Monday 25 November 2013

The Yo-Yo of Shizzle

Wow, today was all over the place! I was up and down like a yo-yo. It must be fun being a yo-yo, especially watching people get frustrated when they can't work the properly, like me

I woke up today wanting a lot of questions answered, well one, but that didn't happen. but hey I'm not too bothered cause I had a good day. But I feel bad for my friend, as she lost her dog last night, and I know losing a pet can be tough, so my heart goes out to her. But you've got to love and live. That was pretty much the downside, that and it rained, but in comparison it is practically nothing.

I am still curious about stuff and the more I think about it, the worse it is getting. But now is the best time, even though I fear it is the only time. Sorry I'm being all rambly aren't I? Well you can't reply so I'm just going to assume yes and move swiftly on.
On to the good shizzle. Yes that's right I said shizzle it's my word of the week. Ok I'm disappointed now my computer is saying Shizzle isn't actually a word. IT IS IN MY MIND! YOU CAN'T CHANGE ME COMPUTER!

Anywho...Today I attended 6th form, like a good little student. Went to Biology and filmed an animation of Phloem, with Emily. Then got my biology test back which I thought I failed cause I had no idea what endocytosis was, or active transport, and I got a B! Then my friends didn't do so good, so I felt bad,  but offered to help them in future, like a good liddle muffin.  Then spoke to my friends, and became their butler by getting them all water from the machine. Edited the before video and made bloopers! Hoping to upload it to Youtube! Why? Why not? Actually I do think why is the appropriate question. Then just spoke to the wonderful Aims on the late bus. 

Man my days sound boring when you put it like that. I guess the little things please little people. Besides I am mad and a little bit weird


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