Wednesday 10 September 2014

Please Don't Leave Me :'(

So this week is a little tough for me, because on Saturday (very early in the morning) my sister is moving out and living in Derby where she will be studying psychology at uni. I know this is very normal and I am happy she is doing something with her life and it is what she really wants. Well she hates the packing. But I just don't want her to go.

Yes we have our moments of her completely annoying my by walking in my room and trying to talk to my friends on Facebook, or distracting me when I am playing Sims, and I will annoy her every now and then. It just wont be the same without her. I'm used to seeing her everyday and telling her all the gossip and then watching some bad day time TV together and just having a laugh. Who will there be now? 

I have spent the last 17 years of my life with her, and the fact she wont be there to do all these things with me is kind of sad. The longest I have spent away from her is one week, and even then I called her everyday. I'm not so sure I can do that now, but I have demanded at least one Skype call a month and weekly updates on other devices. But it still wont be the same. 

The positives to all this are: 
I finally get to move out of my box room!
This means I get a desk which I need cause it is easier to do work at home that way.

That is pretty much it. Cause I am losing one of the people I am closest to. Yeah it's not like i will never see her again but the distance and not having the security of her being somewhere around the house when I need her is going to take a lot of getting used to. Am I ready? Nope. What pisses me off most is that I can't even spend her last day with her as I am pretty much at 6th form all day. Which sucks but I do kind of need to be at 6th form. Just a shame really as the next day she wont be there, or the day after that, or the day after that and so on and so forth.

Let's end this here before I start crying from the feels. I have almost been crying a lot when I think of her leaving, but I don't think I will actually cry. Maybe. We shall see in the next 3 days.

See you in the 'morrow!

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