Thursday 1 June 2017

The Good Weekend

Hello. So following the somewhat negative posts of recent weeks I thought it would be good to take about my relatively good weekend.

I started it off hanging out with the guy who can make me smile without doing anything. Then Saturday evening was devoted to a small meal for my work friend who is getting married in a couple of weeks. Which was interesting as I've hung out at my colleagues houses before but we have never been out. I was a little nervous because I'm worried that people don't get on with me when they get to know me but I had a great time. Starting it off in spoons and there was a comment on the fact I was actually wearing a dress, then there was more comments on how quickly I can drink a sex on the beach.  And it was nice. We then went for a meal at Coast to Coast where I had some more cocktails. But I ate some yummy food too. And I had a lot of fun. 

Sunday was more of a chill day which I was not slightly hung over for... and I went to see my grandparents which was nice and we went for a meal and then looked around my dad's new favourite store. After all this my sister and I just chilled watching TV and playing sims.

To top off this much needed weekend was a bank holiday! Thank God I don't work back holidays. And some friends and I went to the Brickmakers charity event. We had a little catch up, spread some gossip, danced to Amy's boyfriend's band's music and then waited and waited and waited to go on a bouncy castle.  Which was fun enough in itself. I got to wear a funky hat. And I fell over.  So much fun.

To conclude I had a simply great weekend and I would like to thank everyone who helped make it that way. Because recently I really need times like this to look forward to.
See you when I see you!

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