Hello I am going to look on the positive side of things (because mock week hasn't been the best thing ever) and tell you about some things I am looking forward to.
I am looking forward to spending more time with my sister before she goes back to Derby:Playing sims, and watching Eastenders with her is going to be amazing.
I am looking forward to paintballing on Sunday for Emma's birthday as I have never been before and I think it will be a great laugh.
I am looking forward to mine and Maddy's birthday because I hope it will be just as great as last year.
I am looking forward to earning more money at work, because there is a slight moving out plan developing and money is useful for this.
I am looking forward to the day of my final exam and I can just scream excitedly about how the stress is all over.
I am looking forward to the 6th form ball, because it will be a great memory with some people I will probably never see again.
I am looking forward to Summer as I can start relaxing some more, by playing sims, watching youtubes and reading around.
And that is just a few things of this year I am looking forward to. There are probably some more things like if the guys ever meet up things like that but I don't know if they are happening so cannot really mention them. But these happy little positive things to look forward to can hopefully get me through my final mock, and some of them even through my actual exams. Just thinking about the light at the end of the tunnel. Not in a reaching heaven way though.
Stay positive!
See you in the 'morrow!
Basically, about me being mad and a little bit weird. I may offer advice on things, depends on my mood.
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Papa's Pasteria

See you in the 'morrow!
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Revision vs Work vs Relaxation
Wednesday 18th: My first free day of half term, and I decided to have a little revision session. I'd say it went ok, but I just don't think any amount of revision is going to help me because I don't seem to be able to remember the information for long enough.
Thursday 19th: I had work again today, it was pretty busy and I had a lot of fun in places. But I made a couple of mistakes like dropping someones food. But I ensured I was really nice to all of my customers to make up for it, because I feel as long as you are nice to people they might not mind as much. When I was being cashed up I had some fun conversations with my managers about A-levels. Then I got my stuff and headed for the bus, but I was a minute late and saw it pull away from the stop -_- and thus had to wait half an hour for the next one, which my dad was on. So I chatted to him about work, watched Bones when I got home and I was too tired to revise so went to sleep.
Friday 20th: Had to go into work again today, and it was slightly better than yesterday, but the bus made me arrive like 15 minutes late. I kept with my whole just be polite and the customers might not mind you getting things a little wrong or it taking a while. Because everyone wanted things that took the longest to make. But yeah it was very quiet towards the end of my shift so my manager said I could leave early, but we spent ages trying to find the book I had to sign (turns out he placed the float on top of it) so I only clocked out two minutes early. Then I went to get the bus and ate food and had a mini breakdown over revision failure things like that. I'm not coping well at the moment.
Saturday 21st: No work today so time to revise. Apart from the fact I have little motivation anymore because everything I do just seems to go wrong. So I distracted myself for a bit with sims and youtube before trying to re-attempt the revision mess.
Sunday 22nd: Last day to revise! So most of this day was spent, trying my best to revise for Biology and crying because I feel like a failure, and the stress getting to me, so distracting myself for hours watching youtube which leads to me getting more stressed. So yeah that was my day.
Monday 23rd: Mock day 1. I woke up and went to the bus stop and the bus was late, 15 minutes for me, but it turns out that my dad's bus never turned up either so he and I went to get a lift from mother, and we saw the bus turn up. Oh well. Then I turned up and had a quick last minute revision about ultra-filtration (wasn't even in the mock). Then talked to everyone before we headed into the room for like an hour and half half as I sat in a mock which was ok, but terrible at the same time. So only the results will tell. Then I came out chatted to Hayden for a bit, ate an apple and talked to people, then went to get the bus, then I got to bus to go see Claire. And we just chatted about everything while drinking tea for a couple of hours. It was nice seeing her again, and we agrees to have the Tea Talks more often. Then I went home played sims and had a chilled evening. Because I just wanted to avoid stress.
Tuesday 24th: As I didn't have a mock today I did not need to be in 6th form, so I slept in, and then tried to do revision, got stressed out, helped mum with house stuff, ate food and watched waterloo road, try to do more revision, got stressed out, so played sims, then tried to do revision again, got stressed out, spoke on the phone to my sister, tried to revise again, got stressed out, and watched youtube and cried a little and I will go to sleep and hate the world.
See you in the 'morrow!
Thursday 19th: I had work again today, it was pretty busy and I had a lot of fun in places. But I made a couple of mistakes like dropping someones food. But I ensured I was really nice to all of my customers to make up for it, because I feel as long as you are nice to people they might not mind as much. When I was being cashed up I had some fun conversations with my managers about A-levels. Then I got my stuff and headed for the bus, but I was a minute late and saw it pull away from the stop -_- and thus had to wait half an hour for the next one, which my dad was on. So I chatted to him about work, watched Bones when I got home and I was too tired to revise so went to sleep.
Friday 20th: Had to go into work again today, and it was slightly better than yesterday, but the bus made me arrive like 15 minutes late. I kept with my whole just be polite and the customers might not mind you getting things a little wrong or it taking a while. Because everyone wanted things that took the longest to make. But yeah it was very quiet towards the end of my shift so my manager said I could leave early, but we spent ages trying to find the book I had to sign (turns out he placed the float on top of it) so I only clocked out two minutes early. Then I went to get the bus and ate food and had a mini breakdown over revision failure things like that. I'm not coping well at the moment.
Saturday 21st: No work today so time to revise. Apart from the fact I have little motivation anymore because everything I do just seems to go wrong. So I distracted myself for a bit with sims and youtube before trying to re-attempt the revision mess.
Sunday 22nd: Last day to revise! So most of this day was spent, trying my best to revise for Biology and crying because I feel like a failure, and the stress getting to me, so distracting myself for hours watching youtube which leads to me getting more stressed. So yeah that was my day.
Monday 23rd: Mock day 1. I woke up and went to the bus stop and the bus was late, 15 minutes for me, but it turns out that my dad's bus never turned up either so he and I went to get a lift from mother, and we saw the bus turn up. Oh well. Then I turned up and had a quick last minute revision about ultra-filtration (wasn't even in the mock). Then talked to everyone before we headed into the room for like an hour and half half as I sat in a mock which was ok, but terrible at the same time. So only the results will tell. Then I came out chatted to Hayden for a bit, ate an apple and talked to people, then went to get the bus, then I got to bus to go see Claire. And we just chatted about everything while drinking tea for a couple of hours. It was nice seeing her again, and we agrees to have the Tea Talks more often. Then I went home played sims and had a chilled evening. Because I just wanted to avoid stress.
Tuesday 24th: As I didn't have a mock today I did not need to be in 6th form, so I slept in, and then tried to do revision, got stressed out, helped mum with house stuff, ate food and watched waterloo road, try to do more revision, got stressed out, so played sims, then tried to do revision again, got stressed out, spoke on the phone to my sister, tried to revise again, got stressed out, and watched youtube and cried a little and I will go to sleep and hate the world.
See you in the 'morrow!
Monday, 23 February 2015
Impending Doom.
Hello. So for my friends at 6th form reading this, today marks the first day of mocks. However, for me (who is writing this on Sunday) it is the last day to cram in revision. And I am stressing. Like really bad. It is pretty much at the stage of I want to give up cry in a corner and consider giving up on life entirely because I just don't like being told I am going to fail.
I mean I probably should have started revision sooner, so if I fail I hope it can kick me into shape to be more motivated to do revision for the real exams and hopefully I can actually do well then. But that is the future I guess. However I only have 84 days until my first exam. FREAK OUT TIME!
So sorry this is a short post but I am in the middle of stressing the hell out, and I need to do some major revision for the week of impending doom, but I will probably end up crying. I guess I could just update this tomorrow after my first mock, but I am scared this will confuse me as well as others. But anyway what the hay I bet no-one really cares.
See you in the 'morrow!
I mean I probably should have started revision sooner, so if I fail I hope it can kick me into shape to be more motivated to do revision for the real exams and hopefully I can actually do well then. But that is the future I guess. However I only have 84 days until my first exam. FREAK OUT TIME!
So sorry this is a short post but I am in the middle of stressing the hell out, and I need to do some major revision for the week of impending doom, but I will probably end up crying. I guess I could just update this tomorrow after my first mock, but I am scared this will confuse me as well as others. But anyway what the hay I bet no-one really cares.
See you in the 'morrow!
Thursday, 19 February 2015
Read Some Tweets.
Random Friday is temporarily moving to Thursday (today). For this post we are going to just continue reading through my old tweets from almost 3 years ago, and laugh at how silly I was.
First we have this, I don't remember this, but my mum does call me some weird things sometimes.
Amy tweeted Lish saying: Woooooo get you! and this was my response. But I can't find what Lish said. :/
I remember this, we were playing dizzy dinosaurs and I just didn't stop. Good times.
Amy tweeted about her results in the art exam, my response. I knew she would do fine because she is Amy. Then her, Lish and I got into a conversation about grades and the art exam. Stuff like a C is good, and mine went badly. Mine was terrible in fairness. I really liked it during the first 5 hours, then nope.
Emily tweeted saying that she only just realised Tom Jones was Welsh, after thinking her was American. Oh Emily indeed.
Most of my tweets from here are just me sharing videos from my old youtube channel with my friends. So we shall just skip all of these. But if you want to see any of the videos click here!
Amy talking about her holiday and I was confused because I could have sworn she told me a different date.
I join in with Amy and Lish's conversation about going swimming.
Lish tweeted that she was Buzzin' for Friday and this was why I thought she was. I was buzzing for that. Then Lish got confused by my joke. It turns out she was excited for my birthday party :)
Trying to get Amy to come to my sleep over. She said she couldn't and I tried to guilt trip her apparently. So nice.
Hannah Tweeted that she hadn't started her art work yet, so I was sharing how I hadn't either. Good to know I even procrastinated back then.
Amy tweeted about catching up with a TV show we usually discussed together.
Hal had actually tweeted which she never did. Then she called me Sherlock Holmes, and I said how everyone says that to me so I must be a true Benedict Cumberbatch. Damn now I want to watch Sherlock.
I join Siobhan and Hannah's conversation because I notice a double negative. Such a grammar Nazi. Then the following tweets were just talking about Physics lessons and then briefly History.
Lish did the indirect tweet about someone so they know you are upset, so I thought I would tell her that I am here for her. I still am :)
Amy tweeted about how we watched Sherlock in English. I do miss those lessons. I remember how during exams we watched Sherlock and people from Geography walked in and it was the bit were Mycroft told Sherlock to put his trousers on. Good times.
Amy tweeted Lish about (Who I assume was Ellen at the time of her surgery) So this was my part of the conversation.
Just telling Amy I am always here for her after she tweeted about how awful her day was.
Aww. I still love Once Upon A Time. I can't wait for it to come back!!!!!! So excited! I actually enjoyed the Frozen section I thought the snow magic was really well done. I don't know why I put a kiss on the tweet though?
Siobhan was/maybe is very obsessed with a band called Big Time Rush and I promised that I would try to get them to tweet her back or something to make her happy. I am such a good friend.
Like I still do, because I just have to know what other stories they can do! Plus Leo is adorable.
Just telling Siobhan how much I love her ;) xXx
The joke I would make. Basically fans of Big Time Rush would call themselves Rushers and I would rush to get away from them because they were so bad blahdeblahblah, you should be able to get that on your own.
See you in the 'morrow!

Amy tweeted Lish saying: Woooooo get you! and this was my response. But I can't find what Lish said. :/

Amy tweeted about her results in the art exam, my response. I knew she would do fine because she is Amy. Then her, Lish and I got into a conversation about grades and the art exam. Stuff like a C is good, and mine went badly. Mine was terrible in fairness. I really liked it during the first 5 hours, then nope.
Emily tweeted saying that she only just realised Tom Jones was Welsh, after thinking her was American. Oh Emily indeed.
Most of my tweets from here are just me sharing videos from my old youtube channel with my friends. So we shall just skip all of these. But if you want to see any of the videos click here!
Amy talking about her holiday and I was confused because I could have sworn she told me a different date.
I join in with Amy and Lish's conversation about going swimming.
Lish tweeted that she was Buzzin' for Friday and this was why I thought she was. I was buzzing for that. Then Lish got confused by my joke. It turns out she was excited for my birthday party :)
Trying to get Amy to come to my sleep over. She said she couldn't and I tried to guilt trip her apparently. So nice.
Hannah Tweeted that she hadn't started her art work yet, so I was sharing how I hadn't either. Good to know I even procrastinated back then.
Amy tweeted about catching up with a TV show we usually discussed together.
Hal had actually tweeted which she never did. Then she called me Sherlock Holmes, and I said how everyone says that to me so I must be a true Benedict Cumberbatch. Damn now I want to watch Sherlock.
I join Siobhan and Hannah's conversation because I notice a double negative. Such a grammar Nazi. Then the following tweets were just talking about Physics lessons and then briefly History.
Lish did the indirect tweet about someone so they know you are upset, so I thought I would tell her that I am here for her. I still am :)
Amy tweeted about how we watched Sherlock in English. I do miss those lessons. I remember how during exams we watched Sherlock and people from Geography walked in and it was the bit were Mycroft told Sherlock to put his trousers on. Good times.
Amy tweeted Lish about (Who I assume was Ellen at the time of her surgery) So this was my part of the conversation.

See you in the 'morrow!
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
I have mentioned the game UNO in my blog before but never really as a game review typey thing that I have going on here. So I felt this was an appropriate pick for this week (mainly because I have nothing else planned). For those of you who don't know UNO is a card game where to win you have to get rid of all your cards in a match up kind of fashion. Each player begins with 7 cards and one random card from the deck is placed and the first person has to match either the colour or number (or place the almighty black card) and the next person then has to match that card until you get down to one, then you HAVE to shout UNO before the next person plays if not you pick up another card, if you say it on time and can play your card next round, you win!
However there are some other ways you are forced to pick up cards such as:
When you cannot match the previously played card,
When the person played a +2
or when the person played a dreaded +4
But if you hold a +2 or +4 you can pass on the fate to the next person, and possibly lose your friends. There are other special cards such as miss a go (cause the next person to not have their go) Swticharoo (changing to direction of game play) Colour change (allow the choice of colour to be changed).
I have had a lot of fun memories playing this game. From when I first played it with my sister to when Jass and I were on holiday to the one large game we played at school last week to strip UNO some time last year. Card games are pretty fun to play with friends so play this, it is more family friendly than Cards Against Humanity. Unless you play with me and I start to call everyone Bitches.
See you in the 'morrow!
However there are some other ways you are forced to pick up cards such as:
When you cannot match the previously played card,
When the person played a +2
or when the person played a dreaded +4
But if you hold a +2 or +4 you can pass on the fate to the next person, and possibly lose your friends. There are other special cards such as miss a go (cause the next person to not have their go) Swticharoo (changing to direction of game play) Colour change (allow the choice of colour to be changed).
I have had a lot of fun memories playing this game. From when I first played it with my sister to when Jass and I were on holiday to the one large game we played at school last week to strip UNO some time last year. Card games are pretty fun to play with friends so play this, it is more family friendly than Cards Against Humanity. Unless you play with me and I start to call everyone Bitches.
See you in the 'morrow!
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
The Busy Week Of Chilling
Wednesday 11th: I woke up with 13 minutes to get ready for the bus. Spoke to Harvey about stuff. And headed to biology, learning about genetics and talking about other things. Then it was break and we looked at the panoramic photo, and saw Jessie's derp face, so I gave her £5 for it. Then I went to get a laptop from Miss Miah and handed in my retake money, before going to Media to edit footage and finish my draft. Which took forever to save properly, which made me late for pointless conference. Such a shame. In conference they were talking about car accidents and showing us some pretty horrific things, then Emily just went "I have a driving lesson after this". That timing. (She survived guys, do not fear). Then it was lunch and we all sat around chatting, which then led to us teaching Emma inappropriate things. Taught her about anal beads and whipping it out. She was happy she learnt so much. Then I got a lift home with Emma and I watched some tv and did some work, and the other usual things.
Thursday 12th: I had a very nice lay in, I showered and watched bones, ate some crumpets and lazily got ready for school. I turned up for private study and helped Siobhan revise for a test she has tomorrow and one I had later today. Then it was lunch and we played one long game of UNO, which Amy won. Well done Aims. And we chatted before heading to psychology where I had already decided I was not going to do the test, and was instead going to revise for my mock in less than two weeks. (The test wasn't relevant to the mock). And everyone was struggling and she said they could discuss answers and everything like that so to me it just seemed like more of a waste of time, so I was happy I didn't do it. She on the other hand wasn't too pleased. She finally gave us our tests back though, and I got a B+ :O So proud of myself. However now she might expect my grades to continue at this level. More private study and I went through the test. Then I got the late bus home, and we were discussing mocks and work and stuff. Then I made some p-p-p-pasta and it was good, watched tv and did work and the usual stuff.
Friday 13th: I got to school in time for Biology and we were learning about the brain and what each part does and talking about damages and what they affect. Leading to a discussion with my teacher about HD which was nice because it was the first time I just shared a lot without breaking down. Then we heard about the 6th form ball menus and that there is no vegetarian option. So I was trying to fight for it, however I am not much of a fancy food eater so I am scared I will waste it, plus I just don't like eating in public situations because I am insecure. So I had a mini panic attack about that later on. Most of break was spent talking about the past two hours. Then it was Media and I found out that my coursework so far is a solid A which takes off some pressure towards the exam, but last year the exam went well, so Media is all goods. We also continued the ball food discussion and Champs was all like I will have your back. Then in mentor when it was brought up again Galley said the same thing. During media Jessie and I started talking in weird voices and just generally irritating each other, which continued into mentor where everything is ok and then we went to the shop and I bought her a monster because tradition. And then I went home, and sorted the house out for the weekend.
Saturday 14th: FINALLY I had work today! I got the bus and turned up with some time ti spare before my shift and everyone was talking about what they were going to do with their "bae" for valentines day. And I just sat there in silence. I worked from 11:45-19:40 and I managed to burn my arm, hit my head, fall flat on the floor, have a guy essentially strip in front of me, served Amy. Then I finally got home had some pretty bad wedges watched tv and went to bed.
Sunday 15th: Played sims, called my sister, spoke to people, ate food drank drinks and slept.
Monday 16th: I had work today. (By the way this week is half term if I haven't mentioned that already). Had a pretty good time. There was moments of business and quiet times so it didn't get boring but I got a lot of breakish times. I spent a lot of time cleaning somehow, and I was put on the hidden till, which I loved because no-one knows you are there so I spent my time focused on one order before I would move on. There were some really nice customers today so it was all good. Then I came home ate food and chilled and stuff.
Tuesday 17th: I had to go into 6th form today to do some Biology coursework. I arrived slightly late, but didn't miss much and the tasks started. The first experiment made me really want to eat some kiwi. It took us almost 3 hours to complete and everyone felt it didn't go so well. So when we did the next experiment everyone was like AAH. But that was ok. I made up my results though. Then we did the evaluative paper which to me was pretty easy, apart from the last question but I just waffled. Then when I finished I looked up and Miss Q was like I love you. Which confused me, but they were both happy because I had gotten high marks in the two experiment papers when a lot of people apparently didn't do so well. So yay! Then I left before they marked the evaluative paper. I walked to the bus stop with Giancarlo and we were talking about how he is pregnant with Emily's child and he was going to let her keep it until Emily couldn't remember their night of passion. Then I got on the bus went home and did the usual at home things.
See you in the 'morrow!
Thursday 12th: I had a very nice lay in, I showered and watched bones, ate some crumpets and lazily got ready for school. I turned up for private study and helped Siobhan revise for a test she has tomorrow and one I had later today. Then it was lunch and we played one long game of UNO, which Amy won. Well done Aims. And we chatted before heading to psychology where I had already decided I was not going to do the test, and was instead going to revise for my mock in less than two weeks. (The test wasn't relevant to the mock). And everyone was struggling and she said they could discuss answers and everything like that so to me it just seemed like more of a waste of time, so I was happy I didn't do it. She on the other hand wasn't too pleased. She finally gave us our tests back though, and I got a B+ :O So proud of myself. However now she might expect my grades to continue at this level. More private study and I went through the test. Then I got the late bus home, and we were discussing mocks and work and stuff. Then I made some p-p-p-pasta and it was good, watched tv and did work and the usual stuff.
Friday 13th: I got to school in time for Biology and we were learning about the brain and what each part does and talking about damages and what they affect. Leading to a discussion with my teacher about HD which was nice because it was the first time I just shared a lot without breaking down. Then we heard about the 6th form ball menus and that there is no vegetarian option. So I was trying to fight for it, however I am not much of a fancy food eater so I am scared I will waste it, plus I just don't like eating in public situations because I am insecure. So I had a mini panic attack about that later on. Most of break was spent talking about the past two hours. Then it was Media and I found out that my coursework so far is a solid A which takes off some pressure towards the exam, but last year the exam went well, so Media is all goods. We also continued the ball food discussion and Champs was all like I will have your back. Then in mentor when it was brought up again Galley said the same thing. During media Jessie and I started talking in weird voices and just generally irritating each other, which continued into mentor where everything is ok and then we went to the shop and I bought her a monster because tradition. And then I went home, and sorted the house out for the weekend.
Saturday 14th: FINALLY I had work today! I got the bus and turned up with some time ti spare before my shift and everyone was talking about what they were going to do with their "bae" for valentines day. And I just sat there in silence. I worked from 11:45-19:40 and I managed to burn my arm, hit my head, fall flat on the floor, have a guy essentially strip in front of me, served Amy. Then I finally got home had some pretty bad wedges watched tv and went to bed.
Sunday 15th: Played sims, called my sister, spoke to people, ate food drank drinks and slept.
Monday 16th: I had work today. (By the way this week is half term if I haven't mentioned that already). Had a pretty good time. There was moments of business and quiet times so it didn't get boring but I got a lot of breakish times. I spent a lot of time cleaning somehow, and I was put on the hidden till, which I loved because no-one knows you are there so I spent my time focused on one order before I would move on. There were some really nice customers today so it was all good. Then I came home ate food and chilled and stuff.
Tuesday 17th: I had to go into 6th form today to do some Biology coursework. I arrived slightly late, but didn't miss much and the tasks started. The first experiment made me really want to eat some kiwi. It took us almost 3 hours to complete and everyone felt it didn't go so well. So when we did the next experiment everyone was like AAH. But that was ok. I made up my results though. Then we did the evaluative paper which to me was pretty easy, apart from the last question but I just waffled. Then when I finished I looked up and Miss Q was like I love you. Which confused me, but they were both happy because I had gotten high marks in the two experiment papers when a lot of people apparently didn't do so well. So yay! Then I left before they marked the evaluative paper. I walked to the bus stop with Giancarlo and we were talking about how he is pregnant with Emily's child and he was going to let her keep it until Emily couldn't remember their night of passion. Then I got on the bus went home and did the usual at home things.
See you in the 'morrow!
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
The Busy Mind
Heeeeeeeyyyyy! Sorry this is up late, but I had to edit save and then upload, which apparently takes a lot of time. But it is a short video which shouldn't take much of your time. Plus you can really watch it whenever you have that time to spare, so why should it matter when I post it huh? Unless you have some weird stalker thing that you have to consume my posts the moment you see them and you cannot sleep until you know it has been published and read by you. I don't judge you. Enjoy this video of me talking about a little issue I have sleep-wise. Nothing majorly exciting.
Remember to share your ideas. I need communication!
See you in the 'morrow!
See you in the 'morrow!
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
More Weekly Updates.
Wednesday 4th: I woke up surprisingly early today, and weirdly I wasn't that bothered. So I had some crumpets, had a quick shower and got ready for school and waited for the bus. And waited. And waited. It didn't show. Therefore Harvey and I got the next one. On the walk to school I slipped on the ice, and fell on my butt basically. Harvey laughing at me. Then I went to biology and Miss was all like, omg you are late, you are never late. Because I am never late to her lessons. But today I was because of the stupid bus. So we learnt about genetics and stuff like that, and then had a little bitch about the panoramic photograph before we went to that. It took like half an hour and I was forced to stand on the front row. Then we went back to biology for a little bit, and then it was break, which I never remember (what a surprise) so it was private study time and I did a little revision, before pointless conference! Where they spoke to us about the learning gateway and revision. Then it finished early, which was the only good thing, so I spent a lot of lunch sharing my fun facts I learnt from biology, like how Penises are actually just a clitoris, and showing people the Shia Leobuff video (which we then went on to tell Miss Miah about during media. Where I was very annoyed about how I spent an hour of my time editing I went to go click on the save button and it was like nope there seems to be a problem and closed the fucking program. Great. I really wanted to tableflip at that point. Then I walked to the bus stop, talking to Connor and Hayden about some weird things. Like really weird. Then I got home watched a little tv and watched big brother. SO HAPPY :D And watched youtubes blog and did work.
Thursday 5th: I decided to get the later bus, so I could have a crumpet. Then I got ready for school and got the bus. Today was less slippery which I was happy about, and Gemma and I were talking about this on our way in, as well as how some people just shouldn't overtake others in cars. I just don't like it. So I got to school and was the first one to arrive at the psychology classroom, and it had seemed to have taken forever for the class to arrive, which made me kind of nervous. But they all got there in the end, I had a hot chocolate, and we did some work on advertisement and persuasiveness. Then she gave us a project where we have to make our own advertisement following the different techniques. My favourite part of the lesson was when a teacher came in to ask if ours had any good role playing games, which we joked about and then like 15 minutes later Giancarlo and I were looking for craft stuff in her cupboard and found a things and Giancarlo was like: "why does she have a saddle?" so I responded with "it's for her role play games" and we both had a little giggle which ended with me having a laughing fit. Turns out it wasn't a saddle. Moving on, then I went to Private study instead of break to finish off a poster type thing for the project, and then I moved on to some Media editing. But I forgot the unlock key for the software, so I just watched the clips with Jessie and deleted the ones I didn't need off the computer to make it easier for myself in the edit, then I was finished, so I went home and watched Bones, and did some work, played some sims, and then fell asleep until like 8:30 where I woke up and watched youtubes and drafted some blog posts.
Friday 6th: I went into school for Private Study, and worked on my media coursework and got the first draft essentially complete, then I did some revision for my psychology retake and chatted to Siobhanio. Then it was break which we shall just skip over, and start talking about Media where I was trying to find music to go over the start of my scene. Then our teacher wasn't in for the second hour so Jess, Siobhan, Harvey, and I played CAH in the common room, then Jessie and I went to mentor and found out our mentor was not there, chatted briefly to our old mentor, and then returned to CAH madness. I don't remember a lot apart from saying that I usually reserve my vagina for Ashton. I was referring to the card and the card only. Then it was biology and whilst doing very little work we got distracted with general chit chat. Most of which our teacher started. Then I got the bus home with Emma, talking about multiple things. Once home I watched big brother and then showered, went to bed because I felt like shit. I barely slept through the night.
Saturday 7th: I woke up feeling crappy, but tried to prepare myself to go to work, because I actually wanted to go to work, but when the time came and I tried and fell back down again. Damn illness. So I called work said I couldn't make it and took a nap.
Sunday 9th: Ill day, basically relaxed by playing sims, watching youtubes, and trying to do a little bit of work but pretty much failing.
Monday 10th: Sunday night was hell and I couldn't sleep. It was basically a repeat of Friday night. So I slept through my alarms and woke up at 10:40 meaning I had missed my first two lessons at 6th form. I went downstairs, still feeling crappy and mum was like, I thought you were at school, I told Ali you were at school. So I crawled back upstairs to inform Ali of the situation and that I wouldn't be in for my other two hours of lessons. So I tried to do some work, like revise for psychology retakes and stuff like that. Whilst chilling at the same time.
Tuesday 11th: All the chilling and relaxing worked as I felt better enough to go back to 6th form. I think the little lay in helped a lot. Then I headed to 6th form on the bus with Emily, and we were chatting about different things, which I don't really remember, and break which I remember part of. I walked into the common room and stole Gian's seat and we were chatting to people about stuff. Then to private study where I sat an assessment for my psychology retake. I thought it went pretty well, but anything is an improvement on my U grade. Then did some biology homework before going to lunch to play CAH where we mixed things up a little and played in pairs. It was fun. Then it was psychology and we talked about stalking adverts, and never got back our assessments despite mentioning it like 3 times. Then the late bus home discussing jobs among other things, relaxing for a bit, completing the bio hw, checking my report and blogging, youtubes, and other things. So yeah.
See you in the 'morrow!
Thursday 5th: I decided to get the later bus, so I could have a crumpet. Then I got ready for school and got the bus. Today was less slippery which I was happy about, and Gemma and I were talking about this on our way in, as well as how some people just shouldn't overtake others in cars. I just don't like it. So I got to school and was the first one to arrive at the psychology classroom, and it had seemed to have taken forever for the class to arrive, which made me kind of nervous. But they all got there in the end, I had a hot chocolate, and we did some work on advertisement and persuasiveness. Then she gave us a project where we have to make our own advertisement following the different techniques. My favourite part of the lesson was when a teacher came in to ask if ours had any good role playing games, which we joked about and then like 15 minutes later Giancarlo and I were looking for craft stuff in her cupboard and found a things and Giancarlo was like: "why does she have a saddle?" so I responded with "it's for her role play games" and we both had a little giggle which ended with me having a laughing fit. Turns out it wasn't a saddle. Moving on, then I went to Private study instead of break to finish off a poster type thing for the project, and then I moved on to some Media editing. But I forgot the unlock key for the software, so I just watched the clips with Jessie and deleted the ones I didn't need off the computer to make it easier for myself in the edit, then I was finished, so I went home and watched Bones, and did some work, played some sims, and then fell asleep until like 8:30 where I woke up and watched youtubes and drafted some blog posts.
Friday 6th: I went into school for Private Study, and worked on my media coursework and got the first draft essentially complete, then I did some revision for my psychology retake and chatted to Siobhanio. Then it was break which we shall just skip over, and start talking about Media where I was trying to find music to go over the start of my scene. Then our teacher wasn't in for the second hour so Jess, Siobhan, Harvey, and I played CAH in the common room, then Jessie and I went to mentor and found out our mentor was not there, chatted briefly to our old mentor, and then returned to CAH madness. I don't remember a lot apart from saying that I usually reserve my vagina for Ashton. I was referring to the card and the card only. Then it was biology and whilst doing very little work we got distracted with general chit chat. Most of which our teacher started. Then I got the bus home with Emma, talking about multiple things. Once home I watched big brother and then showered, went to bed because I felt like shit. I barely slept through the night.
Saturday 7th: I woke up feeling crappy, but tried to prepare myself to go to work, because I actually wanted to go to work, but when the time came and I tried and fell back down again. Damn illness. So I called work said I couldn't make it and took a nap.
Sunday 9th: Ill day, basically relaxed by playing sims, watching youtubes, and trying to do a little bit of work but pretty much failing.
Monday 10th: Sunday night was hell and I couldn't sleep. It was basically a repeat of Friday night. So I slept through my alarms and woke up at 10:40 meaning I had missed my first two lessons at 6th form. I went downstairs, still feeling crappy and mum was like, I thought you were at school, I told Ali you were at school. So I crawled back upstairs to inform Ali of the situation and that I wouldn't be in for my other two hours of lessons. So I tried to do some work, like revise for psychology retakes and stuff like that. Whilst chilling at the same time.
Tuesday 11th: All the chilling and relaxing worked as I felt better enough to go back to 6th form. I think the little lay in helped a lot. Then I headed to 6th form on the bus with Emily, and we were chatting about different things, which I don't really remember, and break which I remember part of. I walked into the common room and stole Gian's seat and we were chatting to people about stuff. Then to private study where I sat an assessment for my psychology retake. I thought it went pretty well, but anything is an improvement on my U grade. Then did some biology homework before going to lunch to play CAH where we mixed things up a little and played in pairs. It was fun. Then it was psychology and we talked about stalking adverts, and never got back our assessments despite mentioning it like 3 times. Then the late bus home discussing jobs among other things, relaxing for a bit, completing the bio hw, checking my report and blogging, youtubes, and other things. So yeah.
See you in the 'morrow!
Monday, 9 February 2015
Celebrity Big Brother Finale: Opinions.
It has felt like along while since I last posted. As it is my thoughts I thought I would do some opinion sharing on the finale of Celebrity Brother. So here we go.
To begin with I am so so fucking happy Perez was not in the final. JUSTICE WAS SERVED! And I was happy for the people who made it to the final. But the order in which they came I was not too impressed about.
For a start my Michelle came 5th. 5th! Outraged. Because she is such a lovely women she was a great housemate and was barely nominated by anyone, she would try and prevent arguments yet still share her opinions, and was pretty much a friend to all. She should have won in my eyes. And definitely should have at least been top 3.
Then Keith came 4th, which I didn't mind (I would have preferred him to come 5th) At the beginning I didn't mind him because he was kind of funny, but I noticed that towards the end he just didn't cut it for me. And people were moaning about Hopkins saying he just sat on the fence and not voicing an opinion so he would then voice his opinion about how he doesn't want to voice his opinion which is just bullshit essentially. Happy he wasn't a winner though.
Calum came 3rd. Which I don't mind that much I guess. He was a genuinely nice guy and I am proud he had the willpower to never actually punched Perez in the face, considering at one point Perez did threaten to rape him. So good on you Calum. Well done.
I wasn't happy about the final part. Hopkins came 2nd. Now everyone hated Hopkins before she went into the house, and everyone (mostly) changed their minds. Because we saw a side to Katie we never saw before, the side that is a genuine friend, a funny witty person, who cries at compliments and doesn't quite know how to deal with people being nice to her which is adorable. I think having that change from the most boos ever walking in to leaving to cheers and a 2nd place is a massive achievement which she earned on her own. I just hope she can show more of this side, because it is lovely.
I am not happy with the winner. I mean I prefer it over Perez, but I personally do not think she should have won it. For a start I only believe Pricey won because of the fans she previously had (which is why I tend to prefer normal big brother as there is no fan base). Plus she came in ten days late, and usually I would not mind, but to me she pretty much did nothing in those ten days apart from talking about sex, her past relationships, and her botched boobs. Yeah she was being herself, but so was Calum and Hopkins and Michelle, and in my mind they should have won over her. Because they just did more for the house I felt. Plus I know she couldn't help it but the day before the final a doctor wanted her to leave the house because of her boobs, so technically she shouldn't have even been there. I felt like she should have stuck up for herself and her family more, been more active, and then I wouldn't have minded her winning.
Basically out of those 5 I would have rather it was:
1st- Michelle
So that is my opinion, and obviously it is just my opinion. But you might be happy to hear that there will be no Big Brother talk until the summer. Have fun until that nightmare begins.
See you in the 'morrow!
To begin with I am so so fucking happy Perez was not in the final. JUSTICE WAS SERVED! And I was happy for the people who made it to the final. But the order in which they came I was not too impressed about.

Basically out of those 5 I would have rather it was:
1st- Michelle
So that is my opinion, and obviously it is just my opinion. But you might be happy to hear that there will be no Big Brother talk until the summer. Have fun until that nightmare begins.
See you in the 'morrow!
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Crossy Road
Game day has returned to you pretty little people (even though I assume most of you are probably taller than me). Today's game is the fabulous Crossy Road (as you can see in the title). So like a couple of weeks ago, I remember Amy and Emily talking about this game and it reminded me of when I saw Pewds play it and all of that mushed into one, and before I knew it I downloaded the game. I haven't been completely addicted, like playing it every single moment of my life. But when I have a free moment I think, let's cross some roads!
By the way, sorry for the lack of pictures, but I get frustrated when taking screenshots on my phone, it took me like 7 attempts to take just one the other day. But anywho... If you have never heard of this game before, you start of with this pixel chicken, and every time you tap he takes a step forward (which equals a point) and you have to try and navigate him across a road. You can also swipe back and to the sides to help. There are different obstacles, like cars trains, moving logs over rivers (like the old game frogger) and then there is a bird that swoops down if you spend too long waiting, and apparently there are crocodiles and bears, which I haven't encountered yet. You can also get coins to get different characters. So far I have these characters:
Baby Duck
Giddy Goat
Mad Bull
Grey Bunny
Lovely Bunny
Tree Frog
Swamp Frog
Desert Frog
Floppy Fish
Swift Snail
The Dark Lord
Specimen 115
Disco Zoo
Big Fat Pig
Hipster Whale and
Andy Sum
Yep after only a couple of weeks. So at first I wouldn't get great scores (like only 50 odd) which then slowly made it's way up to 125 and kind of stayed there. Until the other day I was playing, and something incredible happened. I was playing as Forget-Me-Not and it just kept going, kept crossing all the roads and I was amazed reaching my current high score of 254. Which I think is the highest out of my friends. SO YAY!
I suggest you to play this game. And I would like to know what you score, and who your favourite character is.
Please talk to me.
I'm lonely.
See you in the 'morrow!
By the way, sorry for the lack of pictures, but I get frustrated when taking screenshots on my phone, it took me like 7 attempts to take just one the other day. But anywho... If you have never heard of this game before, you start of with this pixel chicken, and every time you tap he takes a step forward (which equals a point) and you have to try and navigate him across a road. You can also swipe back and to the sides to help. There are different obstacles, like cars trains, moving logs over rivers (like the old game frogger) and then there is a bird that swoops down if you spend too long waiting, and apparently there are crocodiles and bears, which I haven't encountered yet. You can also get coins to get different characters. So far I have these characters:

Baby Duck
Giddy Goat
Mad Bull
Grey Bunny
Lovely Bunny
Tree Frog
Swamp Frog
Desert Frog
Floppy Fish
Swift Snail
The Dark Lord
Specimen 115
Disco Zoo
Big Fat Pig
Hipster Whale and
Andy Sum
Yep after only a couple of weeks. So at first I wouldn't get great scores (like only 50 odd) which then slowly made it's way up to 125 and kind of stayed there. Until the other day I was playing, and something incredible happened. I was playing as Forget-Me-Not and it just kept going, kept crossing all the roads and I was amazed reaching my current high score of 254. Which I think is the highest out of my friends. SO YAY!
I suggest you to play this game. And I would like to know what you score, and who your favourite character is.
Please talk to me.
I'm lonely.
See you in the 'morrow!
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