. Which I was panicking about because I feel that we haven't really been taught it properly. But luckily I have a sister who took the exam in the summer, so had an idea of what the questions would be, so I prepared (not as well as I could have done) for those questions, and it was that exam! YAY. But I guess my results wont be completely accurate. But I guess if I do the same prep for every possible question I will get the same result. I don't know. So I sat in the common room with Siobhan doing some last minute work. After I decided what I wanted to eat at the 6th form ball. Then we went into the mock, and I thought it went ok, I timed my essays well. But I could have done better if I tried. So after the mock I chatted to people and we ate biscuits, before Emma's dad offered some of us a lift home. Where we detoured to McDonalds and got some drinks and drank them in the car before going home. Where I watched some tv and then Hal returned home! So we got a take-away and chilled. 

Thursday 26th: I didn't have an exam today so I hung out with Hariette, when mum said we would go and see Nanny, but when we got there she wasn't in, so we decided to go see my grandparents and saw the creepy dolls of my childhood which was the main topic of conversation, before we headed out to the Castle Carvery for a meal. Then we went back home and Hal and I watched Eastenders, and did some more chilling. 

Friday 27th: The day of my last Mock, and I managed to have a lay in before heading in. I saw people and they were revising for their last mocks and then I headed to the hall with Siobhan. And I spent the next 50 minutes writing as much as I could remember about my essay for my coursework and I managed to write like 5 pages. I was impressed. Then I left early and chatted to people about how it went and wishing them luck before going to get the bus. I went home and my sister and I watched more Eastenders. Then the usual chilling thing happened. 

Saturday 28th: So today I really wanted to go to Gian's to celebrate his birthday but I couldn't get the time off. Therefore I had to go in. It was ok, and me and the guys had some fun times. However they didn't let us go in the crew room so we had to have our break on Lobby which I didn't enjoy. So I cut my break short. But the rest of my shift was ok, had some pretty weird orders, like 10 cheeseburgers, and 40 nuggets. Some people are odd. But oh well. Then I spent the evening watching Big Hero 6. SUCH A GOOD MOVIE!!!! I actually cried a little at the cuteness. And ate some food and went to sleep.

Sunday 1st: Today the guys celebrated Emma's b-day with some paintball. I got picked up at half 8 and was worried about all the things that could happen. And when we got there we had to sign something which wasn't helping, then these guys turned up, and I was terrified because they looked like they were going to destroy us all. But when we met them they turned out to be lovely people. And we played some fun rounds of paintball. Not sure if I would go again though. Then we all went home.

Monday 2nd: As a result of yesterday I was not feeling up to going back to school. So I slept and slumped around at home with my sister, as we played sims and did very little because I kept getting these weird headaches. So there isn't really much to say. 

Tuesday 3rd: So today was the day of returning. Hal went back to Derby, and I went back to school. Getting the bus with Emily in the morning talking about what I missed and reliving the paintball experience. We arrived at break and everyone was asking me if I was ok,and I kind of am, I showed them my impressive arm bruise though. Then I went to private study and caught up on the work I missed with half an hour to spare, so talked to people. At lunch I took some pictures and we all just chatted about the inbetweeners and other weird things. Following this was psychology and we watched a video about schizophrenia then played with Play-doh, aswell as putting our teacher off going to play paintball. Then it was the late bus home where Amy, Theo and I were singing some 80s songs. I got home at pasta watched tv and blogged and stuff. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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