Saturday 30 November 2013

My Little Achievement

So I'm 10 days old (not literally, that would be odd) and I already have 200 page views! Which averages out to about 20 views a day. Some of you are thinking that's nothing, why are you getting all excited over it? And my answer goes thusly, small things please small people. To you it may be fuck all but I'm proud of my little achievement, WOOHOO! Let's through a mini party...
I hope you were all dancing like I was.

So thank you to those who have read through my blogs, however some of the views might just come from people flicking through blogs to find one of interest, to which I say, Thanks for stopping by! 

Sorry this is a short blog, and it's quite early in the day, but I'm busy later and will have no time. Tomorrow's shall  be much more interesting. Thanks again! Love you, but in a casual you seem really awesome not I want to form a relationship cause I hardly know you and that would be really really weird way.


Friday 29 November 2013

Music, Sweet Music

AHH! AHH! AHHHH! There is only like an hour left in the day and I haven't blogged! I don't even know what to blog about! I mean I had it all set out in my head, cause to day I elfed myselfed and I was going to upload it to the youtube then share it on here but it all turned to shit. Besides it's November nothing Christmassy must be shared from me until December so wait a few days. In fact pretend I never even wrote about the post, just forget about it. Go on, forget it.

So now I have nothing to blog about... hmm... umm... I'm STUCK. What do most people Blog about? Umm... FRAAAAAAAAAAK. OH! OH! OH! I gots it!

 (All views are just my opinion, and we are all allowed an opinion, so don't hate me. You can have your opinion as well if that makes you feel better, just don't start an online frenzy)

The best/worst creation ever. Brilliant for it brought forward the amazingness of Queen, The Beetles, Blondie, The Kinks, Green Day, Fall Out Boy, Mindless Self Indulgence (Who I'm seeing live tomorrow EEK! But more of that once I actually see them) My Chemical Romance, Evanescence, Blink 182, Blur, The Who, and quite frankly so much more! I listen to music everyday, and it is my life. I always get songs that understand me in that super sad depressive way, but it's true, and comforting. I have songs for all my moods, when I'm happy, slightly angry, hyper, and I even have a song when I'm upset. It's nice. I also love to sing, and I learnt to play the guitar once upon a time. I want to learn to play more, but my sister always complains and currently I just don't have the time. Shame.

Then there is the downsides to music. Those artists and songs that butcher music so much you can't even call it that anymore, it's just noise. "Artists" like Muse, Justin Bieber, Most if not all boy bands (even though technically they are not bands because they do not play instruments!) Most if not all girl bands (same angry statement still applies) Miley Cyrus, rappers, Nikki Manaj? (is that how you spell it, eh why do I care?) CELINE DION! Mariah Carey, Jamelia, Daniel Beddingfield. I mean seriously? 

But the best part of music is those songs everybody hates but they just have to love them. Like the Macarena, the barbie girl song by Claire's favourite band Aqua, Cotton Eye Joe, songs like them. They are what brings the world together! 

Everybody likes music, and if they say they don't they are lying, because there is a whole world of music for everyone. A specific tune for each individual

So yeah, music huh

Thursday 28 November 2013

At War With My Mind

Today, I'm going to talk about myself again. Yeah cause we really want to know all about your life. I see through your sarcasm madame (hey that rhymes haha) anywho I'm going to use this as therapy again because I am going through an annoying patch.

Well I say patch, it is more of a life-long war. I'm losing. Who am I fighting you may ask? That is my brain. I know it's weird, but hey I am. So my brain likes to force me to think about things I don't want to think about, because they are unpleasant thoughts, or they are just frustrating

This is my typical day:

Brain: Hey, so do you want to think about...
Me: Not now brain! Think of something of actual worth to me, like school.
Brain: Nah, you can keeping thinking over and over about this thing until it will drive you crazy.
Me: It already has so stop.
Brain: Umm...No.

Right now how am I going to talk about this without giving too much away, and being judged... So I get these thoughts about bad things happening and I can never get them to go away once I thought about it. I feel awful cause it means subconsciously I want it to happen, but in these cases I really don't. This has been happening for years and I hate it, but no-one really knows cause I feel like people would think I am just an awful person. I try and stop, and it only sometimes works, but other than that it is just a constant pain! I know I'm complaining about something that is nothing in comparison to other stuff going on in people's lives, but I'm going to say it once to get it out of my system and move on, hopefully. I'll just survive I guess.

Sorry this was a bit of a downer, but these rant fest' allows me to be the mad person I love, and want to be ALL the time. Thanks for reading, if you actually did read through it all. Appreciated x. 

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Elli's Declassified 6th Form Survival Guides

I swear my life is getting less and less interesting. So I'm going to give you some advice (cause I give such brilliant advice).

Today I'm going to tell you how to survive 6th form (like Ned's declassified school survival guides, but less awesome!). If you have no idea what 6th form is, then it is education from 16ish and you study for about 2 years and get A-levels which are super important if you want to go to University, which I kind of do. Not sure yet :/

ANYWHO... The way to survive 6th form. (If you want to go to 6th form or are just starting out like me! Yes I know, what do I know, but this is what I have picked up so far).

Firstly chose the subjects you enjoy, cause if you do not enjoy them you are going to have a crappy two years my friend. And you tend to do better if you actually like the subject. I chose Art, Media studies, Psychology and Biology

Next choose an appropriate place to take all chosen subjects, sometimes you can study some at different schools, depends how cool they are. I'm studying at Hellesdon 6th form, used to be Hellesdon Taverham but they divorced us.

Ok so after enrolling and all the other stuff, you have now started lessons! So find out if you have any friends in the same classes as you, if not make a friend. You need somebody to help you if you are in trouble, or just to have a laugh with every know and then.
For example in Psychology I have 3 friends (I know lucky right) Well I have more but I don't really talk to them as much. I have Clive, Clark and Gregoravitch. (Claire, Maddy and Giancarlo) We have such a laugh! Then in Media I have my extended sister Jass (Jessie). Honestly if it wasn't for her I would not function. We have starting this craze where we draw something, but each of draw a feature at a time and it just ends up crazy...
...I mean isn't that fabulous! (Sorry it's on the side it just wont rotate properly, so please tilt you head 90 degrees to the left to enjoy the full glory)

If you are one of those intelligent people you would have realised I missed out Art. That my chum is because I dropped it. I know the horror! I loved art to pieces and I got an A* in it a GSCE (that's good if you didn't know that) But it was just a lot of pressure. So make sure that the work is right for you. You will get tonnes of work to do because it is important, but just make sure you don't get so much it stresses you out like it did with me. I really miss the class though, but it is such a relief not having to worry about the shitloads of work I had to do.

Finally, I guess, BE ORGANISED! Make time for revision, and time for fun. Keep a good folder of notes so you can easily find stuff for said revision

Sorry about mentioning finally I just remembered one more! But Elli you are typing this and then posting this, can't you just go back and get rid of the finally part, then this wont seem so stupid. I WANT TO SEEM STUPID! So... Last piece of advice don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it, from teachers, from friends, from a classmate you don't really know. It seriously does no harm. Even talk to them if you need help non-subject wise. 

So that is it I guess. You may not need to know exactly where you want to go, so make sure you have fun deciding, like I am. 

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Selfie Annoyance

WHY DID I PROMISE TO WRITE A DAILY BLOG??? Can't you just change it, no-one will ever know? I'LL KNOW! ARg I'm running out of things to talk about cause not a lot of shit happens to me! So I guess I'll talk about this...scrolls through pictures...AK this will do...
Yes I am wearing an Eeyore onesie, but that is not what I am going to discuss!

So my topic of today is the "Selfie" If you do not know what a selfie is, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! But no it's when you take a picture of yourself. Self, selfie, pretty self explanatory. (Starts to laugh at the brilliance of the joke she just made) 

As you can see selfies, can be taken with friends. THEY CAN. SHUT UP! And this is the only time I find the selfie, acceptable. Mainly because you don't seem vain, and it is the easiest way to take a photo with a friend cause you don't have to try and bug anybody. 

Other than this I hate selfies. Mostly when girls make stupid duckfaces or show people there cleavage. WHY? It stuff like this which makes me ashamed to be a girl! I especially hate it when people walk up to a mirror, so they can see that they are in shot, and take a picture of themselves so you can see the camera in the reflection. NO. Why not twist the camera around and look at the reflection to see if you are in shot, and take the picture without having your fucking phone/camera in the picture! JEEVES, it isn't rocket science

Ok, there is some occasions where I will accept a selfie. And that is when you are snapping pics of you wearing a blue wig so you can look back and laugh. So I ask you to enjoy this. Or not, your call.

Monday 25 November 2013

The Yo-Yo of Shizzle

Wow, today was all over the place! I was up and down like a yo-yo. It must be fun being a yo-yo, especially watching people get frustrated when they can't work the properly, like me

I woke up today wanting a lot of questions answered, well one, but that didn't happen. but hey I'm not too bothered cause I had a good day. But I feel bad for my friend, as she lost her dog last night, and I know losing a pet can be tough, so my heart goes out to her. But you've got to love and live. That was pretty much the downside, that and it rained, but in comparison it is practically nothing.

I am still curious about stuff and the more I think about it, the worse it is getting. But now is the best time, even though I fear it is the only time. Sorry I'm being all rambly aren't I? Well you can't reply so I'm just going to assume yes and move swiftly on.
On to the good shizzle. Yes that's right I said shizzle it's my word of the week. Ok I'm disappointed now my computer is saying Shizzle isn't actually a word. IT IS IN MY MIND! YOU CAN'T CHANGE ME COMPUTER!

Anywho...Today I attended 6th form, like a good little student. Went to Biology and filmed an animation of Phloem, with Emily. Then got my biology test back which I thought I failed cause I had no idea what endocytosis was, or active transport, and I got a B! Then my friends didn't do so good, so I felt bad,  but offered to help them in future, like a good liddle muffin.  Then spoke to my friends, and became their butler by getting them all water from the machine. Edited the before video and made bloopers! Hoping to upload it to Youtube! Why? Why not? Actually I do think why is the appropriate question. Then just spoke to the wonderful Aims on the late bus. 

Man my days sound boring when you put it like that. I guess the little things please little people. Besides I am mad and a little bit weird


Sunday 24 November 2013

Levels of Dickitude

Well I'm bored so I guess it's time to blog! I have literally done fuck all today (pardon my bad language, expect this from me) just slept ate and watched some movies. So I have no idea what to talk about, so I decided to give advice.

My advice for today is don't be a dick (like Adam Hills would say on The Last Leg).

So you (imaginary person) may be thinking, but how can I stop being a dick, it can be pretty amusing? I know it can, cause I love to be a bit of a dick sometimes, but I know the limits. The odd dickish comment here and there is fine as long as it is not a continuous thing. However the odd dick move may also be bad depending on the levels of dickitude (I'm going to make this and actual scale of measurement). 

Ways to be a dick:
Constantly share your opinion even if you know it will upset those you share it to.
Purposely avoid the question in a serious situation.
Leading someone on.
Publicly sharing other peoples business without permission.
Being cocky (do you like what I did there?)
And being Ignorant.

Ways not to be a dick:
Don't do anything from the list above.


So don't be a dick! 

Saturday 23 November 2013

The Needed Distraction

Today was a weird one

First of let's talk about Hunger Games: Catching Fire, since that was the main part of my day. I didn't really want to go see it, but I wanted to spend time with my friends. I will not give spoilers so do not worry! Overall, I feel the film wasn't the best thing ever, and there was a definitely room for improvement. The funniest part actually came from my friend Paige, this is how it went. Guy in film: "Well my hearts working now." Paige: "Really?!" I was laughing so bad, I think people  were staring. OH WELL.

However, for the first part of the film I wasn't feeling so good. Not because of the film itself, it was due to my awkwardness caused by those around me. I'm not sure if I should mention this, but I shall cause I see this as therapy. Basically I liked this guy, now he and my friend are going out. I'm perfectly fine with it cause I want them to be happy. Ok that was a lie, since I already said I felt awkward...They had there arms around each other and it felt a bit like they were throwing it in my face, BUT I AM HAPPY FOR THEM. I can't stress that enough. But it can't stop me from hurting. The scar on my arm doesn't help either cause it reminds me of how hurt I was when I first found out. In all honesty I don't think I'm ever going to be completely over it, cause it's just too weird. Him trying to make a joke out of it doesn't help me either. UGH. But at least my other friends keep me distracted.
Thank God that's out there.

Now to the rest of my day. After the film my friends and I hung out in the city, but they would take too long to decide on stuff so I'd do a thing I like to call a subtle hint, which is where you just walk off without saying anything, and they tend to follow you. YOU SHOULD TRY THIS! Sometimes they don't, for example when Em and I went to the Disney store. Their loss because we met this guy who was just talking to us about their beast doll (he works their, just in case you didn't get that) and how he changes into the prince and it amazed us, also he helped me complain at Emma for not watching the newer Disney films.

Then we went to pizza hut where none of us got a pizza. I just ate the cookie dessert thing.  Which was soooooooooooooooooooo good. YOU SHOULD TRY IT! 

Up next was the Doctor Who special, which was better than I thought it was going to be. I WANT A FEZ SO BADLY :'( 

And that was it! Sorry about going on about my problems but sometimes I can't talk to my friends about this, cause I'm scared they'll  be all judgey to my face whereas you guys probably aren't even reading this. But pretending you are keeps me distracted, and man I need them nowadays.

Friday 22 November 2013

Protecting the Unprotected

With recent "events" I want to talk about protection. NO I DO NOT MEAN SEX AND STUFF LIKE THAT. I mean like wanting to protect a friend from getting hurt, our yourself, or getting protecting yourself. So essentially caring for others.

First I always want to protect my friends from making mistakes, because I hate seeing them hurt and upset. But sometimes I am too late, and when I try to help them they reject it. I understand that this may be because they just want to cry about it for a bit then they'll be fine, trust me I do it all the time. But it doesn't stop it from being FUCKING FRUSTRATING when you are trying to help. Moving swiftly on...

The one thing I try to do is protect myself. Mainly I try to think of my friends first, but sometimes my heart just takes over and shit hits the fan. Everyday for the past few weeks I just act like I'm fine cause I'm scared I'll get hurt otherwise, I've gotten weirder just to hide how messed I feel. Sometimes I let slip, and get scared people will question it, but hey so far so good.

So cause I get hurt easily people think it is there job to protect me from getting into things that will hurt me. For example my ex-boyfriend. He thinks just because he still cares for me he has to judge my every move, kind of like baby proofing. Ugh. I understand people don't want to see me upset, and I don't even want to be upset myself. But I  told him I kind of like this guy I met and he said it was a bad idea cause he was like the previous guy I liked and that went so badly. But I haven't  completely fallen for him like I did with the last one, and I know to be careful, so is it really any of his business? Sorry I'm ranting

Basically the point of this was to say always be there for a friend, but know your boundaries, cause sometimes they want to be unprotected

Wednesday 20 November 2013

You Got a Friend in Me

WHO DOESN'T LOVE TOY STORY! It's so brilliant. But that's not the point.
So I promised I talk about those people you'd call my friends, and talk I shall. The reason I said you'd call is because I see them now as my extended family. (Friends is you are reading this please do not take the order personally it was just how I did it) 

First of there is Jessie. Well to me she goes by many names, there's: Jess, Jass, Jassums, my Crumpet, Jasstopher, and my favourite Jasstopher Pippin, head boy at Charlington High School. Would you like to hear my theme tune?WABWA! Isn't it amazing (jeeves). That wasn't actually that many. So Jass is without a doubt one of my closest friends, she is mad like me, and we have such a laugh together (like how she thinks there is a secret hot tub on top of our school). But it wasn't always that way. Originally Jessie didn't even like me, and if it wasn't for our common interest in the Natural Confectionery Advert, we never would have realised how perfect we are for each other (in a non-lesbian way) This girl has honestly changed my life for the better and I am so grateful. 

Who's next, lets go for Alicia. She is My Lishill Chicken Bubz, and is just so adorable! I actually cannot remember how I became friends with Lish it kind of just happened, and I'm so glad I did because she is kind of like my guru, she always gives me advice when I need it and I know I can always seek comfort in her, and I hope she knows I am always there for her, as I am with all my friends. I love Lish as she is not afraid to be weird, pretty much like my friends and I, but Lish has her own special weirdness which kind of revolves around her love for bunnies. My one flaw with her is her love for The Vampire Diaries, but that is only one tiny flaw in her many wonderful assets. 

Hmm, well since I spoke about the retched programme I guess logically Claire should be next. I'm going to be honest and say I haven't been the best of friends when it comes to Clive (that is my nickname for her, they all have nicknames so get used to it) and I really regret that, but you can't live in the past so let's focus on now. Only recently Clive and I have become like best friends, I think it was cause we take Psychology together, we laugh so much in the corner talking about my Kangaraffe children. However, slowly I feel I am losing her again. I hope not cause we are so close and she accepts me being weird around her so much she has become weird herself

There is something else I didn't tell you about Claire, and that is we are part of a gang. The
late bus gang. With the wonderful Amy Forder. Yes she gets a last name cause...Who lives in a pineapple under the sea AMY FORDER! Aims as I like to call her is just so sweet! She tends to see the positive in most things which I love about her, that and she makes me laugh. We also love casually singing We are the Champions by Queen. Another wonderful thing about Aims is that it is pretty much impossible to hate her cause she is so lovely.

Speaking of lovely people, Emma is the kindest person I have ever met. One time she told me about how she waved to an old lady from across the road and the woman came over and offered her some sweets. Emmi is just too adorable! She does get worried a lot about doing well at school and apologises way to much when she thinks she has offended you, but she always does well and never offends me. I wish I saw more of Em cause she just makes the world a better place, and you all need to be more like her!

Next we shall discuss Giancarlo. Momo, yes Momo, is like my brother, he is so funny and innocent. Sometimes he is too obsessed with his phone, and I feel like he is slowly distancing himself from me, but I'm probably crazy. Momo can be a real nutter sometimes which is why he is one of my closest friends

Jesus christ am I not finished yet! Ok next we shall have
Maddy. I only met Maddy 3 months ago and already I feel like I have known her forever (I know that sounds sad but it's true) She is just as mad as my friends and doesn't care about how mad I am, in fact she encourages it! I hope Maddy and I stay friends for a long time cause she seems so nice and is hilarious. Don't worry I haven't forgotten a nickname. Hers is Clark, cause she dresses like SUPERMAN! And She refers to me as Beryll, why? Why not?

So for the remainder of my friends, cause I realised there are so many I am only going to right a small bit about. Siobhan (Cwakerbwead) is so funny and we used to have so much fun together, but we don't see each other so much anymore, so we are kind of drifting apart. I MUST CHANGE THIS. Kezia, the exact same thing is happening with jeziA, we never really see each other anymore, which is a real shame as we created so many memories like RaNdOm MoRaRk! And we found our friends together. She is so kind and funny, and I can't think of a bad thing to say about her. Paige, my pagums and I became great friends during our graphics lessons and we still talk now but not so much, we do try and see each other and when we do she always finds a way to make me laugh. Eddie, like Momo is like a brother to me, he is outrageous and not afraid to do anything. He always comes up with funny jokes and always has a interesting story to tell. He also throws the most Epic parties I have ever been to. Ellen, we were never really that close which was a shame, cause when we did speak she was so lovely and funny, and she is fantastic at art! I never see her any more cause she tends to be in her own little bubble. George, we used to be pretty close and often I refer to him as my gay best friend even though he isn't gay. I call him George Porge and he is always there for me when I am down and tries to make me laugh. Scott is kind of my on and off friend, because things got pretty weird, but he is there for me and makes me laugh. The triplets (Charlotte, Lizzy, and Megan) are just utter geniuses, so I sometimes find it difficult to talk about stuff, but when I do they are so funny, and I'm glad to call them friends. 

I think that's it. If I have forgotten someone I am so sorry but I'm writing this when I am extremely tired. It may also mean I don't think you are a friend. Jokes. JOKES. But remember YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND IN ME!

Welcome to my World

So HI! I guess...I'm not very good at 'Blogging' so please bare with me. You most probably have no idea who I am so I'm going to introduce myself as Mad and a Little Bit Weird, because I am. Well in fact I'm really weird, but I short so I thought little would be a good play on words. I do love a good pun. 
I am obsessed with youtube, watching gamers like Pewdiepie and TheRPGMinx, as well as bloggers like AmazingPhil and Danisnotonfire. I even have my own youtube channel with my friends. It isn't much and I'd like it to be more but no one else wants to put in the effort. So yeah...

Let see what else am I obsessed with, ah TEA SETS. I find them so adorable and pretty and it would be my dream to have a room full of these incredible tea sets. like this one my friend Jessie found it is to die for! Nobody else but her really gets why I love them so much, and that is why I love her.
On that subject I am going to talk about my friends. They are all wonderful and I love them to pieces. I value friendship more than anything because they are for you for LIFE and I shall always be there for them. I might write a separate post just about my friends so you can grow to love them like I do. Or not it's your prerogative.

Then of course there is my magnificent family. I'm not going to talk about them in great detail as some things are kind of personal and I'll end up getting upset, but bchsrakbfvre. My mum is just hilarious, she always comes up with such funny things, and always knows how to cheer me up. She loves the word Panda. Then there's my dad, like most dad's he is extremely annoying, constantly asking me if my guy friends are boyfriends and just bugging me constantly, but I still love him. And it isn't just cause he buys me stuff. And my sister who is older so finds me annoying (I don't blame her really) sometimes we fight cause we are siblings but other times she is so nice and is there for me when I need her. Of course there is the rest of my family but that is too many things to talk about and I don't have the time. But they are still amazing and I wouldn't change them for the world
Now to list the other things I love:
Fall out Boy
Mindless Self  Indulgence
The IT Crowd
Pretty much all the Tim Burton films
Family Guy
American Dad
Adventure Time
How I Met your Mother
Coca Cola
Oh and My Little Ponies dressed up as characters from shows, and films.

That's it. That's Me in a nutshell. SO WELCOME TO MY WORLD! Stay for a bit, or not. I'm not too bothered.