Wednesday 27 November 2013

Elli's Declassified 6th Form Survival Guides

I swear my life is getting less and less interesting. So I'm going to give you some advice (cause I give such brilliant advice).

Today I'm going to tell you how to survive 6th form (like Ned's declassified school survival guides, but less awesome!). If you have no idea what 6th form is, then it is education from 16ish and you study for about 2 years and get A-levels which are super important if you want to go to University, which I kind of do. Not sure yet :/

ANYWHO... The way to survive 6th form. (If you want to go to 6th form or are just starting out like me! Yes I know, what do I know, but this is what I have picked up so far).

Firstly chose the subjects you enjoy, cause if you do not enjoy them you are going to have a crappy two years my friend. And you tend to do better if you actually like the subject. I chose Art, Media studies, Psychology and Biology

Next choose an appropriate place to take all chosen subjects, sometimes you can study some at different schools, depends how cool they are. I'm studying at Hellesdon 6th form, used to be Hellesdon Taverham but they divorced us.

Ok so after enrolling and all the other stuff, you have now started lessons! So find out if you have any friends in the same classes as you, if not make a friend. You need somebody to help you if you are in trouble, or just to have a laugh with every know and then.
For example in Psychology I have 3 friends (I know lucky right) Well I have more but I don't really talk to them as much. I have Clive, Clark and Gregoravitch. (Claire, Maddy and Giancarlo) We have such a laugh! Then in Media I have my extended sister Jass (Jessie). Honestly if it wasn't for her I would not function. We have starting this craze where we draw something, but each of draw a feature at a time and it just ends up crazy...
...I mean isn't that fabulous! (Sorry it's on the side it just wont rotate properly, so please tilt you head 90 degrees to the left to enjoy the full glory)

If you are one of those intelligent people you would have realised I missed out Art. That my chum is because I dropped it. I know the horror! I loved art to pieces and I got an A* in it a GSCE (that's good if you didn't know that) But it was just a lot of pressure. So make sure that the work is right for you. You will get tonnes of work to do because it is important, but just make sure you don't get so much it stresses you out like it did with me. I really miss the class though, but it is such a relief not having to worry about the shitloads of work I had to do.

Finally, I guess, BE ORGANISED! Make time for revision, and time for fun. Keep a good folder of notes so you can easily find stuff for said revision

Sorry about mentioning finally I just remembered one more! But Elli you are typing this and then posting this, can't you just go back and get rid of the finally part, then this wont seem so stupid. I WANT TO SEEM STUPID! So... Last piece of advice don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it, from teachers, from friends, from a classmate you don't really know. It seriously does no harm. Even talk to them if you need help non-subject wise. 

So that is it I guess. You may not need to know exactly where you want to go, so make sure you have fun deciding, like I am. 

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