Friday 20 March 2015

List Of Disappointment.

I just don't know what to talk about. There are different things going on in my mind but none of them make up a reasonable blog post, and I don't really have anything planned. I deserve a slap on the wrist. But I won't give myself one. 

OK I think I am just going to have to have a short little post about something random. Well it is called Random Friday. I got it, I am going to make a list. A list of things I think I will be disappointed by. Because I'm not really feeling in a positive mood and I just have this feeling that there are things that are going to happen soon that I am really looking forward to, but they are just going to be disappointment.

To begin with we have the more than likely rejection from an apprenticeship I really want. Because not only is it in a field I really want my career to go in, but it is local to where I currently live. So I thought it was perfect. But they said they would get back to me in two weeks, and at first I was really hopeful, but that was 1 week and 6 days ago. So yeah, I'm probably going to be disappointed at the fact I am not going to get this.

Paper Towns is a book I really like by John Green, and I was excited to hear that they were going to make it into a movie. But then again I really liked The Fault in our Stars as a book, but felt the film lacked. So I am worried the film will just disappoint me and not do the book justice. 

My Birthday. I haven't planned anything to do and it is meant to be my big 18, which is meant to be all exciting and stuff. But I think in the back of my mind I am just too worried about money and exams and work to plan anything. Plus for me my 18th is going to start the train for a rather long journey I am not entirely sure I want to be on, but I do and it's complicated. So I feel like I just don't want my birthday to happen anymore. But it is quickly approaching. 

The 6th form ball is something I am looking forward to because we get to dress up all fancy ass and dance and drink with our friends and teachers. But I feel I am going to be disappointed like I was at prom, where I just felt like the populars won everything and it was just kind of boring. Plus there is my whole eating in public issue I have to battle. 

Finally, my results. I haven't even sat the exams yet, but I know that I am going to be disappointed with at least one of them. 

5 makes a list, so we shall end this there. Comment if this blog post is on your list of disappointments. Or if it's not. Please comment! I need to feel like I am not just talking to myself sometimes. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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