Tuesday 16 September 2014

I Hate Presenting.

See from a blogger you might find this statement a little bit weird. (someone get the pun) Because if she has the confidence to post this to a larger audience then why is she scared to do a small presentation in front of a smaller crowd. Well simply it is because:
1. With my blog I can easily pretend no-one reads it.
2. By thinking no-one reads, I don't fear their judgement.
3. I don't have a three.
But when it comes to presenting pieces of work I have made I absolutely hate it, because I get all panicky thinking that I have put something wrong so I am going to look like an idiot in front of everyone and they are going to make mean comments, or I just fear they think it will be boring and make mean comments, and really it is all about the mean comments which I really just make up in my mind. 

Usually when I have to present things I either shut down and just cannot actually get any words out, or I just end up laughing. sometimes I talk to quickly to get it out of the way and move on hoping people miss the mistakes and everything. Last year I had to do a lot of presentations, and I hated this, but once I got more comfortable with the group I felt better about it. And Luckily I managed to get away with never actually doing the conference presentation they asked us to do so all was good there. 

However this time I am asked to do a presentation for Media. I like the class, and it is small and everything and I am pretty confident around them to show off my weirdness, so the whole standing up and talking is not that big of a deal. However, the presentation is on a new topic which I am not so confident on and I am scared that they will all know what they are doing and I just get up there and look like a fool for not making correct points and things and then they will judge me. So I am not happy. 

It also doesn't fill me with a lot of confidence that I have only had like 2 days to prepare for this. Literally we started the task Monday and are expected to do the presentation on Tomorrow. NO! I only have two slides so far and I feel they aren't good enough and I am scared I am just going to have a breakdown. Luckily I have some time before the lesson to try and get some more things in and make it better, but I just hope that no-one really cares. Pray for me guys. 

See you in the 'morrow! 
If I don't self destruct from presentation panic.

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