Monday 29 September 2014

Plans Of Structure

Hello! So I've been thinking and I decided that my blog needs more structure. Mainly because I think it will be easier for me to prepare for posts and make me more motivated to do a certain thing. Also if there is structure then I wont be all AAAH WHAT DO I BLOG ABOUT, which I do a lot. 

Even though I have a kind of structure in mind it probably will not start until next week, because some things need to be done. So this will will probably still be a little crazy. So I thought well what should I post about today? Why not just give you my idea for a structure. So this is my thought so far. 

Monday: Elli's Thoughts- I was thinking that I would have this time to share my thoughts on things, it could be anything, for example I can share an opinion of a tv show, I could complain about school, or just talk about recent happenings in the news, anything that is occupying my thoughts at that time.

Tuesday: What's Been Happening?- Basically this will be an Update of what I have been up to, as I prefer doing them as a more than one day kind of thing, maybe I will make drafts each day though to try and remember more

Wednesday: Vlog!- I have kind of been enjoying the whole "vlogging" part of this and think I should make these more often, I already have some that need to be put up, and ideas for some to make, so I am hoping this will go ok. If there is not a vlog, I will probably replace this with an ordinary tag, but that might be rare (she says even though she knows tags is all it is going to be

Thursday: No Post- I'm going to keep this as a day where I do not post to have a break.

Friday: Random! - I decided this could be whatever I wanted it to be, a tag, random pics of my day, I talk about my day, I share my thoughts, I could give advice, I could just make my own language. It is just going to be whatever I feel like doing that day. 

Saturday: No Post- I'm going to keep this as a day where I do not post, as I am usually too busy so yeah sorry :/

Sunday: Gaming- I am going to start posting on Sundays again, just to make my life more interesting. So I thought I like playing some games and this could be my place to talk about that, I could screenshot things from gameplay, and look into maybe filming things. Or just talk about my thoughts and happenings in the game. Now since currently all I play is sims, expect it to just be about that, but maybe when there is less school I will try out different games and it shall be fun. 

So that is my basic plan for now, so look forward to it. If you have any suggestions for things you think I should change or add then go ahead. But we all know you wont comment so there is no point. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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