Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Sims Fail.

Hello. So today I had something amazing planned. Last week I had recorded a good half an hour of footage which I was going to edit down to a great video playthrough. If you haven't guessed already I am talking about myself playing le sims 4. As I was trying to edit this just now the footage completely failed, even though it was fine the other day. Now it looks like this.
I have the talking but that is just useless now. Therefore I am afraid to say I do not have a post for you today. Well at least a decent one. Instead I am going to listen to the voice record and remember what I did and just give a just of what happen. But when I get round to recording I will probably just start it all again. Here we go:

I basically introduce everything, the house and the family. This is a screenshot of the fam. 
They stood around doing nothing, hugged and went on the computer. Simception.
Small house tour.
Neighbours arrived. One of them scared me. 
I just talk to myself, and get confused. 
Make the neighbours some drinks and they just talk awkwardly to the girls. Finding things to talk about. 
This happens for ages. 
They leave.
Food gets made.
The neighbour wants to hang out again even though she just left.
Homework gets done.
They fail to pee.
More talking to myself.
Something weird happened which I do not describe and simply ask if you can see it. So yeah...
More house tours as the last one was interrupted. 
Talking about downloaded content I use in my games (just search the internet and you'll find a bunch of amazing things, I cannot remember every single package name I own). 
I notice one of the curtains is a slightly different colour to the rest of the ones in the room. They go to sleep.
I ask you to leave suggestions of what I should do with the family. So feel free to comment! 
Sorry again this sucked, but hopefully I can get things sorted soons. 
See you in the 'morrow!

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Not For The Week Hearted.

Wednesday 15th: Today was a very good day. First off I went to the place of my apprenticeship for an induction type thing. Yeah I had to wait around for like half an hour for the manager to turn up and then read a bunch safeguarding information. There were 20 pages! But it was important information. After that I spent time meeting the people I will be working with and I had a lovely time. Then I left like half an hour late and walked home with this girl I knew from school who just so happens to work there also. 
Thursday 16th: Today I just had a day to myself preparing for an exciting thing on my blog. Also just chillaxing. Not much to tell. 
Friday 17th: Went to work (as in part time job work) and it was pretty standard. Apart from the fact I stayed behind an extra 46 minutes and during that time I had shake mix thrown down my back by my manager. 
Saturday 18th: Work again. Had to go in an hour earlier :'( But it actually wasn't that bad a day. 
Sunday 19th: Had the day off and spent it watching tv with my dad. Mainly the old episodes of Doctor Who. It was nice. Then Hal returned home and we watched more tv together, before I knew it it was time to sleep. 
Monday 20th: I woke up early as I had to be at the apprenticeship place again. I was in more of a specific room today and it was just utterly adorable. On my way home I popped into McDonald's and got myself a strawberry lemonade because they are delicious and I got Hal a mcflurry even though it melted by the time I got home. We then watched some TV and showed each other youtube videos. Sleep.
Tuesday 21st: Again I went to the apprenticeship place, and was in a different room, but it was still utterly adorable. It was a little ruined by the fact that it was too hot to function. 
See you in the 'morrow!

Monday, 20 July 2015

New Schedule?

Once again I am too tired to type out a full blown post so I am just going to do a short little thing. Basically I have been thinking about the structure of my blog recently as I am moving on to full time employment pretty much and will not have as much time as I used to. This means I may have to update the tagline at the top of this page. Which I cannot remember how to do. Anywho...So because of this I will be posting less, and I thought I would like to do 3 times a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so that way I can get breaks in between. So far I think it will go thusly.
Monday: Vlogs. Now this will either be just me talking to the camera doing challenges editing random footage from random things or playing games. It will probably continue the alternating pattern between games and talking unless I find myself leaning towards one more than the other. But that is just dependent on my mood I guess. 
Wednesday: Weekly Update: So the same as my current Tuesday schedule just a day later. 
Friday: Random. Yeah I am keeping it random but it will incorporate Elli's Thoughts as sometimes I struggle with these two days as they are similar in a sense. So this can be my thoughts on things, reviews, rants, the twitter and facebook files, maybe even more videos, maybe some advice. Just stuff I guess. 

So that's pretty much all I have to say on the matter, besides the fact that I will not start it this week (as you can tell from the lack of a video). However that doesn't necessarily mean it will start next week, even though it is more likely. But at least you have a heads up. 
See you in the 'morrow!

Friday, 17 July 2015

Big Brother 2015 Finale Opinions.

Hiya. So I have just spent a day at work so am pretty tired at this point. Therefore I might just keep this a short post. Hope you don't mind. Last night was the last installment of Big Brother. If you would like to read about some of my previous thoughts on the show you can click here and then read this to kind of catch up on what is happening. 

Basically from where we last left off, Jade, Simon, Mark, Harry, and Sam were evicted (they left in that order). And there were just a bunch of old housemates going in and out. But all this left Chloe, Cristian, Danny, Jack, Joel and Nick in the final. Now from the start I have wanted Nick or Joel to win, so this is how I wanted the final to go down. 
6th: Jack
5th: Cristian
4th: Danny
3rd: Chloe
Joint Winners (because the nation would have realised they were both equally adorable and both deserved to share the place together like how they would share baths): Nick&Joel (maybe leaning more towards Joel, why? Because he slut drops to ABBA).
They were all wrong. 
Basically Cristian came 6th, which did not bother me. But Nick came 5th. 5th! It's outrageous. Reasons why he should have placed higher. He is awkwardly adorable. Jack isn't. He's posh. Jack isn't. He's funny. Jack isn't. He is a hugemungous fan of the show. Jack isn't. He's just Nick, and Jack just isn't. SO HOW DID HE PLACE LOWER? Luckily Jack was out next though. My god if he placed higher than Joel I would have lost my shit. In fairness Jack didn't need to win as he already got his hands on £23,900 from a previous task. Danny coming 3rd didn't really bother me, because I didn't want him to win so it was a decent place. But the entire time I thought the curse of 3rd place would strike again as usually when I want someone to win they end up in 3rd. Gareth and Jedward are examples. However I guess other people I have wanted to win have ended up in 5th. For example my Michelle from the last celebrity series. And people I like have started coming 2nd. Like Ashleigh. There are new curses developing. They never come 4th though. 
As you may have guessed the slut drop dancing queen did not win. Which upset me for sure. Because from his introductory video I wanted him to win. He liked scooters. But losing out to Chloe I guess wasn't so bad in comparison to the others. She's nice. 
So yeah I am a little bummed, but I am not outraged like I was for the past couple of years. Helen Wood being my main example. She is a disgusting piece of work. 
Well that is that I guess. The series is over. However Celebrity Big Brother starts next month. So look forward to my rants about that. 
See you in the 'morrow! (even though I do not blog on weekends so by 'morrow! I mean Monday, and even then I will not see you and you won't see me, so I don't know why I even say that, bye!).

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Sister Time.

Hi Guys! So basically the video took forever to upload to youtube and I fell asleep. So I give you the post today. It is just a shitty little video of the two weeks I spent with my sister. Including something I have never done before which is a haul video. But anywho.. I hope you can still find it in yourselves to enjoy this. See you in the 'morrow!

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

A Weeky Week.

Wednesday 8th: Not really an exciting day, but I liked it.
Thursday 9th: As the dragons have started appearing in Norwich my sister has been dying to do the trail. So I said I would go with her. Hence today. First we watched Big Brother though, because priorities. Then headed out just before lunchtime and started the picture adventure. But this was quickly interrupted by a delicious Zak's meal. It was an alright time but the map to find some of dragons, and by the time we did like half of them (there are 80odd in fairness) we got tired and headed home. However during this trail we stopped off in B&M, HobbyCraft, The Television and Movie Store, and Disney. It was a cute little day even though once again my bank account doesn't quite agree. I then got home and chilled on my own for a bit, before Hal joined me and we played some Sims. Then more alone chilling and sleeping.
Friday 10th: Hal left me in the morning and after watching some Big Brother and getting ready to go out, it felt like she was never really there. Which is weird. I did miss her, but it felt more like she left the day before than a couple of hours previously.
Saturday 11th: Work as usual. But the heat made me feel very tired and ughs. 
Sunday 12th: I was meant to work today but I had the worst headache, and I felt really dizzy. I decided to give myself a few minutes before giving up but I just new that work caused it so being there would not help. So I called in sick and went back to sleep. And I slept and slept. Waking up like halfway through the day and watched tv, and still felt dizzy. The night was the worst though. When I layed down I had this really bad pain in my stomach but when I sat or stood up the pain went but I felt really sick. So I just awkwardly spread myself out on the bathroom floor. Then decided to brave it and just go to sleep.
Monday 13th: Today had multiple things going on. First I spent the morning chilling and waiting for a phone call from my apprenticeship. Then talked to my mum about it all. Then I decided to get ready to go out because I figured the call would never happen. After getting ready I went to go see Claire, who I haven't seen in ages (actually that is a lie because her, Lish and Amy surprised me at work on Saturday and some of us had a little natter then) but still we had some natterness, but I was still a little tired and ill from yesterday and we had ran out of things to talk about. But it was still nice seeing her. Then it was time for me to head out to a psychology meetup, which I was half looking forward to. I met Emily and Emma on the bus we just talked about a few things, as well as calling Maddy to see if she would be there. She wouldn't :/ When in the city we ran into Gian and walked to Bella Italia. Where some of the group were standing so we decided to head inside (it was kind of raining) one by one others arrived (like Siobhan for example) and I complained to her about the pricing of some of the items. So we decided to share a pizza. I was very complainy. Mainly because the drink tasted nothing like the drink it was meant to be and was too overpriced for it to be acceptable. It was a nice time though chatting to people and remembering memories. Our teacher also "forgot" about the event and turned up like an hour and a half late. After the meal the teachers went home but the rest of us headed to the pub to have more chats and drinks. Slowly people were leaving about basically it ended up being  Emily, Emma, Gian and I until like 11 when we went to get the bus home. I then watched some youtube and slept. Some fun parts of the night: Mitch telling us about Hannah's list of fantasy sex places, Giancarlo offering Emily his hoody when she got cold, Emma saying inappropriate things but had no idea about them, and just reliving some "bants".
Tuesday 14th: I pretty much chilled all day. Nothing exciting. Oh I made a vlog. 
So  yeah. See you in the 'morrow!

That's Life.

Hello! So you may have noticed there was not a video yesterday. That is for two reasons. 1. I forgot it was Monday. 2. I went out. Both perfectly legit reasons I feel. So why not just post what I was going to do yesterday today. But don't worry, I will still post the one meant to be for today as well. Unless I get to lazy and tired. We'll just see how it goes! Basically I didn't really know what I wanted to talk about yesterday, but as it was Elli's Thoughts I can pretty much just travel down whatever road I see fit. So let's go with how I am feeling after leaving 6th form. Just a warning it might get a little confusing as I switch between topics.

Currently I don't really feel any different, because I am just treating it as if it is the summer holidays. However when I then see people in school uniform it weirds me out a little because I feel like I should have been in a school environment. So I guess it is a little odd. But when I am just chilling at home I rather enjoy it. And chilling at home is what I have mainly been doing. I have been working weekends though. 

I was going to start working at work during the week, but I thought I would give myself a summer holiday as I would never have one again, which is insanely weird to think about. Then I was going to ease myself into it. However, after some back and forth calling my apprenticeship got in touch and I will be starting that so I can't really work during the week. But I think that is going to be weird for me too as I have never done that kind of work before and while I'm there everyone else would be doing something else like chilling and meeting up. But as mum always tells me. That's life. She also tells me that I should continue working at my current job on weekends. Which to an extent I agree with because it would be nice to have a little extra money and I would miss some of the people there when I leave. But ultimately I don't want to tire myself out which could make my new job suffer. Plus I would have coursework to do so if I worked weekends there would be no time to do that, and no time to meet up with anyone. Plus I do kind of hate my job for how tired it makes me. So I will just see how the summer goes I guess. However, the heat does make the job a hell of a lot worse. 

In other news slightly related to this, I am nervous about starting my apprenticeship because more than anything I am scared I will fuck it up. Because if I fuck up my dream what else is there? Judging from exam season I have fucked that up so wouldn't be able to go to uni, and I'm not sure where to find another position like the one I would have. Then I would probably become depressed. Which I wouldn't really want. So yeah I am nervous about the next year. Probably more nervous than I was about 6th form. But in the words of my mum. That's life.

I'm not entirely sure where to go from here because I am kind of tired. Plus my head is going off on a tangent and I can't really get it back to make a decent post so I guess I shall leave it there. Sorry this kind of  sucked. See you in the 'morrow! 

Friday, 10 July 2015

Bringing Us Closer Together.

Hi guys. I have found a fun little tag thing I could do, which is apparently related to relationships from psychology and the questions can help bring you closer together. And I think after a year and 9 months I think we need to get closer together. So here goes.
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest? Well excluding people I know, I would probably like Andrew Scott (plays Moriarty in Sherlock) because I just want him to act as Moriarty. I would love that.
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way? I guess maybe, but I would hate not having any privacy, like when you are really famous. But I guess by doing this with my youtube videos I am trying to be slightly famous. Therefore famous in the way that is on youtube, for being myself.
3. Before making a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you're going to say? Why? Well it really depends on who I am calling. Usually I rehearse when I call work, or someone important like that. Then sometimes when calling a friend's house I practice how I would ask for them if their parents answered. Other than that not really.
4. What would constitute a perfect day for you? Just cuddling up with the people I love, watching a show I love, or playing Sims.
5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else? I last sang to myself like 5 minutes ago, as that is what I do. And I would say I last sang to someone else earlier today. It was Hariette, and I sang All Star.
6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you choose? Umm, I would say body, but then I would feel weird. So probably mind, but I don't really think my mind will really change though.
7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die? Something stupidly clumsy probably.
8. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be? I would like to be less angry. Not sure if that counts as a quality or ability.
9. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know? I guess if I had the genetic disorder running through my family.
10. What does friendship mean to you? Always being there no matter what. 
11. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother? I love it. She gives me the space when I need it, but is always there for me. She wants what is best for me and is funny and crazy and I couldn't want more.
12. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself? I last cried in front of my mum like 2 hours ago when I was chopping an onion. On my own I was last crying 2 mights ago.
13. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about? Rape, Abortion, Mass Murder. A few things yeah.
14. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why? Well there are many things I would like to keep, but I guess a lot of them can be replaced, therefore I would like to get something irreplaceable. Therefore, I would get this jumper my mum hand-knitted for me when I was a child and I would always wear it when I was ill to make me feel better. It had Angelica from Rugrats on it.
15.If you could choose the sex and physical appearance of your soon-to-be-born child, would you do it? Umm, I guess it would be nice to have a little control, but at the end of the day that is how my child would be and I would love them no matter what.

It's getting late so I will end it there. Hope you enjoyed this replacement, hopefully all will be back to normal next week. 
See you in the 'morrow!

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Let's Play!

Hiya! So today is the day of games, but as you might be able to tell, today is something different. Instead of just talking about a game I have played, I am playing a game. So you can watch me in action. But to be fair the quality of it all is just pretty shit, as I mainly made it to test the quality of the screen and voice recorders and how easy it would be to edit these together. A lot of work, but I think the Sims would be different as it would have more clear differences and yeah. I hope you enjoy this anyway. 
See you in the 'morrow!

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Double The Fun.

Wednesday 24th: A day pretty much spent sleeping and doing fuck all really.
Thursday 25th: Same as Wednesday, but with calling people to make sure the weekend is all sorted. There was also like 4 hours worth of Sims playing. 
Friday 26th: The first busy day, and the start of the busy week. I woke up strangely at half 6 and decided to pack for the following days. Then I went downstairs watched some BB and took a nap. Around 1 mum and I went to the hairdresser's so we could well get our hair cut. There we had the usual chatter. I also purchased some makeup that I was going to wear later on. At home I started getting ready, having a mini panic attack and getting my mum to give me a lift to the 6th form ball. At first it was awkward as the only people there were people we didn't really like (we were unaware that everyone else was inside already) but then ended up chatting to some peeps, before it started raining and we headed in. Greeted by our friends who have been there for ages. And already had some really nice pictures taken without us :( The night was basically picture taking, dancing, gossiping and sleeping. 
Saturday 27th: Waited for Emma to come and collect me so we can make our way to Sheringham. She was late but it wasn't that bad. We collected Maddy on the way and we had a mini roadtrip mainly talking about the previous night. When we arrived we called Connor met with him and then entered the house, and slowly more people arrived so we claimed a bedroom, played cards against humanity, played the kids version of trivial pursuit, which was pretty fun, and headed out to tesco to purchase food. Back at the house I cooked up 6 pizzas for Emma, Emily, Amy, Jessie and myself with a little help from people here and there. Then we ate said food, chilled and then watched kick ass. Which Amy had never seen before so it was an experience for her. Eventually some of us went up to the bedroom which was shared by Emma, Harvey, Jessie, Maddy, and myself, the latter three sharing the double bed. we stayed up for hours just talking and eventually fell asleep. 
Sunday 28th: The gang had breakfast and chilled a little before we got ready to head out. In the rain. We walked to this cafe then all of a sudden everyone went in different directions. So Giancarlo, Harvey, Jessie, and myself went to the beach. Because we weren't sure we'd get another chance, plus we were going in the sea so would get wet anyway. It was hilarious. First I ate some of my chocolate fish I purchased from our walk down there then there was a small water gun fight, followed by a little bit of football which ended up with us in the sea having a splash about. It was getting towards lunchtime so we headed back to the house to take quick showers warm up and meet with everyone to get food. But they got food without us. I got pissed off and went upstairs on my tablet. Then the mood got awkward but eventually the beach group got food and we all joined together to watch Edward Scissorhands. Some people went home after this and Amy was considering it as she was tired. But I suggested some of us have a nap and then we could go to the beach as a group as the weather got better. So that happened, I taking a cute spot on the landing, and we all woke up to go to the beach. It was a wonderful time. We all went in and splashed and swam and passed Mister Ball, who went missing in the sea, but we played the little game of who can still see Mister Ball. When heading back to the house (as Harvey had to leave) we all got ice creams and then one by one took a shower. Apparently  everyone downstairs could hear me singing in the shower, and they were talking about it. So now I feel uncomfortable. Then we watched Les Miserables and had a hilarious sing/rap along. I then went to sleep whilst everyone was downstairs. Apparently the rest of the group went to watch the sun rise which upset me because they didn't even bother asking if I wanted to go. But I guess what's done is done.
Monday 29th: Woke up ate breakfast with the group and then we basically got ready to leave. Emma's Dad took some of us home (Emily, Jessie, and Myself (Emma is a given, obviously)). We had a stop at pretty corner to do a little exploring and then the rest of the trip was this weird quiz thing. At home I watched a little TV and decided to take like a half an hour nap then give Harvey his pillow that he left in Sheringham, then get ready to go see my sister. But this half an hour turned into like 4 hours and I woke up like ten minutes before I had to get a bus. So I got ready and mum took me to the train station instead and I got on the train. Pretty standard, just listening to music and playing games. I met Hal in Nottingham as my change over was at like 22:30? Or something like that and I was nervous to do it alone. As we had to wait a while for our train to Derby, we headed into a local tesco to get food for us to have when we arrived at her flat (as my nap meant I missed foody times). The train was essentially playing an app version of Then we were in Derby, and got a lift with Hal's friend back to the flat and we made food and slept. 
Tuesday 30th: We woke up and had a rather chill morning. Then we decided to head into town and do some shopping. First we hit Primark, where I got some clothes and stuff, then the Disney store, where we got a lot, and we left realising we weren't charged for half of it, felt guilty and returned. Yeah we wasted money but we are good people now. Then we went to boots to select some pictures we wanted to be printed off, and had a cheeky nandos as we waited for them. We collected them and then went to get milkshakes and sat by this lake thing enjoying the nice weather. Then decided to head back to the flat to watch Big Brother. It was a cute little day. I also took a shower back at the flat. It was too powerful and I hated the tingly sensation. Anyway....
Wednesday 1st: The weather was hideously hot, but we had to move some of Hal's stuff to her new flat. We took 3 suitcases before I gave up because I hated the 15 minute walk in the boiling hot weather, and it would be a constant back and fourth. So we requested the help of another one of Hal's friends. Basically they filled up her car so I couldn't fit in, and I ended up watching youtube. Then I was told we were going to ASDA so that happened, main purchase was the tray bake and the ice cream. Which melted as we decided to get a McDonalds (which was in the ASDA, did you know Derby's MD was 10p cheaper?) and then we managed to spend an hour getting back to the flat as we got lost and ended up in the same traffic jam twice. We all chatted for a bit eating cake and whatnot, before the friend left, and then Hal and I decided to have some more food. We watched BB again and chilled for bed. 
Thursday 2nd: It was my last day with my sister, so we decided to return to the city to look at some furniture Hal could get for her new place, as well as buying Mum and Dad some gifts. However we ended up back in the Disney store which was a mistake. We somehow managed to buy some posters from That's Entertainment, and some more things from Toymaster. I have spent so much money in those Disney trips alone. But we still got the parents something nice. However it did mean we had to spend half an hour in Lush as the woman (Emily, who was adorable) approached us and decided to basically test the whole store on us. After this we went to the pub as a final meal and then went home in the rain. Then it was the final sleep.
Friday 3rd: I managed to have a little lay in before I packed for the train home. I arrived with two bags, and left with three. It was torture trying to carry those to the train station. There was some confusion after this about being on the train, as my ticket said one carriage but voiceover person said another. I sat in the voiceover one, but called Hal as I was panicking. It was all ok in the end. I spent the trip mainly staring out the window to ensure I wasn't going to be left in some strange place.
Saturday 4th: Work, for the first time in ages. It was horrible! Too Hot! Too Many Customers! Too Many Staff! Never again. Afterwards though Hal came over, as she was struggling with me leaving. We decided to grab some lollipops and then waited for the bus and bought chips for the family as we surprised them with her return.
Sunday 5th: Again I had work but it was so much better than the day before. Basically just chilled at home.
Monday 6th: As Hal was back we decided to go and see my nanny in Hemsby. It was a nice little day, we went on dance mats, went on the Waltzers, ate chips, got slushies, played mini golf, and just had general chatter. When home I decided to finally return Harvey's pillow and we had a little natter about 6th form and work experience, before I went home home and chilled. 
Tuesday 7th: A completely chill day catching up on the TV I had missed and playing a little sims 3 and talking to Hal. 
So that was so much fun to type out (definitely not because I did most of it today) But I hope you enjoyed it. 
See you in the 'morrow!

Monday, 6 July 2015


Hi. So just before I get started on this post I just wanted to say sorry for the fact that there was only post last week. Simply because I was spending some time with me sister. But that means I need to make this up to you with hopefully some excellent jam packed posts that suit your reading pleasure. If you are a commoner on my blog you would know that today is scheduled to be a kind of Elli's Thoughts posts, which is basically just my feelings about what has happened what is happening and what will happen. Basically the thoughts on all the tenses. My theme, yes I have a theme, is expectations. Because we all have them and they are what allow us to be excited and disappointed. So I thought I could fill this post with a bunch of ideas about how my expectations were about the goings on over however long I feel. 
First off, we shall go for the leavers ball. Initially I expected it to be shit. Mainly because I didn't have that good a time at Prom so I just went off that basis. Also we had to have this fancy meal, which I think I mentioned before that I was freaked out about that because I hate eating in front of people, and I hate waste, but I don't want to feel pressured into eating something I do not want to eat. Then I also thought I was going to cry because it was the last time I was going to see some people and it would just be an emotional time. However,I had a great time, I danced and laughed and it was pretty fun. I feel a little bad because some of my good friends couldn't be there to join in the fun, but it wasn't my fault I guess. The food I was right about, so my expectations were met with the disappointment, however I thought I'd like that lemon syllabub, but alas it was too lemony for my liking. I also did not cry which I was not expecting, but I guess I saw it more as a fun night to remember, and to not think about the whole it's so sad point. Overall, it wasn't what I expected, but in this case it was kind of a good thing. 
Moving on to another interesting part of the week which was a trip to Sheringham (by the way I will also be talking about these events in tomorrow's update post). This is a weird one to talk about because my expectations in some areas weren't really met but it got made up for and things got better. Basically I knew the first day was going to go the way it did, basically chilling with games/movies, and eating food, then trying to sleep but we were all too bwah. The second day was what threw me. Basically from the get go going to the beach was like a must do thing. Because what's the point of going to Sheringham if not? And we got ready to go but then all of a sudden (mainly because it was raining) I was told it was either, Arcade or Shopping, and we'll go to the beach after food. And I was like what? I got very upset because I knew it would end up being you know what let's not go to the beach, so I pretty much took it into my own hands and marched off to the beach, because I wanted to ensure I got that time in. Plus who cares if it was raining? I was going to get wet in the sea anyway. So I had a fun time, but then when we got back and tried to get hold of the others I got pissed off again. Mainly because my whole idea group hanging out was basically torn to shreds as they had returned with food when the five who went to the beach were just left out. Plus Maddy left without properly saying goodbye to some of us and that upset Jess for sure. So it took a downhill turn as I felt people then blamed me for the divide as the beach group sat upstairs while they ate, and it was like there was a divide anyway I just chose the option best for me. After some people left, the situation got a bit better, as the group reformed and then we all went down to the beach in the way I expected. It was great. So in that respect it met my expectations, I'm just upset with some people who didn't really want to be a part of that and I will happily say that to them. The following day was as expected. 
So now we move on to the expectations of visiting my sister. I knew that we weren't there for fun as it was to help her move flats, so that wasn't a problem. However I was not expecting to spend as much money as I did. In fairness the mug I purchased. Adorable. So that was kind of a bad breaking the expectations. But I got stuff I like... Then we move on to Hal's new flat. It really wasn't what I was expecting, there wasn't even a sofa. But it was still nice and cute for what it is, and she has ideas on how to improve it. Plus I guess the main issue was that it was a bit empty. But that will soon be fixed. Other than that everything was pretty standard. 
So I guess this post is essentially saying that even if things don't meet your expectations, they aren't a bad thing, but maybe by lowering your standards you can't really get disappointed by much. Be a pessimist! 
See you in the 'morrow!

Friday, 3 July 2015

PICks Of The Month: June

Hiya, so as I have been away the past week, I had planned all the posts for the following week. But I forgot that a new month has begun so I need the PICks. But I don't want to shift anything, so I thought I would just do a quickie now. Mainly because I have been too busy this month for all this stuff. But here you go. Better than nothing. 
Tv Show: Wow I have no idea about this one. I haven't really been watching a lot of TV aside from Big Brother. I guess 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown because it's pretty funny. Basically it's just a funnier bad version of Channel 4's Countdown. 
Youtuber: Umm... Well I have never actually mentioned him yet so I believe he deserves his place here as I have started watching Pewds' new series Catherine, so his name just came to mind. Plus I do watch his videos and find them entertaining. So this month shall go to the number one youtuber (purely because he has the most subscribers) PewDiePie. He is mainly a gamer but has started to develop into more of a hybrid, which is interesting but takes away from what made him popular I guess. I still love him though. He's FABULOUS!

Blog Post: There has been a sufficient lack of post this month so it makes my job a little easier. I might just say my Big Brother chat as it was pretty hefty so you couldn't be bored by it. Well you could, but you couldn't complain it lacked in content. If you want to read this click here. 
Dream: It was a recentish dream, but basically I remember being in this house which was a mixture of Jessie's home and my grandparents. Basically we were waiting to be taken home in the dark, but there were zombies around, and I just remember being panicky of everything and I think I was talking to the triplets about this. Twas a small and weird dream.
Song: Hmm... Well it played at our 6th form ball and reminded me of a fun time. DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT.  I was very happy when I heard it playing. 
Game: I have played this game a lot this month, therefore it is here. I have written a blog post about the game which you can read here. It is highly addictive and the aim is to just get to number one. I've made it to five though. 
And finally...Picture: There was a lot of good pictures this month, mainly due to the 6th Form Ball. So as that was a big event I filtered the photo's down to one from that night, and I shall go with this one. Because I enjoyed the fact we were all trying to take selfies on different phones so didn't know where to look. 
As this is a short post you get a fun little bonus. Mainly because I like these pictures and feel they need to be shared. ENJOY THE BONUSES FROM THE HAIL WHALE. I don't know why I just said that last sentence. 
So that is that for this month. Hope you enjoyed these. See you in the 'morrow!