Monday 9 March 2015

How (Not) To: Crochet

Hi, so today my thoughts are on the art of crochet. Mainly because my mum started crochet and she is going to make me this blanket I just liked the look and idea and was like I want to try. Also yesterday when at my grandmothers house we were discussing it, and I said I was going to learn. So I turned to the place where I learn anything.

The Internet.

So I typed into google how to crochet watched the video got the equipment and tried to
make it myself. It took me multiple attempts before I knew what I was doing, and I got pretty far before I realized I was doing it wrong as I needed three things instead of two. Then I had to unravel the whole thing and begin the job anew. But it wasn't so bad, except I kept making stupid mistakes. But I was doing ok. And I was prepared to go on further but I got to a point where I was confused at how to make the corner, and I listened to what the lovely youtube lady told me and tried that but it looked nothing like hers, and I didn't want to unravel it because I was scared I would go too far and end up having to start again and I had already spent an hour on the damn thing. 

I would like to maybe try again, but not today, as I should probably get on with some revision or something. Haha. We all know that I am just going to end up sitting on my ass playing sims or something. 

Sorry for the shortish post today, but I just thought I would like to introduce you to my new experience of crocheting. So yeah. Also does anyone else just want to call crochet croch-et? If you want it to be pronounced Crow-shay spell it more like that! The t just throws me off. Anywho....

See you in the 'morrow!

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