Saturday 23 November 2013

The Needed Distraction

Today was a weird one

First of let's talk about Hunger Games: Catching Fire, since that was the main part of my day. I didn't really want to go see it, but I wanted to spend time with my friends. I will not give spoilers so do not worry! Overall, I feel the film wasn't the best thing ever, and there was a definitely room for improvement. The funniest part actually came from my friend Paige, this is how it went. Guy in film: "Well my hearts working now." Paige: "Really?!" I was laughing so bad, I think people  were staring. OH WELL.

However, for the first part of the film I wasn't feeling so good. Not because of the film itself, it was due to my awkwardness caused by those around me. I'm not sure if I should mention this, but I shall cause I see this as therapy. Basically I liked this guy, now he and my friend are going out. I'm perfectly fine with it cause I want them to be happy. Ok that was a lie, since I already said I felt awkward...They had there arms around each other and it felt a bit like they were throwing it in my face, BUT I AM HAPPY FOR THEM. I can't stress that enough. But it can't stop me from hurting. The scar on my arm doesn't help either cause it reminds me of how hurt I was when I first found out. In all honesty I don't think I'm ever going to be completely over it, cause it's just too weird. Him trying to make a joke out of it doesn't help me either. UGH. But at least my other friends keep me distracted.
Thank God that's out there.

Now to the rest of my day. After the film my friends and I hung out in the city, but they would take too long to decide on stuff so I'd do a thing I like to call a subtle hint, which is where you just walk off without saying anything, and they tend to follow you. YOU SHOULD TRY THIS! Sometimes they don't, for example when Em and I went to the Disney store. Their loss because we met this guy who was just talking to us about their beast doll (he works their, just in case you didn't get that) and how he changes into the prince and it amazed us, also he helped me complain at Emma for not watching the newer Disney films.

Then we went to pizza hut where none of us got a pizza. I just ate the cookie dessert thing.  Which was soooooooooooooooooooo good. YOU SHOULD TRY IT! 

Up next was the Doctor Who special, which was better than I thought it was going to be. I WANT A FEZ SO BADLY :'( 

And that was it! Sorry about going on about my problems but sometimes I can't talk to my friends about this, cause I'm scared they'll  be all judgey to my face whereas you guys probably aren't even reading this. But pretending you are keeps me distracted, and man I need them nowadays.

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