Tuesday 30 September 2014

Chats, and the Near Distant Future

Why hello there. So today I am just going to talk about what I have been up to (kind of like what my schedule from yesterday was saying) So let's just get on with it.

Saturday: Sidenote- everytime I say or type Saturday in my mind I sing it in the way Fall out boy do in their song Saturday. So for some reason today I woke up at like 8:30, so I decided to do some work. Then had some lunch, had a shower, and proceeded to play sims for the entire afternoon. 

Sunday: I woke up at a more reasonable weekend time today. Then I did some work, watched some youtubes, did some more work, and spent like 4 hours building a house on sims. Then I ate foods, watched so much youtubes and then sneakily prepared some blog posts so I can spend more time on those days playing sims. I've gone sims crazy lately. 

Monday: I woke up at half 6, ugh. said Happy Birthday to Emily, and then I got ready and went to school, spoke to Jassums about media work, went to media, and got a little upset because I felt the rest of the class were against me. But anywho, then it was break and we chatted about things, like how it had felt like forever since I last saw Amy, and then we had a test in psychology, and it was a pretty boring lesson, but Giancarlo was so innocent and it was hilarious. Then I stayed for part of lunch where Emma was stressing about her EPQ and I told her cake solves everything. I then walked to the bus stop and went home, where I ate pasta, watched family guy, made a vlog (which I shall post in the near distant future), blogged, played sims, watched youtubes, and found out my dad ordered me sims 4!!!! EEEEKKKKK! 

Tuesday: A lay in today, how wonderful! So I did not need to go into school until break, so I snuck in some sneaky youtubes, then got ready for school. As soon as I got there I wanted to go home. But I powered through talking to Emily on the way there about the events of tomorrow and biology work, even though she no longer takes it :'( . So anywho we chatted randomly at break and then Aims and I headed to private study, where I finished my relationship notes for psychology and most of my biology work. Success! Then Amy went on an adventure as she didn't actually have to be in private study, but I sat with Kez and then frozen started playing. Was RaNdOm MoRaRk (Kez will understand the reference, if she ever reads this). Anywho then it was lunch, where Jessie kept fondling my knees, and we decided on songs we wanted for our funerals.  I also shared a coke with dude. I don't know who this dude was, but thanks for the coke man. Then it was psychology which was pretty amusing when we had tangent discussions that slightly related to the topic but weren't things we needed to know. The lesson itself was pretty dull. So then I got on the late bus with Aims, and we had this discussion about light sabers with this kid, and the late bus driver spoke to us about driving tests and complications of driving a bus, before you say anything I actually found it fascinating. Then I got home and ate pizza, watched resurrection and finished my biology homework. Unfortunately there is no time to sims :'( 

See you in the 'morrow!

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