Wednesday 17 September 2014

As Suggested By...

Hey Hey Hey! So currently I am in the middle of a draft post which I was hoping to publish today but looking at the time and how much I have done I do not see that happening. But I know I shall be able to finish it for Friday, as I also have the day off tomorrow. But then what do I post today? So I asked the group chat and they gave me a bunch of suggestions, but the blog for Friday is going to be pretty content heavy, so I may not do a complete post. But I still feel I should include briefs of their ideas so there time was not wasted. 
The Suggestions:
C-Sections- as suggested by Tom.S- Basically earlier in the group chat we were talking about how painful childbirth is and this lead to a pretty weird conversation about c-sections, so I assume Tom just wanted me to talk about that.
Sims- as suggested by Tom.S- he knows I am a fan of sims so probably thought that was a good idea. Which it is, because I could go into how much I really want the new sims game but unfortunately cannot afford it, but I watch videos of game play and want it so much! At least I still have sims 3 to keep me company.
Misty- as suggested by Lish.F- I don't know a lot about Lish's rabbit, apart from the fact she is insanely adorable. I have only met her once but she is super cutes and I just want to cuddle her so much and i have always wanted a rabbit of my own but never managed to get one. There was a plan to but we ended up getting Seb. And I wouldn't replace him.
Emily- as suggested by Connor.J- What is there to say about Emily? She has a bad obsession for the Kardashians. We have fun conversations about her Uni plan. I really don't want her to leave my biology class, but if she feels it is best for her I shall support her. And in 12 days she is able to buy scissors so I am jealous. 

And that is all my suggestions.
See you in the 'morrow!

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