Friday 22 November 2013

Protecting the Unprotected

With recent "events" I want to talk about protection. NO I DO NOT MEAN SEX AND STUFF LIKE THAT. I mean like wanting to protect a friend from getting hurt, our yourself, or getting protecting yourself. So essentially caring for others.

First I always want to protect my friends from making mistakes, because I hate seeing them hurt and upset. But sometimes I am too late, and when I try to help them they reject it. I understand that this may be because they just want to cry about it for a bit then they'll be fine, trust me I do it all the time. But it doesn't stop it from being FUCKING FRUSTRATING when you are trying to help. Moving swiftly on...

The one thing I try to do is protect myself. Mainly I try to think of my friends first, but sometimes my heart just takes over and shit hits the fan. Everyday for the past few weeks I just act like I'm fine cause I'm scared I'll get hurt otherwise, I've gotten weirder just to hide how messed I feel. Sometimes I let slip, and get scared people will question it, but hey so far so good.

So cause I get hurt easily people think it is there job to protect me from getting into things that will hurt me. For example my ex-boyfriend. He thinks just because he still cares for me he has to judge my every move, kind of like baby proofing. Ugh. I understand people don't want to see me upset, and I don't even want to be upset myself. But I  told him I kind of like this guy I met and he said it was a bad idea cause he was like the previous guy I liked and that went so badly. But I haven't  completely fallen for him like I did with the last one, and I know to be careful, so is it really any of his business? Sorry I'm ranting

Basically the point of this was to say always be there for a friend, but know your boundaries, cause sometimes they want to be unprotected

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