Wednesday 18 March 2015

Trying To Remember The Week

Wednesday 11th: So today I woke up early and got ready for school, like usual, and got on the bus and spoke to Harvey, where we were making up back stories for these people we saw involved in a car incident (both were fine, one of the cars was smashed, he drove away in it though) and this involved a wife made out of melons. Yeah...don't ask. When we got to school we waited for lessons to start and stuff. Now normally I would have biology for 2 hours, but today was different, instead I went to a skills thing at the showground with Jessie, Maddy, Gemma and Connor. It was fun, the bus journey there we were chatting about a bunch of random things, from sims to building villages. Once there I actually had the balls to talk to people, going to the different stalls. Most of the time on my own. And I returned with lots of information and some freebies. We returned for me to go to private study, and talk about my trip really. Then it was pointless conference time, but we didn't have conference because they wanted to prepare for the dramatic result reveal. Which I was not looking forward to. So we all just sat in the common room chatting. And me and Jessie were weirding out Alfie with our cat friendship. He is used to us now. Then it was time to get the results. After a small talk about the importance/what to do if you get so and so. Then I was one of the first to get my envelope and I just walked back to the common room, and opened it as I walked.Then at lunch everyone just discussed results really. Following this was an hour of Media, where we briefly discussed mocks and improvements, before doing some actual work, we analysed film posters for our actual exam. 
Thursday 12th: I woke up early again this morning, and prepared for the short day ahead. I was on the bus with Harvey where we walked incredibly slowly along Middleton's lane and then we noticed that these girls had gotten off the 36 and waited for the 37 just so they didn't have to walk down the road. Lazy to a new level. At school I sat with the year 12s just talking about tech, before I went to psychology and it seemed like no-one was there. But it was coffee morning so all was good. I had a nice cup of hot chocolate. Then we spent an hour talking about our mock and how to improve the attitude of year 12s as Miss told us like 12 of her group got U's. Then we learnt about psychological explanations of schizophrenia. Then it was break where I  briefly chatted to people before going to double private study. I sat next to Maddy, we briefly spoke and then I got on with revision for the summer as I don't want a repeat of the biology mock result. I also got a little distracted with youtube, but let's not talk about that. Then it was lunch where I could have gone home, but I got too involved talking to Emma about how my cousin is just randomly messaging her, and then trying to figure out different internet slang with Amy. Then I went home and ate pizza, had a nap, and Hal's phone call woke me up and then we did these weird online quiz things and competing with each other, before the phone died and we had other stuff to do. So I returned to youtubes and blogger and stuff. 

Friday 13th:  More early morning starts, but since I had private study first, I decided to be lazy and get the 8:00 bus. So it was a lonely walk to school and joined people for private study and I was just doing some past papers, as revision is a bit of a big deal right now. Then it was break which I will never remember and then Media where we looked at some trailers for our exam and discussed them and talked about targeting and such. Following this was mentor which didn't take long, we just pretty much said how we have looked/applied to some apprenticeships and how we are going to improve on our mock results. Then it was lunch where we chatted and whatnot. Finally I had biology for an hour where we talked a little about muscles and then spent most of the time talking about our mocks and writing improvements. Then I met with Emma and we went and got the bus home together. I don't really remember what we were discussing we tend to have really long chats about things.

Saturday 14th: I had an early start at work this morning, which I didn't mind, but I hate doing the change over from breakfast to lunch, as people just don't understand. However today wasn't that bad, and I actually enjoyed it. I was getting to know the new employee and I felt so bad for him as part way through his second shift he had a customer shout abuse at him because they claim they gave him a twenty when he thought he got a ten. The managers got involved, counted the till and watched security and he was right they had only given him a ten, but they still insisted on calling him a wanker to the point he didn't want to go back on till. But I tried to encourage him that it's like 1/300 customers that shout at you. He decided to brave it. So the day wasn't so bad, I served Maddy, my managers complimented the fact I was the only one who completed their survey, I had nice customers. But then another trainee/trainer decided they were going to steal my till but the manager couldn't cash me up as they were cashing up someone else so I just had to do odd jobs for 15 minutes. Which felt weird. Then finally I was just told I had been cashed up and I clocked out and left. I was thirsty at this point so I decided to go see Amy for a free "cup of water" ;) And while I was in the queue Maddy turned up with an old friend of hers, and we got our drinks from Amy and then decided to hang out for a bit, just walking and talking. Then the friend had to leave so Maddy and I continued the walk and talk, before going to see Tom after his shift and we sat in the pub (where he worked) and chatted until we decided it was time to go.

Sunday 15th: I was woken up by my mother saying that if I wanted to see my nanny I had to be ready in like 10 minutes and I was like well can I have more time? She said no and they just left without me. So I had a bit of a lazy day, watching tv, playing sims, watching youtubes. Then went to sleep. 

Monday 16th: Early start for school and arrived in time for Media, where we arrived at the top of the billions of stairs to find we were not in that room that lesson. STUPID ASBESTOS! So Jess and I went all the way back down to the new room. We just did more targeting discussions. Then it was break which no-one ever remembers, so we will just talk about psychology where we were doing psychological therapies which I actually understand, and some of it I need to remember for my retake. We had some fun conversations about the ball categories and things like that. Then at lunch we found out we could vote for who we wanted to win so the group spent lunch discussing this before I walked to the bus stop, went home watched tv and took a nap. Woke up not wanting to do anything, and then just got pissed off at the world like I usually do. And slept in this mood.

Tuesday 17th: I had a nice little lay in, ate some crumpets, watched some Raven, and then got on the bus. Emily was there and I don't remember what we were talking about. I remember some of it was about how we hate walking down Middleton's lane. Then I went to the study center to print off some stuff for Hal, and then since I had study next I saw no point in moving and starting doing some work. Mainly catch up stuff for Biology, then when that was done I completed my psychology homework and when that was done I finished off a past paper. Then it was lunch and people were still kind of talking about the voting stuff, as Gian was filling his out. Putting characters from films as his answers. Like Tadashi from big hero 6 as hottest guy. More funny things happened that I don't really remember, and then it was time for more psychology where we started looking at research method stuff, and Miss was getting annoyed that we kept going to inappropriate conversation topics. After this was the late bus home with Amy, Emily, Harvey, and Theo where we were dancing and talking about. Oh god what were we talking about? Who knows. So I got home ate, watched Once Upon a Time and didn't want to do anything again. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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