Friday 26 September 2014

Recent Happenings...

Heya! Anyone else remember that song? I used to love it as a kid. "Shake it like a Polaroid picture" Anywho... Today we are gong to have a little catch up of what I have been doing over the past couple of days. Cause we all know how stalkerish you all are. Jokes, I love you :P

Wednesday: walked to school, in the rain. The one time I'm like "nah I won't wear my coat because it will get warmer" >.< Dammit me. Anywho when I got to school I purchased a hot chocolate to warm me up, and sat around waiting for others. Maddy and Stead turned up and we chatted about how to get Tom to stay in school, it wasn't that much trouble considering the head of 6th form walked passed twice and never questioned the fact Stead doesn't actually go to the school. Then I had double biology where we learnt yet more about neurons, and I have to make yet another comic strip for her! Oh well. Then it was break and things happened, and then I had private study where Giancarlo kept making me and Jessie laugh with his talk of D's, Stroking, and Fancy Wood. We were dying. Then it was conference. Yeah so much fun. Where we had to talk about politics and we did weird voting things with cards that I drew on not realising they were to be used again. OOPS! Then it was lunch and then media! Where we watched the great british bake-off.

Thursday: Another early morning where I walked to school  (this time rain free!) When I got there it was pretty quiet and slowly people turned up and I don't remember what happened. First had psychology where she gave us these folders and dividers which she had clearly spent ages on. But it only just fits in my bag :/ We did peeling in the lesson, wasn't that interesting. During psychology however Emily and Megan discussed Bruce/Brenda/David (this boy who had a circumcision as a baby, had his penis burnt off and was raised as a girl) This lead to Giancarlo telling us varies ways a guy can get circumcised, including this weird one about running into lakes. Then at break he continued this and said he has actually had a circumcision because of an operation he was having, and I stupidly asked what the operation was for and had the "pleasure" of learning about Giancarlo's balls, which I would have spent my whole life happily not knowing. Then in double private study I did some work for my retakes. And I stayed for a bit of lunch before I headed home. 

Friday: Yet another early start and I sat lonely in the common room for like half an hour before Jessie arrived to keep me company. Then more people showed up and eventually I went to private study with people, where I completed my biology work, and had a chat with Kez about how we miss art. then it was break, and even though it happened today I do not remember anything about it, so we shall move onto Media studies. Where we watched Dinner Date which is just so weird, yet I really want to know who won! Then masterchef where this guy pulled the funniest face. And we made plans for a production the class is going to make representing cooking shows. GOING TO BE SO AWESOMES! Then it was lunch where we discussed the group dynamic, I molested Jessie with a bat toy Lizzy brought in, and some other things. Next was an hour of Biology where we learnt about the effects of alcohol. 

So that is what I have been up to, as well as youtubes, blogging and sims. i hope you enjoyed you week and I shall see you on Monday (well I wont see you that would be weird) even though I am about to use my catchphrase which today will not make sense, but I have to say it. So yeah...

See you in the 'morrow!

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