Friday 19 September 2014

16 Days O' Fun

Hello! So I haven't actually mentioned what I have been doing in the past week (more than that even like 16 whole days) So you get 16 days worth of stuff, some days will be more interesting than others, but then again some might not be remembered in as much detail. Let's just go with it.

Wednesday 3rd: From what I recall, this is the day I did the ALS ice bucket challenge, and the HD Pie in the face. I slipped into the adorable penguin onesie and then poured freezing water on my head. Then dried off and smushed pie in my face. Then realised the camera wasn't filming so had to do it all over again. 

Thursday 4th:  Hal's leaving meal at The Castle Carvery, whilst waiting for the grandparents we walked over to the bowling place and this Mario kart racing game stole a £1 off Hal, but she still managed to come first, shame I couldn't play with her though. Then people arrived, we drank, we ate, I got a delicious desert, and then Hal, my cousin Hollie and her baby went into the soft play area (which I feel us teens preferred more than the baby) Then we chatted and parted ways. After this Hal got very excited that we went to staples. And we all went home and I can't remember anything else.

Friday 5th: 6th form enrollment. Which was eventful to some extent. I walked in and headed to the hall for the most boring talk of my life, then Giancarlo waltzed in late which made it that slight bit more entertaining. Following this we got our timetables and I was ecstatic at the fact I have every other Monday off! Then more talking and then pointlessly going to a computer room to look at UCAS and shiz. But the computer I logged onto decided that it didn't want to have word, or the internet so instead I just colour coded my timetable and talked to Jass about randomness. After we enrolled I went with Maddy to the city where she purchased sims 4, and we also bought some whipped cream, for her Ice bucket and pie in face challenges. So after that we spent like half an hour walking around trying to figure out where to get the bus that takes us to Maddy's house (as neither of us have never actually gotten that bus before)  But we found it in the end and walked to Maddy's house and I realised I have been near it so many times. Once there I met her dad and we left sims to install while we went outside to film her challenges. After that we came inside and started playing the beautiful game, before I went home.

Saturday 6th: As it was my sisters' last Saturday in Norwich we spent the day together, watching bad day time tv. Then the family had chips and watch the last episode of the last leg :'(

Sunday 7th: I went to Hemsby with the family, as it would have been Hal's last time before she left to Uni. We sat inside more as it was a little bit chilly, then we went to the arcades and I won nothing, but Hal won a Jake plushy on the grabby machines. I went to get a Kiddy's cone of chips, and the tragedy struck. My slushy shop was not open. In the words of Amy "Sad Times" But I survived and we went home after Hal made our Nanny very sad with the fact she was moving away. 

Monday 8th: Thanks to my timetable I did not have to return to 6th form today. So instead I had a very lazy day, playing sims, watching youtube, playing MLP, and having some quality time with the sister. Time very well spent. 

Tuesday 9th: My first official day of school. I started with a small lay in before I headed in for a private study. Where I planned to do biology work, but got too caught up having a catch up with Amy. Because I had not seen her in ages, we needed a chat. And she was telling me all about her night where she had 8 shots and that her 6 period day with the slightest of hangovers was going to be interesting. She survived though. After this I had double Biology where our classed decreased to 7 people, which is cute. We did some revision on the Kidney for a test we were going to have the next lesson. Next was double psychology where I fell in love with the organisation of our new teacher. she had draws for everything! As per usual I cannot remember the events of break and lunch time. 

Wednesday 10th: I had double biology first and we learnt about neurons and things, then I had a private study with people and I don't really remember that. Then conference which is always the biggest waste of an hour. And followed by a group mentor where Mr Galley made me laugh with his awesomeness, then lunch which went by super quickly, and then I had a single media lesson with the new teacher. Then I wents home.

Thursday 11th: I had study and psychology, I think... But I don't really remember a lot about that day to be honest, apart from the fact I had to wait fucking ages for a bus home.

Friday 12th: I came in for private Study, then had media and mentor, where Mr Galley found it weird that Uni was my plan B, then biology where we had a test which I was so prepared for I am now really worried I failed. Then I got the bus home with Emma, which was late AGAIN! But at least Ems kept me company the whole time :) When I got home I spent some quality time with Hal, and we got a take-away as her last meal, it was delicious. 

Saturday 13th: I was awoken at like 6:30 by my sister wanting to say goodbye, so I got up gave her lots of hugs and had a little cry when they left. With the parents gone I was nervous about being home alone for the night.

Sunday 14th: my parents returned home so I chatted to them about there time away, skyped Hal and saw her room, then played sims watched youtube and the usual.

Monday 15th: I went in early for Media? (I don't really remember anymore) and I also had study? or was it psychology? I don't know! But I wents home early, and luckily the bus turned up on time. So I talked to Hal as it was still too weird without her, and did my usual routiney things. 

Tuesday 16th: I seriously do not remember anything anymore! I think today I came in for period 3? Where I had study with Amy, and her and Kez were writing a rap for their english class, which was rather amusing. And I was doing some colouring, because 6th form work is so important. Then I must have had psychology, YEAH! Cause I found this book about a murderer and was really interested in it, but in all honesty I have not touched it since. Then I was on the late bus home with Emily and Amy.

Wednesday 17th: My only 6 period day. I came in after walking with Emma  chatting about stuff, and then I went to double biology where Craig finally dropped, making our class a group of 6. More stuff happened but it wasn't that thrilling. Then I tried to find Mrs Kelleway to ask if we could get out of the stupid and really pointless conference to do schoolwork and she said no! Part of me wants to fail in my subjects to show them how fucking stupid and annoying conference is. I had private study next with Jessie and Connor and then we went to Conference and we talked about nothing basically, and had a quiz on Scotland, which was like, but I could be improving my school grades! UGH! Anywho then it was lunch then double media where I presented my thing I mentioned the other day and it went well. So I am happy. 

Thursday 18th: I started my day with a lay in, eating lots of nesquick, realising that I can have Google chrome themes! And I found an Adventure time one, so now there is constantly a BMO just chilling in my task bar. Then I got to school for period 4 and had a beautiful picture of me taken by Jess which she adapted and I made some notes, and then it was lunch and we stalked Amy's blog then I found out Emily is going to drop biology (I'll miss her so much :'( ) so now it will be a class of 5, and then I had psychology, then another private study, and then the late bus Home with Aims, where I had a slight argument with a kid at the back of the bus where he failed at telling me to shut up because it actually made him tell himself to shut up. 

Friday 19th: I got my biology test back, I did not do too well, but she revisited the Red Blood Cell party and memories :') After this was break where I shared some of Maddy's hot chocolate and tried a cookie and cream KitKat, I wasn't feeling it. Then it was double media where Jessie and I became obsessed with these squeaking pheasant toys and our teachers were dressed up as a plumber and a fox Then I was telling Jessie she was mean for being too sexy.  

Wow that was a long fucking post.

See you in the 'morrow!
(Well Monday) 

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